India relations with European Union

India relations with European Union

The 1994 EU-India Cooperation Agreement provides the legal framework for EU-India relations. Since 2000, regular Summits have boosted political, economic and sectorial cooperation underpinned by the formation of the EU-India Strategic PARTNERSHIP in 2004.

At the 14th EU-India Summit, held in New Delhi on 6 October 2017, the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi reviewed progress of the bilateral relationship and enabled the strategic partnership to take a significant step forward in view of International And Regional challenges. The Summit adopted a comprehensive Joint Statement, and 3 joint declarations – on counter-terrorism, on clean energy and Climate change and on a partnership for smart and sustainable Urbanisation. Leaders took stock of the implementation of the comprehensive EU-India Agenda for Action 2020 adopted at the 2016 Summit – a roadmap with practical actions for the next five years.

Regular parliamentary exchanges help to promote understanding and deepen the EU-India partnership. In February 2017 a visit of three different committees from the European Parliament to India took place and in spring 2018 the Indian Parliament re-established the India-European Union Parliamentary Friendship Group.

Foreign Policy and security cooperation

The EU and India discuss foreign policy and security matters in a number of fora and at various levels, including at the Summits. Regular ministerial-level meetings help to move forward the implementation of the Summit conclusions and steer the cooperation. Regular foreign policy and security consultations represent a useful platform to exchange views on the full spectrum of bilateral, regional and global foreign policy issues. Security dialogues or consultations are regularly held on counterterrorism, counter-piracy, cyber-security, and non-proliferation/disarmament. To support these, a series of events are held, for example a Workshop on Countering Online Radicalisation in May 2018 to exchange best practices.

Trade and Investment

The EU is India’s largest trading partner, accounting for 13.2% of India’s overall trade, ahead of China (11.6%) and the United States (9.6%). India is the EU’s 9th largest partner, with the value of EU exports of goods to India amounting to €41.7 billion in 2017. The total value of EU-India tradein goods stood at €85.8 billion in 2017. Major EU exports to India include engineering goods (37%), gems and jewellery (16.8%) and chemical and allied products (10.4%). The primary EU imports include textiles and clothing (17.8%), chemical and allied products (14.1%) and engineering goods (15.2%).

Bilateral trade in commercial Services has almost tripled over the past decade, increasing from €10.5 billion in 2005 to €28.8 billion in 2016. In 2016 the EU exported services worth €13.5 billion (top three sectors: ICT, transport and travel), while it imported €15.3 billion (top three sectors: business services, ICT and travel).

Overall, the EU is the second largest investor in India, with €70 billion of cumulative FDI from April 2000 to March 2017, accounting for almost one-quarter of all investments flows into India. The EU is also key destination for Indian foreign investments. The EU was the third largest recipient (€3.2 billion) of Indian FDIs, after Singapore and Mauritius, in 2016-17.

Given the significant untapped potential in EU-India trade, the two parties have been negotiating an ambitious Free Trade Agreement since 2007, covering, inter alia, effective market access in goods, services and public procurement, as well as a framework for investment including investment protection and rules that frame trade, such as intellectual property and competition. In 2013 the negotiations were put on hold as there was not sufficient progress on key outstanding issues that include improved market access for some goods and services, government procurement, Geographical Indications, Sound investment protection rules and Sustainable Development. Since the EU-India Summit in October 2017, both sides have engaged actively in technical discussions on key issues in order to assess whether to relaunch the negotiations.

Comprehensive sectoral cooperation and contacts between people

The EU and India share a number of interests across a range of policy areas, including energy and Climate ChangeEnvironment; research and innovation; pharmaceuticals; biotechnologies; agriculture, Digital economy and Society; competition policy; macroeconomic issues, sustainable urban development; Migration and mobility; and higher Education. This is reflected in the breadth and depth of EU-India bilateral contacts, which take place in a number of fora and at various levels, including decentralised cooperation between EU and Indian cities. Policy cooperation and dialogue between EU and India in these areas are further enriched and translated into operational cooperation with the help of EU’s Partnership Instrument.

The EU and India remain close partners in the G20 context and have developed a regular macroeconomic dialogue to exchange experience on economic policies and structural reforms.

India has rapidly growing energy needs due to a growing GDP and Population and a huge energy Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE deficit. India is focussing on domestic production, including renewables and nuclear, and on Energy Efficiency. EU-India energy cooperation was considerably strengthened over the past years, which led to the launch of an EU – India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership. The partnership brings together, in a joined-up approach, the EU and its Member States, EU and Indian institutions, businesses and civil society. The aim is to jointly implement concrete projects, to promote access to and disseminate clean energy and climate friendly technologies and encourage research and development. An Energy Panel meets annually at senior officials’ level and an Energy Security working group was launched in 2016. Working groups on various energy sectors are active, including on renewable and energy efficiency. Energy cooperation is thus ongoing on a broad range of energy issues, like smart grids, energy efficiency, offshore wind and solar infrastructure, and research and innovation. India was a key player in achieving a global climate agreement in Paris in December 2015.

India, recognising the importance of fusion energy research in its long-term energy security, participates, with the EU, US, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea, in the international ITER fusion project. ITER is a pioneering project to build and operate an experimental facility to demonstrate the scientific viability of fusion as a future sustainable energy source. Bilaterally the EU and India cooperate under a Euratom Cooperation Agreement on Fusion Energy Research, focussing on projects (20 are ongoing) supporting the success of ITER and the future construction of a fusion electricity demonstration facility (DEMO).

Regarding environment and water, the 2016 Summit launched an EU-India Water Partnership, which was followed by a Memorandum of Understanding. The EU and India also cooperate closely on the Indian Clean Ganga initiative and deal with other water-related challenges in coordinated manner. The EU works in a ‘joined-up’ approach, involving Member States, water authorities, business and NGO’s. Discussions also take place in a Joint Working Group on Environment and an India-EU Environment Forum, along with business, academia and civil society. The dialogue focuses increasingly on global environmental issues including the transition to a Green Economy as well as emerging issues such as air quality.

The EU has provided longstanding support to Indian cities to develop plans for sustainable development, transport, Industry, water and Waste Management, and more recently established city-to-city cooperation between European and Indian cities such as Mumbai, Pune and Chandigarh in a first phase and twelve more cities involved in the current phase. The EU is also providing support to Indian cities to join the Global Covenant of Mayors on climate and clean energy. This cooperation is being formalised in an India-EU Partnership for Smart and Sustainable urbanisation, which will support the Indian ‘Smart Cities’ and ‘AMRUT’ initiatives and will involve EU Member States for policy cooperation, business solutions and joint research & innovation.

The EU and India enjoy strong cooperation in the areas of research and innovation. Regarding academic collaboration in particular, the EU is India’s leading partner in terms of joint publications. Following the conclusion of the EU-India Science & Technology Cooperation Agreement in 2001 (renewed in 2015 until 2020), India became a very active participant in the EC Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation.  Participation in research and innovation funding programme ‘Horizon 2020’ (2014-2020) benefits from a co-funding mechanism agreed with the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in 2016 and most recently with Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) in 2018.  Individual Indian researchers can receive grants from the European Research Council (ERC) or the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). At the India-EU Joint Steering Committee (June 2017, Brussels) and confirmed at the EU-India Summit in October 2017, it was agreed to upscale the collaborative research through joint calls. Both the EU and India are also looking at ways to enhance the innovation partnership by creating, amongst others, Network events where start-ups from India and Europe can meet. An Implementing Arrangement (IA) between the EC and the Indian Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) was signed allowing for short term cooperation between SERB grantees and ERC teams in Europe.




India and the European Union (EU) have a long and close relationship, dating back to the early days of the EU. The two sides have a strong trade and investment relationship, and are working together on a range of issues, including climate change, security, and education.

Trade between India and the EU is worth over €90 billion per year, making the EU India’s second largest trading partner after the United States. The two sides have a free trade agreement, which has helped to boost trade and investment. The EU is also a major investor in India, with over €100 billion invested in the country.

India and the EU are also working together on a range of other issues, including climate change. The two sides have agreed to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to promote sustainable development. They are also working together on security issues, such as terrorism and piracy.

In the field of education, India and the EU have a number of joint programs, including the Erasmus Mundus program, which provides scholarships for students to study in Europe. The two sides are also working together to promote Vocational Education and training.

In the field of culture, India and the EU have a number of cultural exchange programs, such as the EU-India Cultural Programme. The two sides are also working together to promote cultural tourism.

People-to-people ties between India and the EU are strong. There are over 1 million Indians living in the EU, and there are a large number of Europeans living in India. The two sides are working together to promote people-to-people contacts, such as through the EU-India Youth Exchange Programme.

Overall, the relationship between India and the EU is strong and growing. The two sides have a strong trade and investment relationship, and are working together on a range of other issues, including climate change, security, and education. People-to-people ties between India and the EU are also strong.

In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the need to strengthen the India-EU relationship. In 2016, the two sides signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement, which set out a roadmap for cooperation in a range of areas. The agreement has helped to deepen the relationship between the two sides, and has led to a number of concrete initiatives, such as the launch of a joint research and innovation program.

The India-EU relationship is important for both sides. For India, the EU is a major trading partner and a source of investment. The EU is also a key player in global affairs, and India values its cooperation with the EU on issues such as climate change and security. For the EU, India is a major emerging economy with a growing middle class. The EU is also interested in India’s role in regional stability.

The India-EU relationship is likely to continue to grow in the years to come. The two sides have a strong foundation for cooperation, and there is a shared interest in working together to address the challenges of the 21st century.

What is the European Union?

The European Union (EU) is a political and Economic Union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The EU operates through a system of supranational institutions and intergovernmental-negotiated decisions by the member states. It aims to bring about the coordination of member states’ economic policies, a single market in which goods and people move freely, and common policies on trade, agriculture, Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries, and regional development.

What are the benefits of India’s relationship with the European Union?

India’s relationship with the European Union is a key pillar of its foreign policy. The EU is India’s largest trading partner, accounting for over 16% of India’s total trade. The EU is also a major source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into India. In 2019, the EU invested over €10 billion in India.

The EU is also a major partner in India’s development efforts. The EU has provided over €2 billion in development assistance to India since 2000. The EU is also a major partner in India’s efforts to combat climate change.

What are the challenges of India’s relationship with the European Union?

One of the challenges of India’s relationship with the European Union is the difference in size and economic power between the two sides. The EU is a much larger and more powerful economic bloc than India. This can sometimes lead to differences in opinion on trade and other economic issues.

Another challenge is the difference in values between the two sides. The EU is a union of democracies, while India is a Democracy with a strong Hindu nationalist government. This can sometimes lead to differences in opinion on Human Rights and other issues.

What is the future of India’s relationship with the European Union?

Despite the challenges, India’s relationship with the European Union is likely to remain strong in the future. The two sides have a strong economic relationship, and they are working together on a number of development and climate change initiatives. The EU is also a major partner in India’s efforts to combat terrorism.

In the future, India and the EU are likely to work together more closely on a number of issues, including trade, investment, climate change, and terrorism. The two sides are also likely to work together to promote democracy and human rights around the world.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of India, the European Union, and their relations:

  1. Which of the following is not a member of the European Union?
    (A) Germany
    (B) France
    (C) Italy
    (D) India

  2. The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  3. The European Union was founded in 1957 with the signing of the Treaty of Rome.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  4. The European Union’s goal is to promote peace, democracy, and prosperity in Europe.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  5. India is a country in South Asia.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  6. India is the world’s second most populous country.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. India is a member of the G20.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. India has a long history of trade and cultural exchange with Europe.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. The European Union and India have a strong relationship based on shared values and interests.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  10. The European Union and India have a number of agreements in place to promote trade, investment, and cooperation.
    (A) True
    (B) False

I hope these MCQs were helpful!

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