Imperialism and colonialism in Asia and Africa

<2/”>a >Imperialism is a state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. Because it always involves the use of power, whether military force or some subtler form, imperialism has often been considered morally reprehensible, and the term is frequently employed in international propaganda to denounce and discredit an opponent’s Foreign Policy.

European civilization experienced a period of unprecedented rapid expansion around the globe during the last third of the nineteenth century. European nation-states had become very powerful because of industrialization and because of the organizational efficiency of the nation-state.

ÿ European global expansion had actually begun in the fifteenth century, but the process greatly accelerated in the nineteenth century.
ÿ Latin America and the seaports of Asia and Africa were the first to be colonized by Europeans. Native Americans were liquidated or thoroughly subjugated to European rule. Most Latin American descendents (Latinos) of the Spanish conquerors gained independence from Spain by the early 19th century, while many indigenous peoples remained subject.
ÿ The African Climate, disease and geography delayed most European colonization until the 19th century, although the descendents of Dutch settlers, known as Afrikaans or Boers, came to South Africa as early as the 16th century.
ÿ Slavery took a heavy toll on African development ever since the 16th century. Millions of young people of working age were taken away. Great conflict ensued.
ÿ Asia’s Population was too great, its civilization too firmly established for Europeans to rule it directly. The Europeans did establish control over seaports and trade. In places like India and Indonesia, Europeans ruled indirectly through their domination of the local aristocracy.
ÿ England was the leading European colonial power and had already established much of its overseas empire by the beginning of the 19th century.
ÿ France was second, with its holdings in Southeast Asia and in North Africa, both of these being established during the 19th century.
ÿ Portugal, Spain and Holland retained some colonies because they had been the earliest colonial powers, and still retained some of them in the 19th century.
ÿ Germany and Italy were late arrivals on the colonial scene because they had only unified themselves in the 1860’s.
ÿ The United States became a colonial power at the end of the 19th century, after having spent the century moving across the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean. Defeat of Spain in the Spanish-American War led to the establishment of American colonies in the Caribbean and in the Philippines. The Hawaiian Islands were conquered at the sametime. (1890’s)
ÿ Japan was the first Asiatic nation to become a colonial power. Long isolated and refusing to trade with Europeans, except for a limited, controlled trade with Holland, the Japanese were forced to trade by a United States naval squadron in 1845. Subsequently, the Japanese experienced a political revolution. The new Leadership modernized rapidly by adopting European technology and organization.
ÿ The British forced China to open itself to the Opium trade in the 1840’s. China also experienced social upheaval (The Tai Ping rebellion), and was unable to prevent foreign domination of its trade. By the end of the 19th century, England, Germany, Russia, Japan, and the United States had all compelled China to trade with them. Russia occupied Manchuria and Port Arthur, Japan was in Korea, Germany was in the Shantung peninsula, and the British were in Hong Kong.
ÿ The French, the British, the Germans and the Italians competed with each other in the last third of the 19th century to lay claim to Africa. The Belgian king Leopold was also extensively involved. The only remaining areas of Africa not colonized by the end of the century were Ethiopia in the horn of Africa and Liberia on the Atlantic coast.
ÿ Another aspect of European expansion in the last half of the 19th century involved the emigration of large numbers of Europeans to other parts of the world. European population had been increasing more rapidly than non- European populations during this time. Population pressure combined with improved overseas transportation led to the greatest Migration in history up to that time.
ÿ The ease with which Europeans dominated non-European areas of the world is explained by the power they had resulting from industrialization and the nation- state organization.
ÿ But the explanations that Europeans made to themselves were that they were superior to non-European peoples. There were a number of racist ideas widely believed by Europeans:
ÿ Whites were superior to non-whites. One variation was Rudyard Kipling’s idea of the White Man’s Burden. The white man had the burden and responsibility of bringing the blessings of their superior civilization to the savages of the non- European world.
ÿ Another was a variation of Social Darwinism in which white Europeans were considered more fit in the struggle for survival. Another variation was that Christianity was the only true religion.
ÿ Racist attitudes also separated northern Europeans from southern Europeans, Anglo-Saxons, Nordics and Teutons from Latins, and Aryans from Semites.
ÿ Anti-Semitism had traditionally been interpreted on the basis of religion with Jews considered to be Christ-killers. A new anti-Semitic concept of Jews as an inferior race, which endangered the purity of Aryans, developed in the late 19th century, particularly in eastern Europe.
ÿ Vienna, as the capitol of the multi-ethnic Austrian Empire, was a particular site for the greatest variety of anti-Semitic writings.
ÿ Racism and anti-Semitism was a virulent motivating force in 19th century Europe, which boded ill for the future.

Causes of the Rise of Colonialism:

ÿ Many countries of Europe had established their colonies outside. Many reasons were responsible for that.At first, with the Discovery of New Sea-Route, new places and countries were discovered. After Columbus had discovered America, the countries like Spain and Portugal established Colonies in that country. When Vascodagama discovered sea-route to India, Portugal had to establish its colonies in that country. Subsequently, France and England came to establish their colonies in India.
ÿ Secondly, Economic Consideration encouraged colonialism. The countries like England, France, Spain and Portugal established their colonies and wanted to be rich by bringing Money from those colonies.
ÿ Thirdly, the Industrial revolution prompted the countries of Europe to procure raw- materials from outside for their factories. Since, they had no huge quantity of raw- materials for their factories; they had no alternative to bring the same from their colonies. This gave rise to Colonialism.
ÿ Fourthly, some European countries having imperial tendency wanted to send their Surplus Population to outside. That is why they wanted to have their colonies for absorbing surplus population.
ÿ Fifthly, due to the Industrial Revolution, the Capitalists became richer. They decided to invest their surplus money outside. This also gave rise to Colonialism.
ÿ Sixthly, many European countries wanted to educate the backward countries of Asia and Europe. Rudyard keeping, a famous poet of England propounded the theory of ‘White men’s burden’. This prompted England to establish overseas empire. In every sense, this view prompted colonialism.
ÿ Seventhly, many countries of Europe felt that ‘Colonies are the Pride of a Country. Mainly England, France, Germany and Portugal championed this cause. This gave rise to unhealthy competition among the European countries for having more and more colonies.
ÿ Finally, the unstable political condition of some of the countries of Asia and Africa gavescope for the rise of Colonialism. Taking chance of such weakness, the European countries tried to establish their colonies in these countries and thus colonialism got chance to grow.

New phase of imperial expansion began in 1870 and most of Africa and Asia was under control of one European power or another and their rivalries often lead to wars as well. Most of these potential wars were, however, settled in conference rooms of Europe in a quid-pro-quo agreement. For example, after long conflicting claims, in 1904 Britain and France entered into a secret agreement whereby Britain was given a ‘free hand’ in Egypt and France was given an interrupted right of domination over Morocco. When Germany came to know about it, it demanded France to relinquish its claim over Morocco and situation almost reached to brink of war. Situation was finally saved in 1911 after France gave Germany a portion of French Congo and Germany in turn relinquished her claim over Morocco. People of these bargained territories never had a say in decisions regarding their fate Such ‘gentlemen’s agreements’ were often used to solve disputes over colonies and despite these, there was growing militarization of Europe andevery country feared that other country had strengthened her armies more than hers. Strengthening of armies was defended as an exercise in self-defense and a deterrent measure. As a result, tensions started to build up and war seemed to become inevitable. Some even glorified the war as a necessary phase in human progress which ultimately led to First world war.,

Imperialism and colonialism in Asia and Africa had a profound impact on the development of these regions. The European powers that colonized these regions extracted Resources, labor, and wealth, leaving behind a legacy of POVERTY, inequality, and instability.

The Scramble for Africa was a period of rapid European colonization of the African continent in the late 19th century. This period was characterized by intense competition between European powers to acquire territory in Africa. The main motivations for the Scramble for Africa were economic and political. European powers were interested in the Natural Resources of Africa, such as gold, diamonds, and rubber. They were also interested in expanding their empires and gaining control of new markets.

The Opium Wars were two wars fought between China and the British Empire in the 19th century. The first Opium War was fought from 1839 to 1842, and the second Opium War was fought from 1856 to 1860. The main cause of the Opium Wars was the British desire to trade opium in China. The British believed that opium was a valuable commodity that could be used to make money in China. The Chinese government, however, opposed the opium trade, as it was seen as harmful to Chinese Society.

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was a major uprising against British rule in India. The rebellion was sparked by a number of factors, including British economic exploitation of India, the introduction of Western values and customs, and the perceived arrogance of British officials. The rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful, but it had a profound impact on the development of India.

The Boer Wars were two wars fought between the British Empire and the Boer republics of South Africa in the late 19th century. The first Boer War was fought from 1880 to 1881, and the second Boer War was fought from 1899 to 1902. The main cause of the Boer Wars was British expansionism. The British wanted to control the Boer republics, which were located in a strategically important area of South Africa. The Boers, however, resisted British rule, and the two wars were fought to a stalemate.

The Partition of India was the division of the Indian subcontinent into two independent dominions, India and Pakistan, in 1947. The partition was a result of the Indian independence movement, which sought to end British rule in India. The partition was a violent and chaotic process, and it led to the deaths of millions of people.

The Mau Mau Uprising was a guerrilla war fought by the Mau Mau, a Kikuyu nationalist movement, against British colonial rule in Kenya from 1952 to 1960. The Mau Mau Uprising was motivated by the Kikuyu’s desire for independence from British rule. The uprising was ultimately unsuccessful, but it led to the end of British rule in Kenya.

The Algerian War of Independence was a war fought between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) from 1954 to 1962. The war was fought over the issue of Algerian independence from France. The FLN was successful in winning the war, and Algeria gained independence in 1962.

The Rhodesian Bush War was a civil war fought in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) from 1964 to 1979. The war was fought between the Rhodesian government, led by Ian Smith, and the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA) and Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA), two guerrilla movements fighting for independence for Rhodesia. The war ended with the signing of the Lancaster House Agreement in 1979, which led to the establishment of a black majority government in Zimbabwe.

The South African Border War was a proxy war fought between South Africa and the Soviet Union-backed People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) from 1966 to 1989. The war was fought over the issue of Namibian independence from South Africa. South Africa was ultimately unsuccessful in preventing Namibian independence, and Namibia gained independence in 1990.

The effects of imperialism and colonialism in Asia and Africa are still felt today. These effects include political instability, economic inequality, and social unrest. The legacy of imperialism and colonialism is a complex and difficult one to address, but it is essential to understand this history in order to build a better future for these regions.

What is imperialism?

Imperialism is the practice of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.

What is colonialism?

Colonialism is the practice of one country taking control of another country or territory.

What are the causes of imperialism and colonialism?

There are many reasons why countries have engaged in imperialism and colonialism. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Economic factors: Countries have often colonized other countries in order to gain access to their resources, such as land, labor, and raw materials.
  • Political factors: Countries have also colonized other countries in order to increase their power and influence.
  • Social factors: Countries have sometimes colonized other countries in order to spread their culture and values.

What are the effects of imperialism and colonialism?

Imperialism and colonialism have had a profound impact on the countries that have been colonized. Some of the most common effects include:

  • Economic exploitation: Colonized countries have often been exploited economically by their colonizers. This has led to poverty, inequality, and underdevelopment.
  • Political oppression: Colonized countries have often been politically oppressed by their colonizers. This has led to the suppression of Democracy and Human Rights.
  • Cultural destruction: Colonized countries have often had their cultures destroyed or suppressed by their colonizers. This has led to the loss of traditional values and ways of life.

What are the consequences of imperialism and colonialism?

The consequences of imperialism and colonialism are still being felt today. Some of the most common consequences include:

  • Conflict and instability: The legacy of imperialism and colonialism has often led to conflict and instability in colonized countries. This is due to the fact that these countries have often been left with weak institutions, economic problems, and social divisions.
  • Poverty and inequality: The legacy of imperialism and colonialism has also often led to poverty and inequality in colonized countries. This is due to the fact that these countries have often been exploited economically and politically by their colonizers.
  • Racism and discrimination: The legacy of imperialism and colonialism has also often led to racism and discrimination in colonized countries. This is due to the fact that these countries have often been subjected to racial stereotypes and prejudice by their colonizers.

What are the solutions to the problems caused by imperialism and colonialism?

There are many different solutions to the problems caused by imperialism and colonialism. Some of the most common solutions include:

  • Economic Development: One of the most important solutions to the problems caused by imperialism and colonialism is economic development. This will help to reduce poverty and inequality in colonized countries.
  • Political reform: Political reform is also essential to addressing the problems caused by imperialism and colonialism. This will help to strengthen democracy and human rights in colonized countries.
  • Cultural preservation: Cultural preservation is also important to addressing the problems caused by imperialism and colonialism. This will help to protect traditional values and ways of life in colonized countries.
  • Reconciliation: Reconciliation between colonizers and colonized peoples is also essential to addressing the problems caused by imperialism and colonialism. This will help to heal the wounds of the past and build a more just and equitable future.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of imperialism?

(A) The use of military force to conquer and control other countries
(B) The exploitation of natural resources and labor in the colonies
(C) The spread of European culture and values to the colonies
(D) The development of trade and economic ties between the imperial power and the colonies


(C) The spread of European culture and values to the colonies is not a characteristic of imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means. It is often associated with the exploitation of natural resources and labor in the colonies, as well as the development of trade and economic ties between the imperial power and the colonies.

Question 2

Which of the following was not a major cause of the Scramble for Africa?

(A) The decline of the Ottoman Empire
(B) The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
(C) The Industrial Revolution
(D) The invention of the steamship


(D) The invention of the steamship was not a major cause of the Scramble for Africa. The Scramble for Africa was a period of rapid European colonization of Africa in the late 19th century. It was caused by a number of factors, including the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of nationalism in Europe, and the Industrial Revolution.

Question 3

Which of the following was not a major effect of colonialism on Africa?

(A) The development of Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, such as roads and railways
(B) The introduction of new crops and technologies
(C) The spread of Christianity and Islam
(D) The creation of artificial borders that divided ethnic groups


(A) The development of infrastructure, such as roads and railways, was not a major effect of colonialism on Africa. Colonialism had a number of negative effects on Africa, including the exploitation of natural resources and labor, the destruction of traditional cultures, and the creation of artificial borders that divided ethnic groups.

Question 4

Which of the following was not a major cause of the decolonization of Africa?

(A) The rise of African nationalism
(B) The Cold War
(C) The independence of India
(D) The Second World War


(C) The independence of India was not a major cause of the decolonization of Africa. The decolonization of Africa was a process that began in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when a number of African countries gained their independence from European colonial powers. The main causes of decolonization were the rise of African nationalism, the Cold War, and the Second World War.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a major challenge facing Africa today?

(A) Poverty
(B) Disease
(C) Conflict
(D) Economic development


(D) Economic development is not a major challenge facing Africa today. Africa is a continent with a number of challenges, including poverty, disease, and conflict. However, economic development is not one of the most pressing challenges facing Africa today.

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