Human Values Lessons

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Human Values :Lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, administrators

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, or Mahatma Gandhi as he is fondly called, was the greatest political figure in India’s history. Hailed as the Father of the Nation, Gandhi inspired Indians with his non-violent movements for civil rights and freedom from the British rule. He had an outstanding approach fighting for the rights of the people. Gandhi was an inspiration for many and a claimant of truth and simplicity. His autobiography, ‘My Experiments with Truth’, gives a detailed insight into his life from the time he was a child. The life of Mahatma Gandhi is full of lessons that still inspire people across the world. Here are top 10 lessons to learn from Mahatma’s life:

We become what we think: Gandhi said that we are the expression of our own thoughts. If we think we will fail and will not reach our goal then our own definition of success can never be realised. Positive and negative thoughts together bombard our minds, but we should try to eliminate the negative ones and retain the positives. Our thoughts shape our nature and, therefore, we become what we think.

Never give up and be consistent: Mahatma Gandhi never gave up; he was imprisoned several times but he fought consistently fought for freedom. In the same way we should persistently pursue whatever goals we have set for ourselves until we reach our intended destination and achieve our dreams. It is befitting to have a great plan so that we can see the success through it. And consistency always helps us in realizing our dreams.

Action speaks the priority: If the goal in our life is very important and we are not taking any step to complete or fulfil that goal then we need to reassess our priorities. This depicts that we are not serious in completing our goal and we have not evaluated our objective closely. If this is the reason then we must run through the priorities and take the necessary action to reach those goals.

Route to goal is as divine as goal itself: Mahatma Gandhi was a man of strong character. He didn’t employ any method to achieve independence that was against his conscience. He upheld non-violence as the most potent weapon for India’s independence. Gandhi always kept his inner conscience above everything. We, too, should follow a moral path to meet our dreams and reach our destination. And not that way which can bring any ingloriousness.

An honest ‘No’ is better than a dishonest ‘Yes’: People often say ‘Yes’ instead of ‘No’ out of compulsion or simply to appease the other. They often confabulate or take part in activities and dealings without a personal interest. Gandhi said that saying yes when you actually do not mean it can lead you nowhere. On the other hand it creates a drift, indignation and umbrage amongst the people whom you have been closed once. So, a yes must always be expressed with a strong conviction.

Peace is within and not affected by outside circumstances: Do we really seek peace within ourselves? The answer will, most probably, be ‘No’ because we have defined peace by external and delusive factors. We meet someone for the first time and his opinion matters to us so much that our confidence pulverizes. Instead we should try to do introspection and listen to our inner voice and find peace within unaffected by outside forces.

Happiness is anything done with harmony: Happiness and harmony in today’s world is very unimaginable and superlative. Living in harmony is something that we can achieve and it is something that is composed with our values. If our own values have difference then we will not be able to reach the level of harmony. Mahatma Gandhi concluded that only when our thoughts, actions and words are balanced and connected to each other, can we achieve true harmony.

Forgiveness is the component of the strong and not of weak: To forgive the person who has hurt you once is not easy. It takes great courage to exonerate and move ahead in life. But he who is able to do so is truly a man of great and strong values. If we don’t forgive then we make a fence of disapprobation around us and it is difficult to continue in life. We should forgive and forget other people’s mistake to lead an uncomplicated life.

Mental strength is more important than physical: Strength can be in various forms. In life it is more important to have a strong mind – also called will power – than a super strong body. A man with a strong will can literally move Mountains even if he may not be a Hercules. Strength is choosing what is right despite the choice being difficult. Gandhi was not a physically strong man but it was his sheer will power that forced the British on their knees.

Change yourself before you wish to see the change in the world: Gandhi said that before we expect to see our desired qualities in others, we should assimilate them in ourselves. We all are wonderful and extremely beautiful from the inside and the more we will see the same thing in others, we shall get the same in return. We should be loving and kind towards everyone and we will be able to see the amazing world outside.


Dalai lama

Be compassionate

Research now shows that when you are compassionate, you experience a similar feeling of pleasure as when you have sex, good food or a relaxing holiday. Basically, showing compassion is good for your Health. Take compassionate action and get the “giver’s high.” Benefits are reduced Stress, more regular heart beat and improved immune system. You can show compassion by understanding the person’s feelings and emotions. That means talking to them and trying to share what they are going through. It is more demanding than a mere act of kindness. If you are compassionate, you are going to get emotionally involved. You also ask what help is needed. You could apply this to:

  • A friend who is ill
  • Someone who has lost their job
  • A relative who has been bereaved
  •  Someone going through a separation
  • A homeless person

Be kind and help others

Being kind and generous costs little and the benefits you gain in happiness are considerable. That was the conclusion that Michael Norton and colleagues at the Harvard Business School came to, after doing some very interesting research. The volunteers who gave away some Money were happier than those who had spent it on themselves.

Find happiness

In the rat race, the one thing you really want at the end of the day is the capacity to find happiness. When he was interviewed about this, the Dalai Lama said that we are bombarded with messages about material possessions. There are very few messages about forgiving, being compassionate, patient, tolerant, and kind. You really have to give those values top priority in order to be happy.

Don’t argue or fight; just negotiate

“Non-violence means dialogue, using our language, the human language. Dialogue means compromise; respecting each other’s rights; in the spirit of reconciliation there is a real solution to conflict and disagreement. There is no hundred percent winner, no hundred percent loser—not that way but half-and-half. That is the practical way, the only way.”


Human values are the principles that guide our actions and help us live together in harmony. They are the foundation of a just and equitable Society, and they are essential for our individual and collective well-being.

There are many different human values, but some of the most important ones include respect, responsibility, honesty, courage, kindness, fairness, perseverance, self-discipline, gratitude, humility, open-mindedness, compassion, love, peace, hope, and faith.

Respect is the ability to value and appreciate the worth of others, regardless of their differences. It is essential for building strong relationships and creating a cohesive society.

Responsibility is the ability to be accountable for our actions and choices. It is important for maintaining order and stability in society.

Honesty is the quality of being truthful and fair. It is essential for building trust and cooperation.

Courage is the ability to face danger or difficulty without fear. It is important for standing up for what we believe in and protecting others.

Kindness is the quality of being generous and considerate. It is important for creating a warm and welcoming Environment.

Fairness is the quality of being impartial and just. It is important for ensuring that everyone is treated equally.

Perseverance is the ability to continue working towards a goal even in the face of obstacles. It is important for achieving success.

Self-discipline is the ability to control our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is important for making good choices and achieving our goals.

Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation for the good things in our lives. It is important for maintaining a positive outlook and feeling content.

Humility is the quality of being modest and unassuming. It is important for being open to Learning and Growth.

Open-mindedness is the quality of being willing to consider new ideas and perspectives. It is important for understanding the world around us and making informed decisions.

Compassion is the feeling of sympathy and concern for others. It is important for building strong relationships and creating a just society.

Love is the feeling of deep affection and care for another person. It is one of the most powerful human emotions and it can bring great joy and happiness.

Peace is the state of being free from conflict or disturbance. It is important for our physical and mental well-being.

Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. It is important for motivating us to take action and achieve our goals.

Faith is the belief in something that cannot be proven. It is important for providing us with strength and comfort in difficult times.

Human values are essential for our individual and collective well-being. They are the foundation of a just and equitable society, and they are the principles that guide our actions and help us live together in harmony.

We can all learn and practice human values in our daily lives. Here are a few tips:

Human values are the foundation of a good and just society. When we all strive to live by these values, we can create a world that is more peaceful, more just, and more loving.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of a human brain. This includes learning from experience, solving problems, and making decisions.

What are the different types of artificial intelligence?

There are many different types of AI, but some of the most common include:

What are the benefits of artificial intelligence?

AI has many potential benefits, including:

What are the risks of artificial intelligence?

AI also has some potential risks, including:

How can we mitigate the risks of artificial intelligence?

There are a number of ways to mitigate the risks of AI, including:

What is the future of artificial intelligence?

The future of AI is uncertain, but it is likely to have a significant impact on our lives. AI could be used to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as Climate change and POVERTY. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks of AI and to take steps to mitigate them.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the following topics:

  1. Human Values

  2. What is the most important human value?
    (A) Love
    (B) Respect
    (C) Honesty
    (D) Kindness

  3. Which of the following is not a human value?
    (A) Greed
    (B) Compassion
    (C) Forgiveness
    (D) Hatred

  4. Which of the following is the best way to show respect to others?
    (A) Be polite and courteous.
    (B) Listen to them attentively.
    (C) Treat them with dignity and fairness.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. Ethics

  6. What is ethics?
    (A) The study of morality
    (B) The study of right and wrong
    (C) The study of good and evil
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is not an ethical principle?
    (A) Autonomy
    (B) Beneficence
    (C) Non-maleficence
    (D) Justice

  8. Which of the following is the best way to make an ethical decision?
    (A) Consider the consequences of your actions.
    (B) Consult with others who have more experience.
    (C) Follow your conscience.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Morality

  10. What is morality?
    (A) A set of beliefs about what is right and wrong
    (B) A set of rules that govern behavior
    (C) A set of values that guide behavior
    (D) All of the above.

  11. Which of the following is not a moral principle?
    (A) Honesty
    (B) Respect
    (C) Compassion
    (D) Selfishness

  12. Which of the following is the best way to develop a strong moral character?
    (A) Learn from your mistakes.
    (B) Be honest with yourself and others.
    (C) Be kind and compassionate to others.
    (D) All of the above.

  13. Social Justice

  14. What is social justice?
    (A) The fair and equal treatment of all people
    (B) The elimination of discrimination and oppression
    (C) The creation of a just and equitable society
    (D) All of the above.

  15. Which of the following is not an example of social injustice?
    (A) Racism
    (B) Sexism
    (C) Classism
    (D) Ageism

  16. Which of the following is the best way to promote social justice?
    (A) Speak out against injustice.
    (B) Support organizations that work for social justice.
    (C) Vote for candidates who support social justice.
    (D) All of the above.

  17. Human Rights

  18. What are human rights?
    (A) The rights that all people have, simply because they are human
    (B) The rights that are guaranteed by law
    (C) The rights that are recognized by international law
    (D) All of the above.

  19. Which of the following is not a human right?
    (A) The right to life
    (B) The right to Liberty and security of person
    (C) The right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
    (D) The right to own property

  20. Which of the following is the best way to protect human rights?
    (A) Raise awareness about human rights.
    (B) Support organizations that work to protect human rights.
    (C) Hold governments accountable for human rights violations.
    (D) All of the above.

I hope these MCQs are helpful!

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