Human Migration

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Human Migration

Human migration, the permanent change of residence by an individual or group; it excludes such movements as nomadism, migrant labour, commuting, and tourism, all of which are transitory in nature.

Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling in the new location. When large numbers of people relocate, historians ask questions about why these people moved and what impacts their movements had.

There are two categories of factors that influence people’s decisions to migrate. Push factors occur where someone is currently living and make continuing to live there less attractive. A push factor could be political unrest, a lack of job opportunities, or overcrowding. Pull factors occur in a potential destination and make it an attractive place to migrate to. A pull factor could be better job opportunities or having relatives or friends who have already moved to this location.

Refugee problem of the World

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are 65.6 million refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and asylum seekers across the world. One in every 113 people on Earth has now been driven from their home by persecution, conflict and violence or Human Rights violations. Roughly 50% of all refugees are children under the age of 18 – despite the fact that children only make up about 30% of the world’s Population.

The number of refugees has nearly doubled in the past 20 years. We live in a rapidly changing world in which refugees and forced migration have a significant impact on the economic, political and social agendas of sovereign states, intergovernmental agencies and civil Society groups. Refugees have been the focus of considerable public concern in recent years and of a range of government and community responses.

Some of the world’s main refugee crisis are as follows:


The Syria crisis has accelerated more dramatically than any crisis on earth, and Syrians continue to be the largest forcibly displaced population in the world. After war erupted in March 2011, it took two years for 1 million people to be displaced. Another million were displaced within six months. Now seven years on, more than half of the pre-war population has been internally displaced or forced to seek safety in neighboring countries. That’s more than 11 million people on the run, including some 6.3 million people who have escaped across the borders.


Years of Unemployment, insecurity and political instability have led to a massive migration from Afghanistan. Over one million people are estimated to be living in new and prolonged displacement, while nearly 2.6 million people have been forced to leave the country to Iran, Pakistan or Europe.  The United Nations estimates that an Average 1,100 people a day — mostly Women and children — were forcibly displaced by violence in 2017. Today, over half of people displaced by conflict in Afghanistan have been displaced at least twice, compared to just 7 percent five years ago.

South Sudan

The situation in South Sudan is dire, and the largest refugee crisis in Africa. More than 4 million people have been uprooted from their homes since the start of a brutal civil war in 2013, including about 2.4 million people who have been forced to cross into neighboring countries, the majority of them women and children.

Ongoing warfare, flooding and drought continue to worsen what is already a dangerous humanitarian crisis. There are massive needs for clean water, Health care, sanitation, food, shelter, and protection across the country, and millions of people now require urgent support to survive.


Since violence broke out in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine State in August 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya have fled to Cox’s Bazar in southeast Bangladesh. Before the crisis began, Bangladesh was already grappling with its own humanitarian challenges, and hosting some 212,000 Rohingya who had escaped Myanmar during earlier periods of violence and persecution.

The speed and scale of the influx over the course of a three-month period last fall has placed tremendous strain on host communities and Bangladesh as a whole, making it one of the world’s largest and worst refugee crises.

Today, there are some 932,000 Rohingya seeking refuge in Bangladesh and at least 1.3 million people — Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi host communities — who rely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs. More than half of them are children. These populations live in desperately overcrowded camps and communities, highly vulnerable to oncoming monsoon and cyclone seasons.


More than two decades of ongoing conflict and natural hazards such as prolonged drought and flooding have driven nearly 1 million Somalis to live in destitute refugee camps in the Horn of Africa and Yemen, while some 2.1 million people remain displaced within the country.

Almost half of the country is in need of assistance, and some 2.5 million people are unable to meet daily food needs, including over 300,000 children suffering from acute Malnutrition.

Causes of refugee crisis

Religious/Racial/Political Persecution

The most common reason people become refugees is persecution — which can take on many forms: religious, national, social, racial, or political.  When it comes to religious refugees in the United States, the split between Christians and Muslims is quite even. According to Pew, 46% of refugees in 2016 who came to the US were Muslim and 44% Christian; 10% were other, including Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews.   Around the world, religious refugees are everywhere: from Muslims persecuted in Myanmar to Christians in the Central African Republic to Hindus in Pakistan.  


Most of history’s refugees have been the direct or indirect product of war.   Currently, the largest group of refugees in the world are fleeing civil conflict in Syria, which has been raging since 2011 and has killed 400,000 Syrians and displaced 6.3 million internally. Another 5 million have left the country entirely.   

But before Syria, refugees fled wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in droves in the early 1980s, 90s and 2000s. Afghanistan, notably, had the largest number of refugees of any country in the world for more than two decades between 1981 and 2013, before being overtaken by Syria that year.



Gender/Sexual Orientation

This past June, France became the first country to accept a gay Chechen refugee — a monumental decision that had global reverberations. The UNHCR updated its guidelines to include refugees for reasons of gender or sexual orientation in 2012.

It is widely documented that LGBTI individuals are the targets of killings, sexual and gender-based violence, physical attacks, torture, arbitrary detention, accusations of immoral or deviant behavior, denial of the rights to assembly, expression and information, and discrimination in EMPLOYMENT, health and Education in all regions around the world.


It’s estimated that 20 million people in four North African and Middle Eastern countries — Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Yemen — are facing extreme drought, and many of these individuals are becoming refugees, forced from their homelands in search of stable food sources.   There are about 17 million displaced persons across the African continent, the Guardian reports, and only a small proportion of them are reaching the shores of the European continent. Many end up in sprawling, informal refugee camps like the town of Monguno in northeastern Nigeria.

Climate Change  

It’s estimated that in the next 83 years, a stunning 13 million coastal dwellers could be displaced by Climate Change, joining the teeming throngs of refugees and displaced people.  Officially, climate change is not yet a valid reason for an asylum claim. In 2013, the first climate change refugee asylum case was shot down by the New Zealand High Court when a Kiribati man attempted to claim that status by law.


Rohingya refugee crisis and india’s challenge

The Rohingya crisis could be seen as merely symptomatic of modern Myanmar being long mired in internal conflict. At the root of these conflicts is the inability of the Buddhist-majority community to accept that the nation is a multiracial, multilingual and multireligious society. The Rohingya Muslims question is part of this larger problem. Historically, the entry of the military into politics and the continuing struggle for power between the military and the civilian—with the military seeing itself as the protector of the nation—is an outcome of the narrowly defined nationalistic outlook. In such a construct of what makes the Myanmar ‘nation’, the Rohingya-Muslim community are doubly disadvantaged. First, unlike the rest of the other ethnic minorities, the Rohingyas are regarded as “illegal immigrants”. Second, the acrimonious relationship between the Rakhine ethnic group (also Buddhists) and the politically dominant Bamar-Buddhist majority meant that the Rohingyas are unlikely to be favoured by the central government at the cost of the Rakhines. Third, the Rohingyas suffer from the general negative sentiment against Muslims and are easy targets of vitriolic attacks and pronouncements from ultra-nationalist Buddhist forces. Further, the opening up of the nation with the democratisation process allowed these sentiments to express themselves more freely, with consequences on the fragile social fabric of the nation and on the future of the country’s Democracy itself.

India’s response to the Rohingya crisis has evolved swiftly. Three phases are identifiable. In the first phase that began with the eruption of violent conflicts between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State in 2012, Delhi considered it an ‘internal affair’ but was sympathetic to Myanmar. The then External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid visited Rakhine State and announced a US$ 1-million package of relief assistance to Myanmar. Wittingly or not, India also allowed Rohingya refugees to enter the country and did not make it an issue in its domestic politics or in its bilateral relations with Myanmar. A few days after Minister Khurshid’s Rakhine visit, then UN High Commissioner for Refugees (and currently UN Secretary General) Antonio Guterres visited India and expressed “high appreciation for India’s age-old tradition of Tolerance and understanding which manifested itself in its current policy of protecting and assisting refugees” and its “strict adherence to the principle of non-refoulement and voluntary repatriation.”When the BJP-led NDA government came to power in May 2014, it tacitly endorsed the position of the UPA government. In 2015, the Rohingya crisis assumed a regional dimension when Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia all turned away overcrowded boats carrying Rohingyas attempting to land on their shores, leaving hundreds in the high seas.There were calls for Delhi to help rescue the Rohingyas, but India decided to look the other way. This happened soon after the devastating earthquake in Nepal where India was quick to extend assistance.

The second phase of India’s Rohingya approach began sometime in mid-2017 with the announcement of the government’s plans to deport the Rohingyas who have settled in different parts of India. While answering a question in Parliament on 9 August 2017, India’s Minister of State for Home Affairs, Kiren Rijiju said the government was planning to deport Rohingyas from India because they are “illegal immigrants.” The minister later clarified that the deportation plan was “not yet firmed up.” According to media reports citing government estimates, the number of Rohingyas in India was 10,500 in 2015 and increased four times to 40,000 in the following two years. A month after the announcement of the deportation plan and soon after the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), a Rohingya insurgent group formed in 2013—staged attacks on police and army outposts in northern Rakhine State, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Myanmar. The joint statement issued during the visit “condemned the recent terrorist attacks” in Rakhine but was silent about the Rohingya refugee crisis. The one-sided position of the Indian government had to be nuanced when Bangladesh, the country that bore the brunt of the refugee outflow, sought India’s help. On 14 September 2017, India launched “Operation Insaniyat” to provide relief assistance for the refugee camps in Bangladesh.Delhi’s decision to extend help fits into its desire to de-incentivise Rohingya refugees entering into India. As Delhi recalibrated its approach, the West Bengal government adopted a contrary position to the central government by expressing its support for the Rohingya refugees.Though the West Bengal government’s position did not change the central government’s Rohingya approach, it sent a message to Delhi that it needed to take into account voices of state governments on the issue. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj visited Dhaka on 9 October 2017 and reassured the Bangladeshi government of Delhi’s support.






Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another. It can be voluntary or involuntary, and it can be for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of human migration include war, persecution, economic opportunity, and natural disasters.

There are many different types of human migration. Some of the most common types include internal migration, international migration, and forced migration. Internal migration is the movement of people within a country. International migration is the movement of people from one country to another. Forced migration is the movement of people who are forced to leave their homes due to war, persecution, or natural disasters.

Human migration can have a variety of effects on both the migrants themselves and the places they leave and arrive in. Some of the positive effects of human migration include economic Growth, cultural enrichment, and the spread of ideas. Some of the negative effects of human migration include social unrest, crime, and Environmental Degradation.

Human migration has been a part of human history for as long as humans have existed. The first humans migrated out of Africa and into other parts of the world thousands of years ago. Throughout history, people have migrated for a variety of reasons, including war, famine, and religious persecution.

In recent years, the rate of human migration has increased significantly. This is due to a number of factors, including Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization, economic inequality, and climate change. According to the United Nations, the number of international migrants worldwide is expected to reach 821 million by 2025.

There are a number of policies and laws related to human migration. Some of the most important policies include those that regulate immigration, asylum, and refugee status. Immigration policies determine who is allowed to enter a country and under what conditions. Asylum policies provide protection for people who have fled their home countries due to persecution. Refugee status is a legal designation that is given to people who have been forced to flee their home countries due to war, violence, or persecution.

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that all human beings are entitled to, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, gender, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life, Liberty, and security of person; the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; the right to freedom from slavery and servitude; the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; and the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Human rights are important for all human beings, including migrants. Migrants are entitled to the same human rights as everyone else. However, migrants often face discrimination and abuse. They may be denied access to basic Services, such as education and healthcare. They may also be subjected to violence and exploitation.

The future of human migration is uncertain. However, it is likely that the rate of human migration will continue to increase in the coming years. This is due to a number of factors, including globalization, economic inequality, and climate change. The international community needs to develop policies and laws that protect the human rights of migrants and ensure that they have access to basic services.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.

What is the difference between a fact and an opinion?

A fact is a statement that can be proven to be true or false. An opinion is a belief or judgment that is not necessarily true or false.

What is the difference between a cause and an effect?

A cause is an event or action that brings about a result. An effect is the result of a cause.

What is the difference between a correlation and a causation?

A correlation is a relationship between two variables that shows that they tend to vary together. A causation is a relationship between two variables in which one variable causes the other to change.

What is the difference between a dependent and an independent variable?

In an experiment, the dependent variable is the one that is being measured or observed. The independent variable is the one that is being changed by the experimenter.

What is the difference between a control group and an experimental group?

In an experiment, the control group is the group that does not receive the treatment being tested. The experimental group is the group that receives the treatment being tested.

What is the difference between a random sample and a biased sample?

A random sample is a sample that is selected in such a way that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. A biased sample is a sample that is not selected in a random way.

What is the difference between a descriptive statistic and an inferential statistic?

A descriptive statistic is a statistic that is used to describe a set of data. An inferential statistic is a statistic that is used to make inferences about a population based on a sample.

What is the difference between a mean and a Median?

The mean is the average of a set of numbers. The median is the middle number in a set of numbers arranged in order from least to greatest.

What is the difference between a mode and a range?

The mode is the most frequent number in a set of numbers. The range is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set of numbers.

What is the difference between a standard deviation and a Variance?

The standard deviation is a measure of how spread out a set of numbers is. The variance is a measure of how much variation there is in a set of numbers.

What is the difference between a normal distribution and a skewed distribution?

A normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve that is symmetrical around the mean. A skewed distribution is a curve that is not symmetrical around the mean.

What is the difference between a correlation coefficient and a p-value?

A correlation coefficient is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables. A p-value is a measure of the Probability that the observed correlation between two variables is due to chance.

What is the difference between a hypothesis test and a confidence interval?

A hypothesis test is a statistical test that is used to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between two groups. A confidence interval is a range of values that is likely to contain the true value of a population parameter.

What is the difference between a significance level and a power?

The significance level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. The power is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.

What is the difference between a type I error and a type II error?

A type I error is the error of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. A type II error is the error of failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false.

Question 1

The movement of people from one place to another is called:

(A) Migration
(B) Immigration
(C) Emigration
(D) Diaspora

(A) Migration is the movement of people from one place to another, whether it is within a country or to another country.

Question 2

The movement of people into a country is called:

(A) Migration
(B) Immigration
(C) Emigration
(D) Diaspora

(B) Immigration is the movement of people into a country.

Question 3

The movement of people out of a country is called:

(A) Migration
(B) Immigration
(C) Emigration
(D) Diaspora

(C) Emigration is the movement of people out of a country.

Question 4

A group of people who have been dispersed from their original homeland is called:

(A) Migration
(B) Immigration
(C) Emigration
(D) Diaspora

(D) A diaspora is a group of people who have been dispersed from their original homeland.

Question 5

The main reason for human migration is:

(A) To find a better life
(B) To escape war or persecution
(C) To reunite with family or friends
(D) To study or work

(A) The main reason for human migration is to find a better life. This could mean a better job, a higher standard of living, or more opportunities for education and advancement.

Question 6

The largest migration in human history was:

(A) The African slave trade
(B) The European colonization of the Americas
(C) The Chinese diaspora
(D) The Indian Diaspora

(A) The African slave trade was the largest migration in human history. Between 1500 and 1870, an estimated 12 million Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas as slaves.

Question 7

The most common destination for migrants is:

(A) The United States
(B) Europe
(C) Asia
(D) Africa

(A) The United States is the most common destination for migrants. In 2017, there were an estimated 44.5 million international migrants living in the United States.

Question 8

The most common reason for migration is:

(A) To find a better life
(B) To escape war or persecution
(C) To reunite with family or friends
(D) To study or work

(A) The most common reason for migration is to find a better life. This could mean a better job, a higher standard of living, or more opportunities for education and advancement.

Question 9

The most common type of migration is:

(A) Internal migration
(B) International migration
(C) Rural-to-urban migration
(D) Urban-to-rural migration

(A) Internal migration is the most common type of migration. This is the movement of people within a country.

Question 10

The most common cause of internal migration is:

(A) To find a better job
(B) To escape POVERTY
(C) To reunite with family or friends
(D) To study or work

(A) The most common cause of internal migration is to find a better job. This could mean a job with higher pay, better benefits, or more opportunities for advancement.

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