Human Characteristics – Population, Census, Population Growth. Density and Distribution. Birth rate, Mortality rate, Infant Mortality rate, Migration, Literacy

Census Of India : Economic and Social features

Rural and urban Population

Altogether, 833.5 million persons live in rural area as per Census 2011, which was more than two-third of the total population, while 377.1 million persons live in urban areas. Urban proportion has gone up from 17.3 per cent in 1951 to 31.2 per cent in 2011. Empowered Action Group (EAG) states have lower urban proportion (21.1 per cent) in comparison to non-EAG states (39.7 per cent). Highest proportion of urban population is in NCT Delhi (97.5 per cent). Top five states in share of urban population are Goa (62.2 per cent), Mizoram (52.1 per cent), Tamil Nadu (48.4 per cent), Kerala (47.7 per cent) and Maharashtra (45.2 per cent).

Sex ratio

The sex ratio of population in the country in 2011 stands at 940 female against 1000 males, which is 10 per cent more than the last census when the number female per thousand male stood at 933. Haryana has the dubious distinction of having the worst male-female ratio among all states while Kerala fares the best. The number of females per 1000 males in Haryana in 2011 stands at 879 followed by Jammu and Kashmir (889 female) and Punjab (895 females).

The other two worst-performing states in terms of skewed sex ration are Uttar Pradesh (912 females) and Bihar (918 females). Five top performing states in terms of sex ratio were Kerala (1,084 females), Tamil Nadu (996), Andhra Pradesh (993), Chhattisgarh (991), Odisha (979).

SC/ST data

According to the Census, Scheduled Castes are notified in 31 states and UTs and Scheduled Tribes in 30 states. There are altogether 1,241 individual ethnic groups, etc. notified as SC’s in different states and UT’s. The number of individual ethnic groups, etc. notified as ST’s is 705. There has been some changes in the list of SC’s/ST’s in states and UT’s during the last decade. The SC population in India now stands at 201.4 million, which is 20 per cent more than the last census. The ST population stands at 104.3 million in 2011 – 23.7 per cent more than 2001.

Religious demographics

The religious data on India Census 2011 was released by the Government of India on 25 August 2015. Hindus are 79.8% (966.3 million), while Muslims are 14.23% (172.2 million) in India. For the first time, a “No religion” category was added in the 2011 census. 2.87 million Were classified as people belonging to “No Religion” in India in the 2011 census. – 0.24% of India’s population of 1.21 billion. Given below is the decade-by-decade religious composition of India till the 2011 census. There are six religions in India that have been awarded “National Minority” status – Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Parsis.

State of Literacy

The literacy rate is calculated for the population above 7 years. I attach more importance to the female literacy rate than the overall literacy rate. Kerala has the highest literacy rate, both for males (96%) and females (92%). At the other end is Bihar where the male literacy rate is 73% while the female literacy rate is 53%. It means that almost half of the female population is illiterate. What Education policy can we then formulate for the whole country? The policy must be state and region-specific.

Worsening Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years)

The Child Sex Ratio stands for the number of girls per 1000 boys in the age group 0-6 years. The most disturbing aspect of 2011 census data by far is the growing imbalance between the sexes in the youngest age group (0-6) which is indicative of female foeticide. In short, the girl child is not wanted and therefore not allowed to be born, thanks to the use of modern medical technology.

The CSR has continuously declined from 976 in 1961 to 914 in 2011. It should certainly be a cause for concern to our leaders of Society and the government.


Decline in Child Population

The 2011 Census is the first one in many decades which counted less absolute number of children in the 0-6 age group. Compared to 2001 Census count of 164 million children, there were 159 million children in 2011, or there were 5 million fewer children in India. This is evident in the share of children in the total population, which declined from 16 percent in 2001 to 13.1 percent in 2011. Among the major states, the only exceptions were Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir, which reported some absolute increase in their child population. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu, children aged 0-6 constitute less than 10 percent of the population but in Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar, children’s share in the total population is almost 18 percent. The decline in child population reflects decline in fertility; total fertility rate in India has come down from an Average of 3.1 children born per woman in 2001 to 2.7 in 2009.

Labour force

As per the Census 2001, the Indian workforce is over 400 million strong, which constitutes 39.1 % of the total population of the country. The workers comprise 312 million main workers and 88 million marginal workers (i.e., those who did not work for at least 183 days in the preceding 12 months to the census taking) Sex differential among the number of male and female worker in the total workforce is significant. Of the total 402 million workers, 275 million are males and 127 million females. This would mean that 51.7 percent of the total males and 25.6 percent of the total females are workers. The number of female workers is about less than half the number of male workers. In terms of proportion, 68.4 percent of the workers are males and 31.6 percent females.o the census taking).

Main workers constitute 77.8 percent of the total workers. The remaining are marginal workers. Among the main workers, female workers, are only 23.3 % and 76.7% are male workers. Majority of female workers (87.3 percent) are from rural areas. This is also twice that of male workers, which may be due to their being employed predominantly in activities like cultivation and agricultural labour. In the urban areas, majority of female workers are engaged in Households Industry and other work.


India is the second most populous country in the world next only to China. On March 1, 2011 the total population of India was at 1.247 billion. This accounted for 17.5% of the world’s total population. In other words, about every sixth person in the world there is an Indian. China, the most populous country of the world, is a step ahead of us as every fifth person in the world there is a Chinese. While India possesses only 2.42% of the world’s total land area, she is required to sustain almost 17.5% of the world’s population.

Two components of population Growth are: Natural growth: It is analysed by assessing the crude birth and death rates. Induced growth: It is assessed by the volume of inward and outward movement of people in any given area. There are four phases of Population Growth in India. The period from 1901-1921 is referred to as a period of stagnant growth of India’s population. The high birth rate was counterbalanced by high death rate. The decades 1921-1951 are referred to as the period of steady population growth. The mortality rate started showing downward trend as a result of improvement in general Health and sanitation conditions after 1921.

The density of population is expressed as the number of persons per square kilometre. According to 2011 census, the density of population in India is 382 persons per square kilometre. Over the last 100 years density has increased more than four times.

Density and its variation across states can be accessed by the following table:-

State Area Sq. Km Density 2011 Density 2001 Density


India (Average) 3,287,240 382 324
1 Delhi 1,483 11,320 9,340
2 Chandigarh 114 9,258 7,900
3 Puducherry 490 2,547 2,034
4 Daman and Diu 111 2,191 1,413
5 Lakshadweep 30 2,149 1,895
6 Bihar 94,163 1,106 881
7 West Bengal 88,752 1,028 903
8 Kerala 38,852 860 819
9 Uttar Pradesh 240,928 829 690
10 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 491 700 449
11 Haryana 44,212 573 478
12 Tamil Nadu 130,060 555 480
13 Punjab 50,362 551 484
14 Jharkhand 79,716 414 338
15 Assam 78,438 398 340
16 Goa 3,702 394 364
17 Maharashtra 307,713 365 315
18 Tripura 10,486 350 305
19 Karnataka 191,791 319 276
20 Gujarat 196,244 308 258
21 Andhra Pradesh 275,045 308 277
22 Orissa 155,707 270 236
23 Madhya Pradesh 308,252 236 196
24 Rajasthan 342,239 200 165
25 Uttarakhand 53,483 189 159
26 Chhattisgarh 135,192 189 154
27 Meghalaya 22,429 132 103
28 Manipur 22,327 128 103
29 Himachal Pradesh 55,673 123 109
30 Nagaland 16,579 119 120
31 Sikkim 7,096 86 76
32 Jammu and Kashmir 222,236 56 46
33 Mizoram 21,081 52 42
34 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 8,249 46 43
35 Arunachal Pradesh 83,743 17 13







The population of a country or region is the total number of people living there. It is usually measured at a specific time, such as the end of a year. The population of the world is currently over 7.8 billion people.


A census is a survey of a population. It is usually conducted by a government to collect information about the population, such as age, sex, race, and ethnicity. Census data is used to plan for the future, such as by building schools and hospitals.

Population Growth

Population growth is the increase in the number of people in a population. It is usually measured as the Percentage change in the population from one year to the next. The population of the world is growing at a rate of about 1% per year.

Density and Distribution

Population density is the number of people living in a given area. It is usually measured as the number of people per square kilometer. The population density of the world is about 50 people per square kilometer. However, population density varies greatly from place to place. For example, the population density of Bangladesh is about 1,200 people per square kilometer, while the population density of Greenland is about 0.03 people per square kilometer.

Birth Rate

The birth rate is the number of births per 1,000 people in a population. It is usually expressed as a rate per year. The birth rate in the world is currently about 18 births per 1,000 people.

Mortality Rate

The mortality rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population. It is usually expressed as a rate per year. The mortality rate in the world is currently about 9 deaths per 1,000 people.

Infant Mortality Rate

The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births. It is usually expressed as a rate per year. The infant mortality rate in the world is currently about 6 deaths per 1,000 live births.


Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. It can be voluntary, such as when people move to find a better job, or involuntary, such as when people are forced to flee their homes due to war or natural disaster. Migration can have a significant impact on the population of a country or region.


Literacy is the ability to read and write. It is usually measured as the percentage of people in a population who can read and write. The literacy rate in the world is currently about 86%.

The following are some of the factors that affect population growth:

  • Birth rate: The birth rate is the number of births per 1,000 people in a population. It is usually expressed as a rate per year. The birth rate is affected by a number of factors, including the Age structure of the population, the availability of contraception, and cultural norms about family size.
  • Death rate: The death rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population. It is usually expressed as a rate per year. The death rate is affected by a number of factors, including the age structure of the population, the availability of healthcare, and the prevalence of disease.
  • Migration: Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. It can be voluntary, such as when people move to find a better job, or involuntary, such as when people are forced to flee their homes due to war or natural disaster. Migration can have a significant impact on the population of a country or region.
  • Fertility rate: The fertility rate is the average number of children that a woman has in her lifetime. It is usually expressed as a rate per woman. The fertility rate is affected by a number of factors, including the availability of contraception, cultural norms about family size, and the cost of raising children.
  • Life expectancy: Life expectancy is the average number of years that a person is expected to live. It is usually expressed as the number of years at birth. Life expectancy is affected by a number of factors, including the availability of healthcare, the prevalence of disease, and the level of Economic Development.

The following are some of the consequences of population growth:

  • Increased demand for Resources: As the population grows, there is an increased demand for resources such as food, water, and energy. This can lead to environmental problems such as deforestation, pollution, and Climate change.
  • Increased strain on Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE: As the population grows, there is an increased strain on infrastructure such as roads, schools, and hospitals. This can lead to overcrowding and a decline in the quality of Services.
  • Social unrest: Population growth can lead to social unrest, as people compete for scarce resources. This can lead to crime,


  • What is population?
    The total number of people living in a particular area at a particular time.

  • What is a census?
    A count of the population of a country or region.

  • What is population growth?
    The increase in the number of people in a population over time.

  • What is population density?
    The number of people living in a given area.

  • What is population distribution?
    The way in which people are spread out over a particular area.

Birth rate

  • What is birth rate?
    The number of births per 1,000 people in a population per year.

  • What are the factors that affect birth rate?
    The age structure of the population, the level of education, the availability of contraception, and cultural factors.

  • What are the consequences of a high birth rate?
    A high birth rate can lead to population growth, which can put a strain on resources and infrastructure.

Mortality rate

  • What is mortality rate?
    The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population per year.

  • What are the factors that affect mortality rate?
    The age structure of the population, the level of health care, and the prevalence of disease.

  • What are the consequences of a high mortality rate?
    A high mortality rate can lead to population decline, which can have a negative impact on the economy and society.

Infant mortality rate

  • What is infant mortality rate?
    The number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births.

  • What are the factors that affect infant mortality rate?
    The level of health care, the prevalence of disease, and the socioeconomic status of parents.

  • What are the consequences of a high infant mortality rate?
    A high infant mortality rate can have a negative impact on the economy and society, as it can lead to a loss of Human Capital.


  • What is migration?
    The movement of people from one place to another.

  • What are the types of migration?
    Internal migration (movement within a country) and international migration (movement between countries).

  • What are the factors that cause migration?
    Economic factors, political factors, social factors, and environmental factors.

  • What are the consequences of migration?
    Migration can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the context. Positive consequences can include economic growth, cultural enrichment, and the transfer of knowledge and skills. Negative consequences can include social unrest, conflict, and Environmental Degradation.


  • What is literacy?
    The ability to read and write.

  • What are the factors that affect literacy rates?
    The level of education, the availability of education, and the cultural value placed on education.

  • What are the consequences of low literacy rates?
    Low literacy rates can lead to POVERTY, Unemployment, and social exclusion.

  1. The total number of people living in a particular area is called:
    (A) Population
    (B) Census
    (C) Population Growth
    (D) Density and Distribution

  2. The process of counting the number of people in a particular area is called:
    (A) Population
    (B) Census
    (C) Population Growth
    (D) Density and Distribution

  3. The increase in the number of people in a particular area over time is called:
    (A) Population
    (B) Census
    (C) Population Growth
    (D) Density and Distribution

  4. The number of people living in a particular area per square kilometer is called:
    (A) Population
    (B) Census
    (C) Population Growth
    (D) Density and Distribution

  5. The way in which people are distributed over a particular area is called:
    (A) Population
    (B) Census
    (C) Population Growth
    (D) Density and Distribution

  6. The number of births per 1,000 people in a particular area per year is called:
    (A) Birth rate
    (B) Mortality rate
    (C) Infant Mortality rate
    (D) Migration

  7. The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a particular area per year is called:
    (A) Birth rate
    (B) Mortality rate
    (C) Infant Mortality rate
    (D) Migration

  8. The number of deaths of infants under the age of one per 1,000 live births in a particular area per year is called:
    (A) Birth rate
    (B) Mortality rate
    (C) Infant Mortality rate
    (D) Migration

  9. The movement of people from one area to another is called:
    (A) Birth rate
    (B) Mortality rate
    (C) Infant Mortality rate
    (D) Migration

  10. The percentage of people in a particular area who can read and write is called:
    (A) Literacy
    (B) Education
    (D) Unemployment

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