History of Nagaland : from vedic age to gupta period

History of Nagaland:from vedic age to gupta period

The Nagas have various theories of Migration and settlement, which are recorded mostly by foreign writers. Claudius Ptolemy made the earliest reference to the Nagas in his popular work, ‘Geographia’, written in 150 A.D. Referring to the Naga territory in its present position, he called it as ‘the realm of the naked.’16 Sir G.A. Grierson traced the origin of the Nagas to that of the Tibeto-Burmans on the basis of language.17 Huang Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim who visited Assam in 645 A.D. made mention of the tribes east of Assam.18 Ahom Buranjees have records that when the Ahoms came to Assam in the 13th Century, the Nagas were already settled in the Naga Hills.19 Written sources do not provide the exact date of the Nagas’ arrival into the Naga Hills, the exact place of origin, or why they migrated. However it is very probable that the Nagas have entered the Naga Hills before the Christian era.

According to Dr. S.K. Chatterjee, the Nagas are none other than the Kiratas (Indo- Mongoloids) mentioned in the old Sanskrit literature in 1000 B.C.20 The Vedas mentions about the Kirata at various occasions. The Yajurveda makes the earliest.

reference to this by mentioning a mountainous wild man. This is followed by the Atharvaveda, which mentioned a Kirata girl searching for medicinal herbs from the Mountains. In The Mahabharata, the Kiratas are the hill men living in the eastern Himalayas. According to legend, Ulupi, the Naga princess fell in love with Arjuna, the great hero of Mahabharata, the handsome Pandava Prince, who came to eastern India. Ulupi took Arjuna to ‘Naga lok’ (the land of the Nagas) where they lived happily for sometime until Arjuna moved on to Manipur. In the great war of Mahabharata, the Nagas also are shown to have fought on the side of the Kauravas.

Different scholars have come up with the theory that the Nagas have links with Tibet, China, and Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar. This theory is based on Naga art, material culture, language and practices. Interestingly Southeast Asia has been connected with China and India for much of its history. The earliest settlers in Southeast Asia were Palaeolithic or pre-Palaeolithic food gatherers, hunters, fishers and folks.21 The units of this organisation, like the hunting group or the clan or tribe were small. They were nomadic and generally moved in a defined hunting territory.

With the passage of time, some of the tribes created new living space for themselves. Keeping in view the nature of the primitive agrarian structure, as Population increased, the pressure necessitated more area of land, causing some of these groups to migrate. This is taken as one factor that led to migration within Asia. The migrants were directed by the barriers of mountains and jungles southwards along the seaways of the Malayan world.

The origin of the word ‘Naga’ is much debated by different scholars. The two largely accepted viewpoints are taken from the etymology of the word ‘Naga’, and its varying connotations in the Burmese and the Assamese languages.

In Burma, the Naga tribe is called ‘Na-ka’, which in Burmese means ‘people with pierced ear-lobes’. Piercing of the ear lobes is a widespread practice among the Naga tribes. Traditionally, it is an important step for young boys who are about to enter manhood. The Burmese used the name ‘Naka’ or ‘Naga’ for the tribes, and it was from the Burmese that the British first came to know about the Nagas during the Anglo-Burmese Wars (1795-1826).

The Naga tribes had something in common that has made them recognisable as a people, since at least the time of Ptolemy, who used the words ‘Naga log’ to mean the realm of the naked people during the 2nd Century A.D. Interestingly, the location which Ptolemy described about the naked people has been the exact place in which the present Nagas are living now.

The Greeks had heard of the Nagas during the first century A.D. during their visits to western India and South India as a wild people with the characteristic flat nose of the Mongol race. According to Captain J. Butler, the term ‘Naga’ is derived from the Bengali word ‘Nangla’ or the Hindustani word ‘Nanga’, meaning naked, crude and barbarous. According to Verrier Elwin, the most likely derivation is that ‘Naga’ is traced from the word ‘Nok’, which means people, in some Tibeto-Burman languages. According to Dr. Hutton, it is typical of Assamese dialect to change ‘a’ to ‘o’ and so ‘Nanga’ is changed to ‘Naga’ since the second ‘n’ is nasal and pronounced as ‘Noga’.





Nagaland is a state in northeastern India. It is the 16th largest state in India, with a population of over 1.9 million people. The capital of Nagaland is Kohima.

The Naga people are believed to have originated in the Indo-China region, and they migrated to Nagaland in the early centuries AD. The Nagas were a tribal people, and they lived in small villages scattered throughout the hills of Nagaland. They were a fierce and independent people, and they resisted all attempts by outsiders to conquer them.

In the 18th century, the Nagas came into contact with the British for the first time. The British were interested in the Nagas’ land, and they began to encroach on Naga territory. The Nagas resisted the British, and a series of wars were fought between the two sides. The British eventually defeated the Nagas, and they annexed Nagaland to the British Indian Empire.

The Nagas were unhappy under British rule, and they rebelled against the British in the early 20th century. The rebellion was unsuccessful, and the Nagas were forced to submit to British rule. However, the Nagas never forgot their independence, and they continued to fight for their freedom.

In 1947, India gained independence from Britain. The Nagas hoped that they would be able to achieve their independence as well, but the Indian government refused to grant them independence. The Nagas rebelled against the Indian government, and a long and bloody war ensued. The war lasted for over 20 years, and it claimed the lives of thousands of Nagas.

In 1975, the Nagas and the Indian government signed a peace agreement. The agreement granted the Nagas a measure of autonomy, but they did not achieve full independence. The Nagas have continued to fight for their independence, and they are still agitating for a separate Naga state.

The history of Nagaland is a long and complex one. The Naga people have a rich culture and history, and they have fought bravely for their independence. The Nagas are a proud people, and they will never give up their fight for freedom.

The Naga people are a diverse group, with over 16 different tribes. Each tribe has its own unique culture and language. The Nagas are known for their traditional dress, which is made from hand-woven cloth. They are also known for their elaborate festivals, which are often held to celebrate the harvest or the coming of the new year.

The Naga people are a proud and independent people. They have a long history of fighting for their freedom, and they will never give up their fight for self-determination. The Naga people are a vital part of the fabric of India, and their culture and history are an important part of the country’s heritage.

The history of Nagaland is a long and complex one, dating back to the Vedic age. The Naga people are believed to have originated in the Indo-China region and migrated to Nagaland in the early centuries AD. The Nagas were a tribal people who lived in isolation for centuries, and their culture and history were largely unknown to the outside world.

The first contact between the Nagas and the British occurred in the early 19th century, when the British East India Company began to expand its territory into the Naga Hills. The British were initially unsuccessful in their attempts to conquer the Nagas, who fiercely resisted British rule. However, the British eventually succeeded in subjugating the Nagas and bringing them under British rule.

The Nagas were granted limited autonomy under British rule, and they were allowed to maintain their traditional customs and way of life. However, the British also introduced Christianity to the Nagas, and many Nagas converted to Christianity.

After India gained independence from Britain in 1947, the Nagas demanded independence from India. The Indian government refused to grant the Nagas independence, and a long and bloody conflict ensued between the Indian government and the Nagas. The conflict finally ended in 1997 with the signing of a peace agreement between the Indian government and the Naga National Council.

The Naga people are a proud and independent people with a rich culture and history. They have a long and complex history, dating back to the Vedic age. The Nagas have fought for their independence for centuries, and they have finally achieved a measure of autonomy. The Naga people are a resilient and determined people, and they will continue to fight for their rights and their way of life.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the history of Nagaland:

  1. When did the Naga people first arrive in Nagaland?
    The Naga people are believed to have originated in the Indo-China region and migrated to Nagaland in the early centuries AD.

  2. What was the Naga way of life like before the arrival of the British?
    The Nagas were a tribal people who lived in isolation for centuries. They had a rich culture and history, but their way of life was largely unknown to the outside world.

  3. What was the impact of British rule on the Naga people?
    The British were initially unsuccessful in their attempts to conquer the Nagas, who fiercely resisted British rule. However, the British eventually succeeded in subjugating the Nagas and bringing them under British rule.

  4. What was the impact of Christianity on the Naga people?
    The British introduced Christianity to the Nagas, and many Nagas converted to Christianity. Christianity has had a profound impact on Naga culture and Society.

  5. What was the Naga National Movement?
    The Naga National Movement was a long and bloody conflict between the Indian government and the Nagas. The conflict finally ended in 1997 with the signing of a peace agreement between the Indian government and the Naga National Council.

  6. What is the current situation in Nagaland?
    The Naga people are a proud and independent people with a rich culture and history. They have a long and complex history, dating back to the Vedic age. The Nagas have fought for their independence for centuries, and they have finally achieved a measure of autonomy. The Naga people are a resilient and determined people, and they will continue to fight for their rights and their way of life.

Question 1

The Naga people are believed to have originated from:

(A) The Indus Valley Civilization
(B) The Aryans
(C) The Chinese
(D) The Southeast Asians

(D) The Southeast Asians

The Naga people are believed to have originated from the Southeast Asian region. They are thought to have migrated to Nagaland in the early centuries AD.

Question 2

The first written records of the Naga people date back to:

(A) The 13th century
(B) The 14th century
(C) The 15th century
(D) The 16th century

(A) The 13th century

The first written records of the Naga people date back to the 13th century. These records were written by Chinese Travelers who visited Nagaland.

Question 3

The Naga people were first conquered by the British in:

(A) 1832
(B) 1839
(C) 1846
(D) 1851

(A) 1832

The Naga people were first conquered by the British in 1832. The British annexed Nagaland and made it a part of British India.

Question 4

The Naga people fought a long and bloody war against the British for their independence. The war lasted from:

(A) 1832 to 1860
(B) 1860 to 1870
(C) 1870 to 1880
(D) 1880 to 1890

(A) 1832 to 1860

The Naga people fought a long and bloody war against the British for their independence. The war lasted from 1832 to 1860.

Question 5

The Naga people finally achieved independence from the British in:

(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950

(A) 1947

The Naga people finally achieved independence from the British in 1947. Nagaland became a part of the newly independent country of India.

Question 6

The Naga people have been fighting for their independence from India ever since:

(A) 1947
(B) 1950
(C) 1955
(D) 1960

(A) 1947

The Naga people have been fighting for their independence from India ever since 1947. The Naga National Council (NNC) is the main organization that is fighting for Naga independence.

Question 7

The Naga people are currently fighting a war against the Indian government. The war has been going on since:

(A) 1947
(B) 1950
(C) 1955
(D) 1960

(A) 1947

The Naga people are currently fighting a war against the Indian government. The war has been going on since 1947.

Question 8

The Naga people are fighting for their independence because they believe that they are a distinct ethnic group with their own culture and history. They believe that they should be allowed to govern themselves.


The Naga people are fighting for their independence because they believe that they are a distinct ethnic group with their own culture and history. They believe that they should be allowed to govern themselves.

Question 9

The Indian government has been trying to suppress the Naga independence movement for many years. The Indian government has used military force to try to crush the Naga independence movement.


The Indian government has been trying to suppress the Naga independence movement for many years. The Indian government has used military force to try to crush the Naga independence movement.

Question 10

The Naga people have suffered greatly in the war against the Indian government. Many Naga people have been killed, injured, or displaced. The Naga people have also suffered from economic hardship.


The Naga people have suffered greatly in the war against the Indian government. Many Naga people have been killed, injured, or displaced.

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