Hindutva And Patriotism

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  • Literally 'Hindutva' means a way of life or a state of mind that is based on the cultural and spiritual ethos based on the spiritual systems that evolved from India.
  • Hindutva is a philosophy like Communism or Socialism. The difference is that, whereas communism and socialism are materialistic philosophies intended to secure economic welfare of individuals, Hindutva is a spiritual plus economic philosophy founded and developed from ancient times in India for securing all round happiness of all individuals irrespective of social levels of individuals.
  • The focus in this philosophy be it the ruler or the ruled is on the performance of duty and conformity to a Code Of Conduct.
  • The word 'Hindutva' is not found in traditional lexicon. It was used for the first time by the national leader, V.D.Savarkar in 1923. Since then, the term has been used in different shades of meaning and placed at the service of a range of socio-political interventionist practices.
  • 'Hindutva' or the state of being Hindu, the inhabitants of Sindhu Pradesh, is in many ways not very far from the English term 'Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism' i.e. the way of life of the Hindus or the inhabitants of the Greater India without the disparity of caste and creed.
  • A Hindu Rashtra does not mean a theocratic state. A way of life, national tradition, concept of materialism, Sanatana Dharma, no. scope for untouchabihty, Secularism-2/”>Secularism, patriotism are some of the fimdamental features associated with the philosophy of Hindutva.
  • It denotes the Indian culture and Indianhood. There are a plenty of historical records to illustrate and demonstrate how Hindustan has, down the ages, been to mean India. For example, Sir Syed Ahmed, the founder of the Aligarh Muslim University, as calling himself a Hindu. It is not uncommon for a Muslim in many a Muslim country to call an Indian Muslim a Hindu because he belongs to Hindustan. Poet Iqbal's words, 'Hindu hain ham watan hai Hindustan hamara' and Mahatma Gandhi's prayer, 'Ishwar Allah tere nam sab ko Sanmati de Bhagwan' are more meaningful to convey the message of Hindutva.
  • Hindutva is not a religion as it does not convey the sense of 'Hindu Dharma'. It is a state of being Hindu and a way of life as concluded and accepted in the verdict of The Supreme Court, the apex seat of judiciary in India.
  • According to Dev Pandhi a noted journalist, "Hindutva, a word synonymous with psyche of people in India with offshoots enveloping the globe, is in the right perspective – a philosophy, a way of life. Mysticism spread in the world from Hindutva with civilization dating back to Aryan era.
  • Hindutva is nothing but the theory and practice of national and international politics as defined by Sanatana Dharma, known also as Hinduism. It is not a creed like Christianity or Islam, but a code of conduct and a value system that has spiritual freedom at its core. Any pathway or spiritual vision that accepts the spiritual freedom of others may be considered a part of Sanatana Dharma. As Sri Arabindo described it, ''Sanatana Dharma is also the basis of Indian nationalism.
  • “The basis of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is the quest for cosmic truth, just as the quest for physical truth is the domain of science. Hindutva is not necessarily limited to India or to those who consider themselves to be orthodox Hindus, although it reflects the main fraditions of the land and the power of its inner soul or guiding spirit, Bharat Mata (Mother India).


  • Patriotism is one of a large class of words that are linked to the virtues of membership. To participate in relations of, for example, friendship, community, nationhood, Citizenship-2/”>Citizenship, or marriage implies normative conventions.
  • In other words, there are value expectations built into such membership. One important dimension of any membership relation is an expectation of loyalty. Fidelity or loyalty to a nation, community, friend, citizenship, marriage, or state is thus implied in the actual practice.
  • To participate openly and self-consciously, therefore, in any of these membership practices involves adherence to loyalty-based virtue. In this context, the term patriotism usually denotes a specific loyalty virtue, consequent upon membership of a country or state. However, the term loyalty alone does not quite cover the range of values associated with patriotic membership.
  • Patriotism also signifies a sense of personal identification with, and concern for, the well-being or welfare of that country or state. Further, it entails a readiness to make sacrifices for its defense or welfare.
  • It provides (for some) the ground for all moral action—in the sense that morality, in itself, is seen to be, quite literally, premised on patriotic membership. Patriotism also indicates a special affection, feeling, or emotive response. This emotive response is commonly designated as a "love of country."

Patriotism in India

  • Patriotism is the great and selfless passion of love for one’s country. To an Indian patriot his mother and motherland are superior even to heaven. An Indian Patriot is ever ready to lay down his life in the service of his country, India.
  • Patriotism is not mere passive love for the country. A true patriot, who loves India, is an active worker. He works at heart and soul for the progress of his India and countrymen. He takes action for maintaining the Sovereignty and glory of his motherland.
  • Patriotism inspires a patriot to rise in revolt and fight for the freedom of his country. In a free country like India, there are occasions when one has to sacrifice one’s personal pleasures and even life for one’s country.
  • A patriot always fights against the internal and external enemies of his country. The black marketers, profiteers, criminals and anti-socials are all internal enemies of India. A true Indian patriot tries to free his country from all these enemies. He also must try to make his India free from POVERTY, ignorance and superstition.
  • Many patriots fought against the British rule to secure freedom for India. They never hesitated to sacrifice their comfort, happiness and life for the cause of their motherland. Some of the most glorious chapters of Indian history have been written as well in the blood of patriots. Rana Pratap, Tipu Sultan, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Surya Sen, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Netaji, Jatin Das — are all great patriots to remember. Their patriotism is different from false patriotism, which is a danger to a nation and civilization as a whole
  • A true patriot loves other countries as his own and wants to live in peace with them. He does not think his country to be the best in the world.
  • Patriots are selfless people who care for the welfare of their fellow beings. They also fight against social evils. They strive for eradication of social evils and work hard to uplift the Society.
  • A thought is a reflection of the mental picture. Mahatma Gandhi infused the patriotic feeling among the Indians, as a result of which, we gained freedom from British rule. Even today, there is a need for patriotic thought among Indian. There is no place of narrowness in the mind of a true patriot. He thinks himself as a citizen of the world as a whole.



Hindutva is a political ideology that asserts that India is a Hindu nation and that Hinduism should be the guiding force of Indian Society. Hindutva is often associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the current ruling party in India.

Hindutva is a controversial ideology, with some people arguing that it is a form of religious nationalism and others arguing that it is a legitimate expression of Indian culture and identity.

Hindutva and secularism

Hindutva is often seen as being in conflict with secularism, which is the principle of separation of religion and state. Secularists argue that Hindutva is a form of religious nationalism that seeks to impose Hindu values on all Indians, regardless of their religion. Hindutva supporters, on the other hand, argue that secularism is a Western concept that is not compatible with Indian culture and that Hindutva is simply a way of preserving India’s Hindu heritage.

Hindutva and Hinduism

Hindutva is often seen as being synonymous with Hinduism, but the two are not the same. Hinduism is a religion, while Hindutva is a political ideology. Hinduism is a diverse religion with many different sects and beliefs, while Hindutva is a more monolithic ideology that seeks to unify all Hindus under a single banner.

Hindutva and Islam

Hindutva has been accused of being anti-Muslim. Hindutva supporters argue that they are not anti-Muslim, but that they are simply opposed to Islamic fundamentalism. However, critics argue that Hindutva is a form of Hindu nationalism that seeks to marginalize Muslims in India.

Hindutva and Christianity

Hindutva has also been accused of being anti-Christian. Hindutva supporters argue that they are not anti-Christian, but that they are simply opposed to Christian missionary activity in India. However, critics argue that Hindutva is a form of Hindu nationalism that seeks to marginalize Christians in India.

Hindutva and other religions

Hindutva has also been accused of being intolerant of other religions. Hindutva supporters argue that they are not intolerant of other religions, but that they simply believe that Hinduism is the best religion for India. However, critics argue that Hindutva is a form of Hindu nationalism that seeks to impose Hindu values on all Indians, regardless of their religion.

Hindutva and politics

Hindutva has been a major force in Indian politics since the early 20th century. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the current ruling party in India, is a Hindutva party. The BJP has been accused of using Hindutva to promote its political agenda and to marginalize Muslims and other minorities in India.

Hindutva and social issues

Hindutva has also been a major force in Indian social issues. Hindutva supporters have been accused of using violence and intimidation to silence critics of Hindutva. Hindutva supporters have also been accused of promoting discrimination against Muslims and other minorities in India.

Hindutva and culture

Hindutva has had a major impact on Indian culture. Hindutva supporters have been accused of trying to impose Hindu values on all Indians, regardless of their religion. Hindutva supporters have also been accused of trying to erase India’s Muslim and Christian heritage.

Hindutva and history

Hindutva has been used to justify violence against Muslims and other minorities in India. Hindutva supporters have often claimed that Muslims and other minorities are not true Indians and that they are trying to destroy India’s Hindu heritage.

Hindutva and the future

Hindutva is a controversial ideology that is likely to continue to be a major force in Indian politics and society for many years to come. It is important to understand the history and ideology of Hindutva in order to understand the challenges facing India today.

What is Hindutva?

Hindutva is a political ideology that asserts that India is a Hindu nation and that Hinduism should be the guiding principle of Indian society.

What is patriotism?

Patriotism is love for one’s country and a feeling of attachment to one’s national identity.

What are the similarities between Hindutva and patriotism?

Both Hindutva and patriotism are based on a strong sense of national identity. Both ideologies also emphasize the importance of loyalty to one’s country.

What are the differences between Hindutva and patriotism?

Hindutva is a more exclusive ideology than patriotism. It is based on the belief that India is a Hindu nation and that Hinduism should be the guiding principle of Indian society. Patriotism, on the other hand, is a more inclusive ideology. It is based on the belief that all people who live in India are Indian, regardless of their religion or ethnicity.

What are the pros and cons of Hindutva?

The pros of Hindutva include its emphasis on national unity and its promotion of traditional Indian values. The cons of Hindutva include its potential to lead to religious intolerance and its disregard for minority rights.

What are the pros and cons of patriotism?

The pros of patriotism include its promotion of national unity and its ability to inspire people to work together for the common good. The cons of patriotism include its potential to lead to jingoism and its disregard for the rights of other nations.

Is Hindutva compatible with Democracy?

This is a complex question that has been debated by scholars for many years. There are arguments to be made on both sides of the issue. Some argue that Hindutva is inherently incompatible with democracy because it is based on the belief that Hinduism should be the guiding principle of Indian society. Others argue that Hindutva can be compatible with democracy if it is interpreted in a more inclusive way.

Is patriotism compatible with democracy?

Yes, patriotism is compatible with democracy. In fact, patriotism can be a powerful force for good in a democracy. It can inspire people to participate in the political process and to work together for the common good. However, patriotism can also be used to justify violence and oppression. It is important to remember that patriotism is not a license to do whatever you want in the name of your country.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a tenet of Hindutva?

(A) The belief that India is a Hindu nation
(B) The belief that Hinduism is the only true religion
(C) The belief that Hindus should have a special place in Indian society
(D) The belief that all religions are equal



Question 2

Which of the following is not a tenet of patriotism?

(A) Love of one’s country
(B) Pride in one’s country
(C) A willingness to defend one’s country
(D) A belief that one’s country is superior to all others



Question 3

Which of the following is a similarity between Hindutva and patriotism?

(A) Both emphasize the importance of national identity.
(B) Both promote a sense of pride in one’s country.
(C) Both can be used to justify violence against those who are seen as outsiders.
(D) All of the above.



Question 4

Which of the following is a difference between Hindutva and patriotism?

(A) Hindutva is a religious ideology, while patriotism is not.
(B) Hindutva is exclusive, while patriotism is inclusive.
(C) Hindutva is based on a belief in Hindu supremacy, while patriotism is not.
(D) All of the above.



Question 5

Which of the following is a criticism of Hindutva?

(A) It is a form of religious extremism.
(B) It is a form of ethnic nationalism.
(C) It is a form of Hindu supremacy.
(D) All of the above.



Question 6

Which of the following is a criticism of patriotism?

(A) It can be used to justify violence against those who are seen as outsiders.
(B) It can lead to jingoism and nationalism.
(C) It can be used to suppress dissent.
(D) All of the above.



Question 7

Which of the following is a defense of Hindutva?

(A) It is a way of preserving Hindu culture and identity.
(B) It is a way of uniting Hindus against a common enemy.
(C) It is a way of promoting Hindu values.
(D) All of the above.



Question 8

Which of the following is a defense of patriotism?

(A) It is a way of expressing love for one’s country.
(B) It is a way of promoting national unity.
(C) It is a way of defending one’s country against its enemies.
(D) All of the above.



Question 9

Which of the following is a way to reduce the negative effects of Hindutva?

(A) Promote Tolerance and understanding between different religions.
(B) Promote a more inclusive definition of Indian identity.
(C) Challenge the idea of Hindu supremacy.
(D) All of the above.



Question 10

Which of the following is a way to reduce the negative effects of patriotism?

(A) Promote critical thinking and media Literacy.
(B) Promote a more inclusive definition of national identity.
(C) Challenge the idea of national superiority.
(D) All of the above.



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