Government : State Secretariat; Chief Secretary; Departments and Directorates, Boards, State Corporations and Commissions.

<2/”>a >The state secretarial consists of departments of State Government which are headed politically by the ministers and administratively by the secretaries.

The chief secretary Is the head of the entire state secretariat while a secretary is a head of one or two departments.

Functions of State Secretariat:

 the secretariat of the state determines the general program of activities of the state government.
 it prepares the annual budget of the state government after detailed discussion or consultation with the Finance Department of the state.
 to implement the programs adopted by the political authority and the ministers, it is the duty of the secretariat to fix the policies and planning‘s for the materialization of those programs and also to decide where and under what condition the loans or grants-in-aids will be given.
 it is the duty of the secretariat to observe and supervise the progress made in the formulation of those government policies.
 the secretariat looks after if the Money is spent in accordance with the and conditions of the budget in each and every government departments.
 it is the duty of the secretariat to amend or modify the Investment policy and programs of the government following the norms and classifications set by the Finance Ministry.
 the secretariat looks after the appointment, of the departmental heads of various departments, including their salaries, leave etc. and takes the necessary decisions thereof.
 it is the secretariat which gives the final shape to all proposed laws.
 the secretariat prepares and gives the documents of the questions to be answered by the ministers in the Legislative Assemblies and the Legislative Councils, where they are.
 it is the duty of the secretariat to select the places and to provide spaces to the departments of the secretariat and to the departments associated with it for doing their internal day to day works and lastly, it is also the duty of the secretariat to select the representatives and delegates in the different central and state government seminars and workshops for training of different categories of employees.

The Cabinet Secretary exercises much more influence in the DECISION MAKING body of the Cabinet than his formal position suggests. Although his function is to provide secretariat assistance to the Cabinet, he sits near the Chief Minister in the Cabinet meetings and briefs him personally. He transforms the actual proceedings of Cabinet in the form of the Cabinet minutes (that is, he puts in what is better and relevant).Although he keeps an eye upon the smooth functioning of the working of the ministries and departments; he does not have a supervisory function over any of them. He is the head of the Civil Service and ensures that the morale of the civil servants is kept high. He protects their interests in a situation of conflict between politicians and civil servants.

The Cabinet Secretary is sort of advisor and conscience—keeper to all the permanent officials .

Functions and Role:-

Chief Secretary of a state in India has to do the following jobs mainly:

1. The Chief Secretary is the principal adviser of the Chief Minister and helps the latter to perform all the duties and to materialize all the development plans and programmes.
2. The Chief Secretary is the Cabinet Secretary of the state and as such he decides the agenda and venue of the cabinet meetings and also maintains the necessary records thereof.
3. The Chief Secretary controls and supervises all the departments of the whole secretariat of the state.
4. The Chief Secretary is the Chief of the Civil Service. He controls the appointment promotion and transfer of the high ranking government officials. It is through him that all the government orders, directives etc. are sent to the different high ranking officials of government departments.
5. It is the Chief Secretary who represents his state in the zonal council and also acts as its secretary one after another as the term rotates.
6. The Chief Secretary controls and the administrative works including even the distribution of the rooms of all the secretariat buildings within the state of which he is the Chief Secretary.
7. It is he who controls all the employees of all the state government departments within his state.
8. He also controls the central record branch, the secretariat library, the secretariat archive, the security guards of the secretariat etc.
9. He also looks after those affairs which do not fall in the jurisdiction of other secretaries.
10. At the same time he, by dint of his post, is the ex-officio chairman of innumerable committees which generally takes significant and important decisions in administrative affairs of the state.
11. Moreover, during the time of national or state level emergency, the Chief Secretary acts as the main nerve-centre of his state. During the time of calamity, be that natural or otherwise, he remains by the side of the government with his advices, efficiency and skill and looks after the works of relief and rehabilitation. During this period he acts as the coordinator between the state and the districts. As a co-ordinator, Crisis administration is the main role of the Chief Secretary.


The State Secretariat is the administrative body of the government of a state. It is headed by the Chief Secretary, who is the chief advisor to the Governor. The State Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day running of the state government, and for implementing the policies of the government.

The Chief Secretary is the highest-ranking civil servant in the state. He is responsible for the overall administration of the state, and for ensuring that the government’s policies are implemented effectively. The Chief Secretary is also responsible for the coordination of the work of the various departments and agencies of the state government.

Departments and Directorates are the main units of the State Secretariat. They are responsible for carrying out the specific functions of the government. Departments are headed by Secretaries, who are appointed by the Governor. Directorates are headed by Directors, who are also appointed by the Governor.

Boards are autonomous bodies that are set up by the government to perform specific functions. They are headed by Chairmen, who are appointed by the Governor. Boards are responsible for managing the affairs of the state government in the areas that they are responsible for.

State Corporations are companies that are owned by the state government. They are headed by Managing Directors, who are appointed by the Board of Directors. State Corporations are responsible for providing essential Services to the people of the state.

Commissions are independent bodies that are set up by the government to investigate specific issues or to advise the government on policy matters. They are headed by Commissioners, who are appointed by the Governor. Commissions are responsible for making recommendations to the government on the issues that they are investigating or advising on.

The State Secretariat is a vital part of the government of a state. It is responsible for the day-to-day running of the state, and for implementing the policies of the government. The Chief Secretary is the highest-ranking civil servant in the state, and is responsible for the overall administration of the state. Departments and Directorates are the main units of the State Secretariat, and are responsible for carrying out the specific functions of the government. Boards are autonomous bodies that are set up by the government to perform specific functions, and State Corporations are companies that are owned by the state government. Commissions are independent bodies that are set up by the government to investigate specific issues or to advise the government on policy matters.

State Secretariat

The State Secretariat is the administrative body of a state government. It is headed by the Chief Secretary, who is the top-ranking civil servant in the state. The State Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day running of the state government, and for implementing the policies and decisions of the state government.

Chief Secretary

The Chief Secretary is the top-ranking civil servant in a state government. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day running of the state government, and for implementing the policies and decisions of the state government. The Chief Secretary is also the principal advisor to the Chief Minister on all matters of administration.

Departments and Directorates

Departments and Directorates are the main units of the State Secretariat. They are responsible for the implementation of specific policies and programs of the state government. Each Department or Directorate is headed by a Secretary or Director, who is a senior civil servant.


Boards are autonomous bodies that are set up by the state government to perform specific functions. They are usually headed by a Chairman, who is a non-official. Boards are often used to regulate certain sectors of the economy, or to provide services that are not provided by the government.

State Corporations

State Corporations are companies that are owned by the state government. They are usually set up to provide essential services, such as electricity, water, and transport. State Corporations are headed by a Board of Directors, which is appointed by the state government.


Commissions are independent bodies that are set up by the state government to investigate specific issues or to make recommendations on policy matters. They are usually headed by a Chairman, who is a retired judge or a senior civil servant. Commissions are often used to resolve disputes or to investigate allegations of Corruption.

  1. The Chief Secretary is the head of the State Secretariat.
  2. The State Secretariat is the administrative body of the state government.
  3. The Departments and Directorates are the functional units of the State Secretariat.
  4. The Boards, State Corporations and Commissions are the autonomous bodies of the state government.

  5. The Chief Secretary is appointed by the Governor of the state.

  6. The Chief Secretary is the senior-most civil servant in the state.
  7. The Chief Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the state.
  8. The Chief Secretary is the principal advisor to the Governor on all matters of administration.

  9. The State Secretariat is located in the capital city of the state.

  10. The State Secretariat is headed by the Chief Secretary.
  11. The State Secretariat is divided into various departments and directorates.
  12. The State Secretariat is responsible for the implementation of the policies and programs of the state government.

  13. The Departments and Directorates are the functional units of the State Secretariat.

  14. The Departments and Directorates are responsible for the implementation of the policies and programs of the state government.
  15. The Departments and Directorates are headed by Secretaries.
  16. The Departments and Directorates are assisted by Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries, and Section Officers.

  17. The Boards, State Corporations and Commissions are the autonomous bodies of the state government.

  18. The Boards, State Corporations and Commissions are established by the state government to perform specific functions.
  19. The Boards, State Corporations and Commissions are headed by Chairmen.
  20. The Boards, State Corporations and Commissions are assisted by Managing Directors, Directors, and other officers.
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