Gorkha Invasion

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Gorkha invasion , nature and consequences

The Gurkhas conquered Kumaon and Garhwal in 1804. After annexing these states, the Nepalese army, under the Leadership of Amar Singh Thapa, and his son and his deputy Ranjor Singh Thapa, started making preparations for the conquest 6f the Punjab Hill States. However, in this region, their expansionist designs clashed with those of Raja Sansar Chand, Katoch ruler of Kangra, who too was quite ambitious and wanted to establish a Katoch kingdom in the Punjab. He subdued the hill chiefs of Chamba, Mandi, Kullu, Guler, Nurpur, Kutlehr and Kahlur. In the plains, situated to the south of his dominion, he tried to take possession of Hoshiarpur and Bajwara during 1803-04. He had to fight with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who defeated him and compelled him to withdraw from the plains. The Katoch chief now turned towards Bilaspur (Kahlur) and Bara Thakurais.

In the Cis-Sutlej hills, Bara Thakurais or twelve lordships (petty states), had become a bone of contention among the rulers of Nalagarh (Hindur), Bilaspur and Sirmaur. Few years before 1804, most of the Bara Thakurais were under the control of the ruler of Sirmaur. The latter had also annoyed the powerful Katoch chief of Kangra by opposing him when he was establishing his control over Bilaspur and Mandi. Raja Sansar Chand formed an alliance with Raja Saran Singh, an energetic and ambitious ruler of Nalagarh.

The allies  were able to annex a big chunk of Bilaspur territory in the Cis-Sutlej area and also established suzerainty over the twelve Thakurais. The annexation of portions of Bilaspur and Bara Thakurai territory proved to be a grave mistake on his part. It not only led to his downfall but also to the extinction of his kingdom.

The Kangra Raja’s action against Bilaspur and Bara Thakurai aroused resentment among the rulers of other hill states, who had become a victim of his aggression or were apprehensive of his quite acquisitive tendencies. They did not like his overbearing nature either. That is why the hill chiefs formed a coalition against him and sent a united invitation through the Raja of Bilaspur to Amar Singh Thapa to invade Kangra. They also promised to help him with their contingents wherever he crossed the Sutlej. The Gurkhas were keen to conquer the hill tracts as far west as Kashmir. They even thought of establishing their power in the Punjab plains. That is why the Gurkhas accepted the invitation.

The Gurkha forces under Amar Singh Thapa overran Nalagarh and crossed the Sutlej. They fought a pitched battle with Raja Sansar Chand at Mahal Mori in May 1806. The Raja was defeated, he first moved to Sujanpur Tira and then took refuge in Kangra fort along with his family. The Gurkhas pursued him thither and besieged the fort. The seige continued for long time. Raja Sansar Chand, in despair looked to Maharaja Ranjit Singh for help, the Kangra fort being offered as the price for his assistance.

In May 1808, the Maharaja marched from Lahore with a large army and attacked the Gurkhas. The latter were defeated at the hands of the sikh ruler, retired across the Sutlej after suffering dreadfully during the seige and in the retreat. Maharaja Ranjit Singh entered Kangra fort with his followers and took it under his possession. With the cession of Kangra fort to Ranjit Singh, the Kangra state, as well as all the other states of the Jalandhar group, became subject and tributary to the Sikhs.

After returning to Cis-Sutlej territory, the Gurkhas tried to teach a lesson to Raja Saran Singh, Raja of Nalagarh, who had refused to acknowledge their suzerainty. The Raja’s state was plundered and seized, and he was compelled to move into Plasia, a stronghold in Nalagarh. It appears that the ruler of Nalagarh sought the British help. The Gurkhas who had been defeated and pushed out of Kangra, at that time did not want to fight with the British. The Nalagarh chief, therefore, was left unmolested in Plasia and the Gurkhas turned to conquer and consolidate their position in the other Cis-Sutlej states. Amar Singh Thapa sent his son, Ranjor Thapa to attack Sirmaur which fell without a fight. Karam Prakash escaped and the Gurkhas occupied Nahan. They ensconced their feet at some of the fortified posts such as Nahan and Jythak.

In 1810, the Nepalese turned to. Jubbal, which they conquered without much difficulty. The Thakurs of Balsan, Kotgarh and Theog then joined against the invaders and solicited help from their powerful neighbour, the Raja of Bushahr. The latter, foreseeing that the Gurkhas attack on his state was iinminent, dispatched a strong force under his wazir to help the Thakurs. In May 1811, Amar Singh Thapa himself marched from Sabathu with a large army. Amar Singh defeated the Thakurs and Bushahris, marched towards Rampur, capital of the Bushahr state and established control over it. Unfortunately for the Bushahris, at this time, their Raja Ugar Singh died. Most of Bushahr proper was held by the Gurkhas, who established a line of forts along the Hattu range, Kurana, Baghi, Nawagarh, Sungri, Bahli etc. Rampur was scaked and all the state archives and papers were destroyed. The young Raja Mohinder Singh of Rampur fled to Kinnaur. Amar Singh Thapa sent a detachment of army in pursuit of the young Raja and to capture state treasure at Kamru. The Gorkha force was surprised by the Kinnauris at Chhattu bridge near the village of Chugaon or Tholang in the Rajgraon pargana, and severely handled in a night attack. The Gurkhas had to retreat because of the reverse and the difficulty of obtaining the supplies.

Amar Singh Thapa realised the impossibility of first subduing and then, keeping under control for a long time a rugged tract like Kinnaur which is situated in the lap of the highest Mountains in the Himalayas. It was under these circumstances that the Gurkhas under the leadership of Amar Singh Thapa agreed to sign the peace agreement with the Bushahr. After concluding the peace agreement in 1813, Amar Singh Thapa withdrew to the lower hills and settled at Arki, a strategically important post in the Baghal state. However, before his return, the Gurkhas commander had subdued the petty chiefs, holding territories in the neighbourhood of Bushahr.

Soon after occupying the hill states, the Nepalese had taken steps to consolidate their position, they built a chain of forts and demolished others which were not of much use to others. The chiefs of Sirmaur, Nalagarh, Keonthal, Baghal, Kuthar and Balsan were exiled and many others were suffered to remain dependent on the Gurkhas for a scanty subsistence. The Gurkhas proved hard and grinding masters. They adopted repressive measures to realise revenue and procure provisions. Similar measures were adopted for the transportation of their baggage, which indeed was an arduous task in the hilly areas. Many families fled across the Sutlej on their approach, and the tract exhibited the greatest marks of devastation and depopulation.

However, the Gurkhas were not allowed to remain in control of the hill states for a long time. It was the East India Company which became the Paramount Power in this area after the Anglo-Nepalese War, 1814-16. The relations between the Nepalese and British had become estranged because of boundary dispute. A logical result was the Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-16. In the Cis-Sutlej hill states, such as Nalagarh, Baghal, Rawingarh, Jubbal and Nahan, many decisive battles were fought between the British and the Nepalese. Almost all the chiefs of these states and their people helped the British. The Gurkhas were defeated and compelled to return to their shell. In March 1816, the treaty of Sangauli was signed, under which inter alia, the Gurkhas renounced all claims to Kutnaon, Garhwal and the Punjab Hills, which now passed under the control of the British.

The hilly region, later classified as the Shimla Hill States, was of great advantage to the Company. First, its Climate was quite salubrious, and thus it was suited for the development of hill stations where British invalids could take refuge from the scorching heat of the plains. Secondly, its possession provided direct access to West Tibet, which produced highly prized shawl wool, a lucrative ARTICLE of trade. Finaly, from political and military point of view, the area was quite important. Its occupation created a wedge between the Gurkhas of Nepal in the east, and Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s possessions in the west. If these powers tried to join hands against the British on the other side of the Himalayas, or if an ambitious and powerful chief by establishing himself in the hills, beyond the Sutlej threatened the Company’s possessions, then the British were now in a commanding position to defend themselves.

It may be noted that while the Anglo-Nepalese war was yet to start, the Governor-General, the Marquis of Hastings, in a detailed secret letter written on September 30, 1814 to David Ochterlany his agent stationed at Ludhiana, laid down the general principles of policy which were to be followed towards the hills chiefs and their subjects.


The Gorkha Invasion was a series of military campaigns undertaken by the Gorkha Kingdom of Nepal against the neighboring kingdoms of India and Tibet in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The invasions were led by Prithvi Narayan Shah, the founder of modern Nepal, who sought to expand his kingdom’s territory and influence. The Gorkhas were successful in conquering large parts of India and Tibet, and their invasions had a significant impact on the history of the region.

Prithvi Narayan Shah was born in Gorkha, Nepal, in 1722. He was the son of a minor Gorkha nobleman, and he received a traditional Education in Hindu scriptures and military arts. In 1742, Shah succeeded his father as the ruler of Gorkha. He immediately began to expand his kingdom’s territory, and he soon conquered the neighboring kingdoms of Lamjung and Tanahu. In 1761, Shah launched a campaign against the kingdom of Garhwal, which was located in the foothills of the Himalayas. The Gorkhas were victorious, and they captured the Garhwal capital of Srinagar. This victory gave the Gorkhas control of a large part of the Himalayan region.

In 1765, Shah turned his attention to the kingdom of Kumaon, which was located to the south of Garhwal. The Gorkhas were again victorious, and they captured the Kumaon capital of Almora. This victory gave the Gorkhas control of a large part of the Indian subcontinent.

In 1775, Shah invaded Tibet. The Gorkhas were successful in conquering large parts of the country, and they reached the outskirts of Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. However, the Gorkhas were eventually forced to withdraw from Tibet due to a lack of supplies and manpower.

The Gorkha Invasions had a significant impact on the history of the region. They led to the expansion of the Gorkha Kingdom and the decline of the Indian kingdoms. They also had a major impact on the culture and Society of the region. The Gorkhas introduced new ideas and technologies to the region, and they also brought with them a new language, Nepali. The Gorkha Invasions also led to the development of a new sense of national identity among the people of Nepal.

The Gorkha Invasions were a complex and fascinating series of events that had a profound impact on the history of the region. They are still remembered today, and they continue to be studied by historians and scholars.

Prithvi Narayan Shah was a charismatic leader who was able to unite the Gorkhas and lead them to victory in a series of military campaigns. He was a skilled military strategist and tactician, and he was also a devout Hindu who believed that he was on a mission to spread Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism and Nepali culture to the region.

The Gorkha Army was a well-disciplined and well-equipped force that was instrumental in the Gorkhas’ success in the invasions. The army was made up of professional soldiers who were trained in the use of firearms and swords. The Gorkha Army was also known for its fierce fighting spirit and its loyalty to Prithvi Narayan Shah.

The Indian Kingdoms were a collection of small kingdoms that were located in the foothills of the Himalayas. The kingdoms were ruled by Hindu Rajput princes, and they were often at war with each other. The Gorkhas were able to conquer the Indian kingdoms because they were better organized and better equipped than the Rajput armies.

Tibet was a Buddhist kingdom that was located in the Himalayas. The kingdom was ruled by the Dalai Lama, and it was a major center of Buddhist Learning. The Gorkhas were able to conquer Tibet because they were able to take advantage of the internal political turmoil that was taking place in the country.

The Impact of the Invasions: The Gorkha Invasions had a significant impact on the history of the region. They led to the expansion of the Gorkha Kingdom and the decline of the Indian kingdoms. They also had a major impact on the culture and society of the region. The Gorkhas introduced new ideas and technologies to the region, and they also brought with them a new language, Nepali. The Gorkha Invasions also led to the development of a new sense of national identity among the people of Nepal.

What is the history of Nepal?

Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is bordered by China to the north and India to the south, east, and west. Nepal is a federal democratic republic with a Population of over 29 million people. The capital and largest city is Kathmandu.

The history of Nepal can be traced back to the 6th century BC, when the Licchavi dynasty ruled the Kathmandu Valley. The Licchavis were followed by the Malla dynasty, which ruled from the 12th to the 18th centuries. In the 18th century, the Gorkha kingdom conquered Nepal and unified the country.

Nepal became a republic in 2008, after the overthrow of the Monarchy. The current government is a coalition of several Political Parties.

What is the culture of Nepal?

The culture of Nepal is a diverse mix of Hinduism, Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism, and other indigenous beliefs. The majority of Nepalis are Hindu, but there is also a significant Buddhist minority. The culture of Nepal is also influenced by the country’s geography, with the mountainous north having a different culture than the lowland south.

Some of the most important aspects of Nepali culture include music, dance, art, and literature. Nepali music is known for its use of drums and horns, and Nepali dance is often accompanied by singing. Nepali art is characterized by its use of bright colors and intricate designs. Nepali literature is rich in folktales and Epics.

What are the major religions of Nepal?

The two major religions in Nepal are Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism is the majority religion, with over 80% of the population identifying as Hindu. Buddhism is the second largest religion, with over 10% of the population identifying as Buddhist. There are also small minorities of Muslims, Christians, and other religions.

What is the economy of Nepal?

The economy of Nepal is a developing one, with a per capita GDP of $740. The main industries are agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing. Agriculture employs over 60% of the population, and the main crops are rice, wheat, corn, and sugarcane. Tourism is a major Source Of Income for Nepal, and the country is home to Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Manufacturing is a small but growing sector of the economy.

What are the challenges facing Nepal?

Nepal faces a number of challenges, including POVERTY, Corruption, and political instability. The country is also prone to natural disasters, such as Earthquakes and landslides. In recent years, Nepal has made progress in addressing these challenges, but there is still much work to be done.

What is the future of Nepal?

The future of Nepal is uncertain. The country faces a number of challenges, but it also has many opportunities. Nepal is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history. The people of Nepal are resilient and determined, and they are working hard to build a better future for their country.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of Nepal, the Himalayas, and the Gurkhas:

  1. Which of the following is not a country in the Himalayas?
    (A) Nepal
    (B) India
    (C) China
    (D) Bhutan

  2. The highest mountain in the world is:
    (A) Mount Everest
    (B) K2
    (C) Kanchenjunga
    (D) Dhaulagiri

  3. The Gurkhas are a people from:
    (A) Nepal
    (B) India
    (C) China
    (D) Bhutan

  4. The Gurkhas are known for their:
    (A) bravery
    (B) loyalty
    (C) fighting skills
    (D) all of the above

  5. The Gurkhas have served in the armies of:
    (A) Nepal
    (B) India
    (C) the United Kingdom
    (D) all of the above

  6. The Gurkhas were first recruited by the British East India Company in the:
    (A) 1700s
    (B) 1800s
    (C) 1900s
    (D) 2000s

  7. The Gurkhas have fought in many wars, including:
    (A) the Indian Rebellion of 1857
    (B) the First World War
    (C) the Second World War
    (D) all of the above

  8. The Gurkhas are known for their distinctive:
    (A) red uniforms
    (B) kukri knives
    (C) both of the above
    (D) none of the above

  9. The Gurkhas are a proud and independent people who have a long and rich history. They are known for their bravery, loyalty, and fighting skills. The Gurkhas have served in the armies of Nepal, India, the United Kingdom, and other countries. They have fought in many wars, including the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the First World War, and the Second World War. The Gurkhas are known for their distinctive red uniforms and kukri knives.

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