Fungi and their beneficials


fungi, any of about 99,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which includes the yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms. There are also many funguslike organisms, including slime molds and oomycetes (water molds), that do not belong to kingdom Fungi but are often called fungi. Many of these funguslike organisms are included in the kingdom Chromista. Fungi are among the most widely distributed organisms on Earth and are of great environmental and medical importance. Many fungi are free-living in Soil or water; others form parasitic or symbiotic relationships with Plants or animals.

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms; i.e., their cells contain membrane-bound organelles and clearly defined nuclei. Historically, fungi were included in the plant kingdom; however, because fungi lack chlorophyll and are distinguished by unique structural and physiological features (i.e., components of the cell wall and cell membrane), they have been separated from plants. In addition, fungi are clearly distinguished from all other living organisms, including animals, by their principal modes of vegetative Growth and nutrient intake. Fungi grow from the tips of filaments (hyphae) that make up the bodies of the organisms (mycelia), and they digest organic matter externally before absorbing it into their mycelia.Fungi

While mushrooms and toadstools (poisonous mushrooms) are by no means the most numerous or economically significant fungi, they are the most easily recognized. The Latin word for mushroom, fungus (plural fungi), has come to stand for the whole group. Similarly, the study of fungi is known as mycology—a broad application of the Greek word for mushroom, mykēs. Fungi other than mushrooms are sometimes collectively called molds, although this term is better restricted to fungi of the sort represented by bread mold. (For information about slime molds, which exhibit features of both the animal and the fungal worlds, see protist.)

Size range

The mushrooms, because of their size, are easily seen in fields and forests and consequently were the only fungi known before the invention of the Microscope in the 17th century. The microscope made it possible to recognize and identify the great variety of fungal species living on dead or live organic matter. The part of a fungus that is generally visible is the fruiting body, or sporophore. Sporophores vary greatly in size, shape, colour, and longevity. Some are microscopic and completely invisible to the unaided eye; others are no larger than a pin head; still others are gigantic structures. Among the largest sporophores are those of mushrooms, bracket fungi, and puffballs. Some mushrooms reach a diameter of 20 to 25 cm (8 to 10 inches) and a height of 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches). Bracket, or shelf, fungi can reach 40 cm (16 inches) or more in diameter. A specimen of the bracket fungus Fomitiporia ellipsoidea discovered in 2010 on Hainan Island in southern China had a fruiting body measuring 10.8 metres (35.4 feet) in length and 82–88 cm (2.7–2.9 feet) in width. It may have held some 450 million spores and weighed an estimated 400–500 kg (882–1,102 pounds), at the time making it the largest fungal fruiting body ever documented. Puffballs also can grow to impressive sizes. The largest puffballs on record measured 150 cm (5 feet) in diameter. The number of spores within such giants reaches several trillion.

Harmfull fungi

Many pathogenic fungi are parasitic in humans and are known to cause diseases of humans and other animals. In humans, parasitic fungi most commonly enter the body through a wound in the epidermis (skin). Such wounds may be insect punctures or accidentally inflicted scratches, cuts, or bruises. One example of a fungus that causes disease in humans is Claviceps purpurea, the cause of ergotism (also known as St. Anthony’s fire), a disease that was prevalent in northern Europe in the Middle Ages, particularly in regions of high rye-bread consumption. The wind carries the fungal spores of ergot to the flowers of the rye, where the spores germinate, infect and destroy the ovaries of the plant, and replace them with masses of microscopic threads cemented together into a hard fungal structure shaped like a rye kernel but considerably larger and darker. This structure, called an ergot, contains a number of poisonous organic compounds called alkaloids. A mature head of rye may carry several ergots in addition to noninfected kernels. When the grain is harvested, much of the ergot falls to the ground, but some remains on the plants and is mixed with the grain. Although modern grain-cleaning and milling methods have practically eliminated the disease, the contaminated flour may end up in bread and other food products if the ergot is not removed before milling. In addition, the ergot that falls to the ground may be consumed by cattle turned out to graze in rye fields after harvest. Cattle that consume enough ergot may suffer abortion of fetuses or death. In the spring, when the rye is in bloom, the ergot remaining on the ground produces tiny, black, mushroom-shaped bodies that expel large numbers of spores, thus starting a new series of infections.

Other human diseases caused by fungi include athlete’s foot, ringworm, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, and coccidioidomycosis. The yeast Candida albicans, a normal inhabitant of the human mouth, throat, colon, and reproductive organs, does not cause disease when it is in ecological balance with other microbes of the Digestive System. However, disease, age, and hormonal changes can cause C. albicans to grow in a manner that cannot be controlled by the body’s defense systems, resulting in candidiasis (called thrush when affecting the mouth). Candidiasis is characterized by symptoms ranging from irritating inflamed patches on the skin or raised white patches on the tongue to life-threatening invasive infection that damages the lining of the heart or brain. Improved diagnosis and increased international travel, the latter of which has facilitated the spread of tropical pathogenic fungi, have resulted in an increased incidence of fungal disease in humans. In addition, drug therapies used to manage the immune system in transplant and cancer patients weaken the body’s defenses against fungal pathogens. Patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), have similarly weakened immune defenses against fungi, and many AIDS-related deaths are caused by fungal infections (especially infection with Aspergillus fumigatus).

Usefull fungi


Fungi, together with bacteria, are responsible for most of the recycling which returns dead material to the soil in a form in which it can be reused. Without fungi, these recycling activities would be seriously reduced. We would effectively be lost under piles many metres thick, of dead plant and animal remains


and plant growth Fungi are vitally important for the good growth of most plants, including crops, through the development of mycorrhizal associations. As plants are at the base of most food chains, if their growth was limited, all animal life, including human, would be seriously reduced through starvation.


Fungi are also important directly as food for humans. Many mushrooms are edible and different species are cultivated for sale worldwide. While this is a very small proportion of the actual food that we eat, fungi are also widely used in the production of many foods and drinks. These include cheeses, beer and wine, bread, some cakes, and some soya bean products.


Penicillin, perhaps the most famous of all antibiotic drugs, is derived from a common fungus called Penicillium. Many other fungi also produce antibiotic substances, which are now widely used to control diseases in human and animal populations. The discovery of antibiotics revolutionized Health care worldwide.

Some fungi which parasitise caterpillars have also been traditionally used as medicines. The Chinese have used a particular caterpillar fungus as a tonic for hundreds of years. Certain chemical compounds isolated from the fungus may prove to be useful treatments for certain types of cancer.,

Fungi are a diverse group of organisms that play important roles in many different Ecosystems. They can be found in soil, water, and on plants and animals. Fungi are also found in many different habitats, including forests, deserts, and even the human body.

Fungi are beneficial to humans in many ways. They can be used to control pests and diseases, improve Soil fertility, produce food, and produce antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and Vaccines. Fungi can also be used to produce biofuels, ENZYMES, and chemicals. In addition, fungi play an important role in the Environment by decomposing organic matter, recycling nutrients, and forming mutualistic relationships with plants.

Fungi have been used in food and medicine for centuries. For example, mushrooms are a popular food source, and penicillin, one of the most important antibiotics, is produced by a fungus. Fungi have also been used in religious ceremonies and art and literature.

Fungi are a fascinating and important group of organisms. They play a vital role in many different ecosystems, and they have many beneficial uses for humans.

Fungi in agriculture

Fungi can be used to control pests and diseases in agriculture. For example, fungi can be used to control insects by producing toxins that kill them. Fungi can also be used to control plant diseases by competing with the pathogens that cause the diseases.

Fungi can also be used to improve soil fertility. Fungi can help to break down organic matter, which releases nutrients that plants can use. Fungi can also help to improve Soil Structure, which makes it easier for plants to grow.

Fungi can also be used to produce food. For example, mushrooms are a popular food source, and truffles are a delicacy. Fungi can also be used to produce biofuels, such as ethanol.

Fungi in medicine

Fungi can be used to produce antibiotics. Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria. Fungi produce a variety of antibiotics, including penicillin, which is one of the most important antibiotics in medicine.

Fungi can also be used to produce antifungal drugs. Antifungal drugs are drugs that kill fungi. Fungi produce a variety of antifungal drugs, which are used to treat fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and ringworm.

Fungi can also be used to produce vaccines. Vaccines are drugs that prevent disease. Fungi produce a variety of vaccines, which are used to prevent diseases, such as hepatitis B and influenza.

Fungi in Industry

Fungi can be used to produce biofuels. Biofuels are fuels that are produced from renewable Resources, such as plants. Fungi can be used to produce ethanol, which is a type of biofuel.

Fungi can also be used to produce enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions. Fungi produce a variety of enzymes, which are used in a variety of industries, such as the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.

Fungi can also be used to produce chemicals. Chemicals are substances that are used in a variety of products, such as detergents and cosmetics. Fungi produce a variety of chemicals, which are used in a variety of industries.

Fungi in the environment

Fungi decompose organic matter. Organic matter is matter that is made up of living things. Fungi decompose organic matter by breaking it down into smaller Molecules. This process releases nutrients that can be used by plants.

Fungi recycle nutrients. Nutrients are substances that are essential for life. Fungi recycle nutrients by breaking down organic matter and releasing them into the environment. This process helps to keep the environment healthy.

Fungi form mutualistic relationships with plants. Mutualistic relationships are relationships between two organisms that benefit both organisms. Fungi form mutualistic relationships with plants by helping them to absorb nutrients from the soil. This relationship is beneficial for both the fungus and the plant.

Fungi in culture

Fungi have been used in food and medicine for centuries. For example, mushrooms are a popular food source, and penicillin, one of the most important antibiotics, is produced by a fungus. Fungi have also been used in religious ceremonies and art and literature.

In conclusion, fungi are a fascinating and important group of organisms. They play a vital role in many different ecosystems, and they have many beneficial uses for humans.

What are fungi?

Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that are neither plants nor animals. They are found in all environments, including soil, water, and on the bodies of plants and animals. Fungi are important decomposers, and they also play a role in the production of food and medicine.

What are the benefits of fungi?

Fungi have many benefits, including:

  • Decomposing dead organisms and returning nutrients to the soil
  • Producing food, such as mushrooms and yeast
  • Making antibiotics and other medicines
  • Helping to control pests and diseases
  • Improving soil health

What are the risks of fungi?

Fungi can also be harmful, including:

  • Causing diseases in plants and animals
  • Producing toxins that can make people sick
  • Damaging buildings and other structures
  • Competing with plants for nutrients

How can we protect ourselves from the risks of fungi?

We can protect ourselves from the risks of fungi by:

  • Avoiding contact with fungi that are known to be harmful
  • Eating cooked food to kill any harmful fungi that may be present
  • Using fungicides to control fungal growth
  • Maintaining good sanitation to prevent the spread of fungal diseases

What is the future of fungi?

Fungi have the potential to play a major role in the future of agriculture, medicine, and environmental protection. As we learn more about fungi, we will be able to harness their power to benefit humanity.

What are some common misconceptions about fungi?

Some common misconceptions about fungi include:

  • Fungi are plants.
  • Fungi are animals.
  • Fungi are single-celled organisms.
  • Fungi are all bad.

In reality, fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that are neither plants nor animals. They can be single-celled or multicellular, and they can be beneficial or harmful. It is important to learn more about fungi so that we can understand their role in the world and how we can use them to benefit humanity.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of fungus?
    (A) Mushroom
    (B) Lichen
    (C) Mold
    (D) Bacteria

  2. Fungi are classified as:
    (A) Plants
    (B) Animals
    (C) Protists
    (D) Fungi

  3. Fungi are important because they:
    (A) Decompose dead organisms
    (B) Produce antibiotics
    (C) Form symbiotic relationships with plants
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is not a beneficial fungus?
    (A) Penicillium
    (B) Rhizopus
    (C) Aspergillus
    (D) Yeast

  5. Which of the following is not a harmful fungus?
    (A) Candida albicans
    (B) Cryptococcus neoformans
    (C) Aspergillus fumigatus
    (D) Trichophyton rubrum

  6. Fungi can be found in:
    (A) Soil
    (B) Water
    (C) Air
    (D) All of the above

  7. Fungi reproduce by:
    (A) Spores
    (B) Sexual Reproduction
    (C) Asexual reproduction
    (D) All of the above

  8. Fungi are important in the food chain because they:
    (A) Decompose dead organisms
    (B) Produce antibiotics
    (C) Form symbiotic relationships with plants
    (D) All of the above

  9. Fungi are important in the environment because they:
    (A) Decompose dead organisms
    (B) Recycle nutrients
    (C) Form symbiotic relationships with plants
    (D) All of the above

  10. Fungi are important to humans because they:
    (A) Produce antibiotics
    (B) Used in food production
    (C) Used in medicine
    (D) All of the above

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