Functioning of democratic political system in a traditional society

<2/”>a >Traditional Society refers to a society characterized by an orientation to the past, not the future, with a predominant role for custom and habit. Suchsocieties are marked by a lack of distinction between family and business, with the division of labor influenced primarily by age, gender, and status.

In terms of the nature of political institutions, primitive societies fall under two categories:

(i) Those without a distinct and permanent political structure, and

(ii) Those with a distinct and permanent political structure, but strongly influenced by kinship and religion.

Democracy in modern usage, is a System of Government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as “rule of the majority”. Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes depend on what participants do, but no single force controls what occurs and its outcomes.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, both the theory and the practice of democracy have undergone profound changes, many of which have concerned the prevailing answers to questions 1 through 3 above. Thus, for thousands of years the kind of association in which democracy was practiced, the tribe or the city-state, was small enough to be suitable for some form of democracy by assembly, or “Direct Democracy.” Much later, beginning in the 18th century, as the typical association became the nation-state or country, direct democracy gave way to representative democracy—a transformation so sweeping that, from the perspective of a citizen of ancient Athens, the governments of gigantic associations such as France or the United States might not have appeared democratic at all. This change in turn entailed a new answer to question 3: Representative democracy would require a set of political institutions radically different from those of all earlier democracies.

Direct democracy

Direct democracy, also called pure democracy, forms of direct participation of citizens in democratic DECISION MAKING, in contrast to indirect or representative democracy, based on the Sovereignty of the people. This can happen in the form of an assembly democracy or by initiative and Referendum with ballot voting, with direct voting on issues instead of for candidates or parties. Sometimes the term is also used for electing representatives in a direct vote as opposed to indirect Elections (by voting for an electing body, electoral college, etc.) as well as for recalling elected officeholders. Direct democracy may be understood as a full-scale system of political institutions, but in modern times, it means most often specific decision-making institutions in the broader system Environment of representative democracy.

Normative theory of direct democracy still rests basically on popular sovereignty, freedom, and political Equality, with Jean-Jacques Rousseau as the outstanding theorist of unanimous Consent of the people for a free republican constitution and subsequent forms of participation. During the 19th century, these principles were increasingly challenged, or they were deprived of their substance beyond representative institutions. So, in many countries, direct-democratic institutions have not been established or implemented since representative elites developed a strong interest in monopolizing power. In addition, pragmatic theories contended that direct democracy could not work under space and time conditions of large modern states.

With this background of historical and theoretical restrictions, the normative theory of direct democracy cannot exclusively rest on popular sovereignty, which is also claimed by representative democracy. More specific arguments originate from the participatory theory of democracy and the critique of a lack of responsiveness and legitimacy of representative (party) democracy.

Indirect democracy

Since the modern states are much larger in size and Population, it is not possible for all the citziens to participate directly in the affairs of the state; indirect democracy has been established in almost all the modern states. Under this system, people elect their representatives for a period who run the administration.  If they do not work according to the wishes of the people and for their welfare, they are changed at the time of next elections. People do not directly take part in the affairs of the state. They elect their representatives who conduct the affairs of the state.

Advantages of representative democracy, especially as opposed to direct democracy, include that the people cannot be expected to have the time or interest to make important and regular decisions, representatives can educate the public on political issues, representatives ensure the interests of all sections of society (including minorities) are taken into account, and can be held accountable for their decisions. Finally, representatives are able to ‘aggregate’ the differing demands of people into a more coherent and politically logical programme.

Disadvantages of representative democracies include that representatives may distort peoples’ demands to suit their political preferences, may not make make themselves accountable enough between elections and can only be removed by elections if they lose the respect of the people. The electoral mandate representatives is flawed, as voters have to accept or reject a whole manifesto, not being able to make clear which parts of it they oppose, and there is more information in this day and age for people to be able to make better decisions. Representatives also have to decide whether to be ‘delegates’ for their constituents, merely putting forward their view, or using their best judgement to ‘represent’ their constituents (a concept called ‘Burkean representation’).


Traditional societies are characterized by a strong sense of hierarchy, kinship, and religion. Social stratification is often based on birth, and social mobility is limited. Kinship ties are strong, and families, clans, and tribes play an important role in social organization. Religion is often the dominant force in society, and its beliefs, rituals, and ceremonies shape the way people live their lives.

Democratic political systems are based on the principles of popular sovereignty, Rule of Law, and equality. In a democracy, the people have the power to choose their leaders and make decisions about how their society is run. The government is accountable to the people, and the law is supreme.

The functioning of a democratic political system in a traditional society can be challenging. There may be conflict between traditional and modern values, and people may not be educated about or aware of the principles of democracy. POVERTY and inequality can also be obstacles to the development of a healthy democracy. However, there are also opportunities for democracy to promote peace and stability, ensure Economic Development, protect Human Rights, and strengthen social cohesion.

One of the biggest challenges facing democracy in traditional societies is the conflict between traditional and modern values. In traditional societies, social roles are often clearly defined and there is a strong emphasis on hierarchy and obedience. In contrast, democracy values individual freedom and equality. This can lead to conflict between traditional and modern values, as people struggle to reconcile the old ways with the new.

Another challenge facing democracy in traditional societies is the lack of Education and awareness. In many traditional societies, people have little or no education about democracy or the principles of Good Governance. This can make it difficult for people to participate in the democratic process or hold their leaders accountable.

Poverty and inequality can also be obstacles to the development of a healthy democracy. In poor societies, people are often more concerned with meeting their basic needs than with participating in politics. Inequality can also lead to social unrest and instability, which can make it difficult for democracy to take root.

Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for democracy to promote peace and stability, ensure economic development, protect human rights, and strengthen social cohesion. Democracy can help to resolve conflict by providing a forum for people to express their views and grievances. It can also help to promote economic development by providing a stable environment for businesses to operate. Democracy can also help to protect human rights by ensuring that the government is accountable to the people. Finally, democracy can help to strengthen social cohesion by providing a sense of shared purpose and identity.

In conclusion, the functioning of a democratic political system in a traditional society can be challenging. However, there are also opportunities for democracy to promote peace and stability, ensure economic development, protect human rights, and strengthen social cohesion.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the functioning of democratic political systems in traditional societies, along with short answers:

  1. What is a democratic political system?

A democratic political system is one in which the people have the power to choose their leaders and make decisions about how their country is run.

  1. How does a democratic political system work?

A democratic political system works by having elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the people. These representatives are chosen through elections, which are held at regular intervals.

  1. What are the benefits of a democratic political system?

There are many benefits to a democratic political system. Democracies tend to be more stable and prosperous than other types of political systems. They also tend to have better human rights records.

  1. What are the challenges of a democratic political system?

One of the biggest challenges of a democratic political system is that it can be difficult to get everyone to agree on what should be done. This can lead to gridlock and instability.

  1. What are some examples of democratic political systems?

Some examples of democratic political systems include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and France.

  1. What are some of the key features of a democratic political system?

Some of the key features of a democratic political system include:

  • Rule of law: The government must obey the law, just like everyone else.
  • Separation of Powers: The government is divided into different branches, each of which has its own powers. This helps to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.
  • Checks and balances: Each branch of government has the power to check the other branches. This helps to ensure that no one branch becomes too powerful.
  • Electoral System: The people have the power to choose their leaders through elections.
  • Freedom of speech: People have the right to express their opinions without fear of reprisal.
  • Freedom of Assembly: People have the right to gather together to express their opinions.
  • Freedom of Association: People have the right to join groups and organizations.
  • Freedom of religion: People have the right to practice their religion without interference from the government.

  • What are some of the challenges facing democratic political systems today?

Some of the challenges facing democratic political systems today include:

  • The rise of populism: Populist leaders often appeal to people’s fears and prejudices, and they can undermine democratic institutions.
  • The spread of misinformation: Misinformation can be used to manipulate people and undermine democracy.
  • The erosion of trust in institutions: People are increasingly distrustful of institutions, such as the government, the media, and the judiciary.
  • The rise of inequality: Inequality can lead to social unrest and instability.
  • Climate change: Climate Change is a major threat to democracy, as it can lead to conflict, displacement, and instability.

  • What can be done to address the challenges facing democratic political systems?

There are a number of things that can be done to address the challenges facing democratic political systems, including:

  • Promoting education: Education can help people to understand the importance of democracy and to be more critical of information.
  • Strengthening institutions: Institutions need to be strong and independent in order to resist populist and authoritarian pressures.
  • Protecting freedom of speech and the press: Freedom of speech and the press are essential for holding those in power accountable.
  • Promoting civic engagement: People need to be engaged in their communities and in the political process.
  • Addressing inequality: Inequality is a major threat to democracy, and it needs to be addressed through policies such as education, healthcare, and job creation.
  • Tackling climate change: Climate change is a major threat to democracy, and it needs to be addressed through policies such as reducing emissions and investing in RENEWABLE ENERGY.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a traditional society?

(A) A strong sense of community
(B) A hierarchical social structure
(C) A high level of social mobility
(D) A strong emphasis on tradition and custom


A traditional society is one that is characterized by a strong sense of community, a hierarchical social structure, and a strong emphasis on tradition and custom. Social mobility is typically low in traditional societies, as people are expected to remain in the same social class as their parents.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a democratic political system?

(A) Rule by the majority
(B) Protection of individual rights
(C) A system of checks and balances
(D) A hereditary Monarchy


A democratic political system is one in which the people hold power. This power is exercised through elected representatives, who are accountable to the people. In a democracy, individual rights are protected by law, and there is a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a challenge to the functioning of a democratic political system in a traditional society?

(A) A lack of trust in government
(B) A strong sense of community
(C) A high level of social inequality
(D) A strong emphasis on tradition and custom


A strong sense of community can actually be a strength for a democratic political system. It can help to create a sense of civic duty and participation among citizens. However, the other three factors can all pose challenges to the functioning of a democratic political system in a traditional society.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a way to promote democracy in a traditional society?

(A) Promoting education and Literacy
(B) Encouraging economic development
(C) Strengthening the rule of law
(D) Promoting traditional values


Promoting traditional values can actually hinder the development of democracy in a traditional society. Traditional values often emphasize obedience to authority and respect for tradition, which can conflict with the values of democracy, such as individual rights and freedom of expression.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a benefit of democracy?

(A) It promotes peace and stability
(B) It protects individual rights
(C) It allows for the peaceful transfer of power
(D) It allows for the concentration of power in the hands of a few


Democracy is a system of government in which the people hold power. This power is exercised through elected representatives, who are accountable to the people. In a democracy, individual rights are protected by law, and there is a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. Democracy promotes peace and stability by providing a framework for resolving conflict peacefully. It also protects individual rights by ensuring that the government cannot arbitrarily deprive people of their rights. Finally, democracy allows for the peaceful transfer of power, as the people can vote out their leaders if they are not satisfied with their performance.

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