The definition of function varies across the disciplines. In political science it refers to duties, in mathematics it means the relationship between two variables and in geography it is synonymous to occupation.

Geographers have classified towns on the basis of their site, situation, size, rank, location and relative elevation. Functional classification of towns attempts to categorize towns and cities according to their economic functions, thereby identifying their roles within urban systems. Most classifications use EMPLOYMENT and occupational data. In the functional classification approach, towns are classified on the basis of their dominant function. The functional classification of towns has been illus­trated in the following paras:

1.)Administrative town

The main function of administrative cities and towns is to administer the country/state or a specific territory.It includes not only the capital cities of countries, but all the centres of provinces, states, districts and other administrative divisions of the country.

2.Defensive Towns:

During the medieval period, most of the towns and cities used to be developed on the defensive sites.Forts and garrisons used to be constructed at strategic places. The defensive towns have barracks, cantonments, and training facilities for the armed forces, airfields, and harbours for warships.Visakhapatnam, MHOW and Khadakwasla (India);

In many garrison and defensive towns, there is a clear division of land use between the civil and military authorities, so that the military installa­tions are often at a little distance from the town or are grouped together in one part of the town. This is necessary to maintain security, though often many town people are employed by the military.

3.Cultural Centres:

There are numerous towns and cities in the world, almost in each of the countries, which perform cultural functions.The cities of Oxford and Cambridge in England are the most suitable examples of educational towns. In these towns, one may find colleges, libraries, hostels, churches, playgrounds, parks and shopping centres. The environmental pollution in these towns is almost insignificant.

4.) Collection Centres:

The mining towns, fishing Ports and lumbering centres fall under the category of collection centres/towns. There are numerous metallic, non-metallics, precious stones and Resources/”>Energy Resources which are obtained from mines.The towns which serve these mines may be small settlements serving a particular mine such as Zawar near Udaipur (Rajasthan), Bjiladela (Madhya Pradesh) and Digboi (Assam).They may be large in size such as Raniganj, Hazaribagh (Bihar), Ipoh in the tin rich Kinta valley of Malaysia, or Kuwait and Abadan in the oil producing regions of Kuwait and Tehran, respectively.Such towns may have some industries related to the mineral mines, such as smelters and refineries. The shops in such towns sell mining equipments and special clothes needed for miners.

5.) Production Centres:

Urban places, town and cities in which some kind of manufacturing Industry is the major function is known as a production centre. The size and appearance of the town are affected by the type of industry located there.

  • For example, Jamshedpur, Rourkela, Bhilai, Durgapur, Dhanbad and Bhadravati in India, Pittsburgh in USA, Magnitogorsk in Russia and Birmingham in UK are dominated by large steel Plants. Such iron and steel producing towns are generally located near the coal fields.
  • For the manufacturing towns, as collecting centres, transportation is very important for the transport of raw materials and the finished goods. These days such towns are generally set up on lines of Communication.

In manufacturing towns, there is a segregation of houses and estab­lishments; the officer’s quarters may be grouped at one place and that of the labourers at the other.

6.) Towns of Diversified Functions:

As stated at the outset, towns are classified according to their major functions. So, all those towns (such as Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, etc.) can be put into a definite category in which a large number of activities are conducted. Such towns are referred as diversified in functions.

Over space and time, the functions of towns change. For example, defensive sites often become restrictive when the town expands.Thus, many towns have restricted centres which were once confined within the town walls and more extensive suburbs which grew up outside the walls or after the walls were demolished.

Shahjahanabad (old Delhi), Padova (Italy), Lahore and Rawalpindi (Pakistan), Baghdad (Iraq) and Baku (Azerbaijan) are some of the examples of such towns.

7.)Residential Towns:

In some towns, the chief function is simply to house a concentration of Population. In such areas, most of the land is devoted to houses, parks and hospitals. These towns are very- well-connected with the major cities, which enables the commuters to get to work each day.

8.  Resorts:

The urban places which cater to the recreation needs of people are known as resorts or recreation towns.These urban places may be based on Health-giving water (hot springs), seaside recreation, mountain climbing, cultural attractions, historical monuments, Sports facilities, national parks and attractive scenery.Resorts and recreational towns have many hotels to accommodate visitors, and also provide sporting facilities such as golf courses, swimming pools, trekking and skiing. Moreover, they have numerous entertainment facilities, such as theatres, cinemas, and night clubs and children parks.

9. Transfer and Distribution Centres:

The main functions performed at transfer centres are the trade, commerce and Services. Towns which are concerned with the transfer and distribution of goods, however, have trade as their major function.

They include several types of towns. For example, market towns, sea ports and financial towns.Market towns are characterized by markets, a wide range of shops, stores, warehouses, godowns, cold storages and wholesale .markets.Market towns also have banks, insurance companies and other financial organizations. Kanpur, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Indore, Bhopal, Patna, Lucknow, Ludhiana and Hapur in India, Norwich in England, Alexandria in Egypt, and Kumasi in Ghana are some of the examples of such towns.


Problem of Human settlement:

Some of the major problems of Urbanisation in India are

  1. Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl or real expansion of the cities, both in population and geographical area, of rapidly growing cities is the root cause of urban problems. In most cities the economic base is incapable of dealing with the problems created by their excessive size

  1. Overcrowding

Overcrowding is a situation in which too many people live in too little space. Overcrowding is a logical consequence of over-population in urban areas. It is naturally expected that cities having a large size of population squeezed in a small space must suffer from overcrowding. This is well exhibited by almost all the big cities of India.


3.Slums and Squatter Settlements:

The natural sequel of unchecked, unplanned and haphazard Growth of urban areas is the growth and spread of slums and squatter settlements which present a striking feature in the ecological structure of Indian cities, especially of metropolitan centres.



Overcrowding leads to a chronic problem of shortage of houses in urban areas. This problem is specifically more acute in those urban areas where there is large influx of unemployed or underemployed immigrants who have no place to live in when they enter cities/towns from the surrounding areas.

5.)Seweage problem

Urban areas in India are almost invariably plagued with insufficient and inefficient sewage facilities. Not a single city in India is fully sewered. Resource crunch faced by the municipalities and unauthorised growth of the cities are two major causes of this pathetic state of affairs.









Human settlements are areas where people live and work. They can be small towns, large cities, or anything in between. Human settlements have a variety of functions, including providing housing, jobs, and services.

Functional Classification of Towns

Towns can be classified according to their functions. Some towns are primarily residential, while others are primarily commercial or industrial. Towns can also be classified according to their size. Small towns have a population of less than 10,000 people, while large cities have a population of more than 1 million people.

Central Place Theory

Central place theory is a theory that explains the location of towns and cities. The theory states that towns and cities are located at the center of a region where they can serve the needs of the surrounding area. The theory also states that the size of a town or city is determined by the number of people it can serve.

Urban Hierarchy

Towns and cities can be arranged in a hierarchy, with larger towns and cities at the top and smaller towns and villages at the bottom. The hierarchy is based on the size of the town or city and the functions it provides.

Functional Zoning

Functional zoning is a system of land use planning that divides a town or city into different zones for different purposes. Residential zones are for housing, commercial zones are for businesses, and industrial zones are for factories. Functional zoning helps to keep different types of land use separate and to reduce conflict between different land uses.

Problems of Human Settlement

Human settlements face a number of problems, including urban sprawl, slums, traffic congestion, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution, Solid Waste Management, Climate change, social problems, and economic problems.

Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl is the expansion of cities into the surrounding countryside. Urban sprawl can lead to a number of problems, including traffic congestion, air pollution, and loss of open space.


Slums are areas of a city where people live in POVERTY. Slums are often overcrowded and lack basic services, such as clean water and sanitation.

Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion is a problem that occurs when there are too many cars on the road. Traffic congestion can lead to delays, air pollution, and noise pollution.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a problem that occurs when the air is filled with harmful substances. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is a problem that occurs when water is contaminated with harmful substances. Water pollution can cause health problems, kill fish and other aquatic life, and damage Ecosystems.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a problem that occurs when the Environment is too noisy. Noise pollution can cause hearing loss, Stress, and sleep problems.

Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management is the process of collecting, treating, and disposing of solid waste. Solid waste management is a problem because it can pollute the environment and create health problems.

Climate Change

Climate change is a problem that occurs when the Earth’s climate changes. Climate change can cause a number of problems, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and changes in plant and animal life.

Social Problems

Social problems are problems that affect the way people live and interact with each other. Social problems can include crime, poverty, and homelessness.

Economic Problems

Economic problems are problems that affect the way people earn and spend Money. Economic problems can include Unemployment, Inflation, and Recession.


Human settlements face a number of problems. These problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including Population Growth, Economic Development, and technological change. It is important to address these problems in order to create sustainable and livable human settlements.

What are the different types of human settlements?

There are many different types of human settlements, but some of the most common include:

  • Cities: Cities are large, densely populated areas with a variety of economic and cultural activities.
  • Towns: Towns are smaller than cities, but they still have a significant number of businesses and residents.
  • Villages: Villages are small, rural settlements with a limited number of businesses and residents.
  • Hamlets: Hamlets are even smaller than villages, and they may only have a few dozen residents.
  • Tribes: Tribes are groups of people who share a common culture and history, and they often live in rural areas.
  • Bands: Bands are smaller than tribes, and they often live in nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyles.
  • Colonies: Colonies are settlements that are established by people from another country.
  • Settlements: Settlements are any type of human habitation, regardless of size or type.

What are the problems of human settlement?

There are many problems associated with human settlement, including:

  • Pollution: Human settlements can generate a lot of pollution, which can harm the environment and human health.
  • Overpopulation: Overpopulation can lead to a number of problems, including poverty, crime, and Environmental Degradation.
  • Housing shortages: In many parts of the world, there is a shortage of affordable housing, which can lead to homelessness and other problems.
  • Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE problems: Human settlements often have inadequate infrastructure, such as roads, water, and sanitation systems.
  • Conflict: Human settlements can be the site of conflict, both between individuals and between groups.
  • Natural disasters: Human settlements are often located in areas that are vulnerable to natural disasters, such as Earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.

What are the solutions to the problems of human settlement?

There are a number of solutions to the problems of human settlement, including:

  • Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Increasing access to Education and employment: Increasing access to education and employment can help to reduce poverty and improve the Quality Of Life in human settlements.
  • Investing in infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure, such as roads, water, and sanitation systems, can improve the quality of life in human settlements.
  • Reducing conflict: Reducing conflict can help to create a more peaceful and stable environment in human settlements.
  • Protecting against natural disasters: Protecting against natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, can help to reduce the loss of life and property in human settlements.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of human settlement?
    (A) Urban
    (B) Rural
    (C) Suburban
    (D) Industrial

  2. The largest city in the world is:
    (A) Tokyo
    (B) Delhi
    (C) Shanghai
    (D) Mexico City

  3. The most populous country in the world is:
    (A) China
    (B) India
    (C) United States
    (D) Indonesia

  4. The most densely populated country in the world is:
    (A) Monaco
    (B) Singapore
    (C) Malta
    (D) Bangladesh

  5. The least densely populated country in the world is:
    (A) Greenland
    (B) Australia
    (C) Canada
    (D) Russia

  6. The world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion by:
    (A) 2050
    (B) 2100
    (C) 2150
    (D) 2200

  7. The world’s population is currently growing at a rate of:
    (A) 1% per year
    (B) 2% per year
    (C) 3% per year
    (D) 4% per year

  8. The main reason for the world’s population growth is:
    (A) Increased life expectancy
    (B) Decreased death rate
    (C) Increased birth rate
    (D) All of the above

  9. The main challenge facing the world’s population is:
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Hunger
    (C) Disease
    (D) All of the above

  10. The main goal of sustainable development is to:
    (A) Meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
    (B) Reduce poverty and inequality.
    (C) Protect the environment.
    (D) All of the above.

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