Forest policy of Himachal Pradesh

Forest policy of himachal pradesh

The need for a new forest sector policy emerges from the realization that there has been a paradigm shift in the objectives and management practices of Forestry at the state and the national level. Post the first state forest policy for the Himachal Pradesh adopted on 3rdSeptember 1980 in furtherance of the National Forest Policy Resolution of 1952, a new National Forest Policy, 1988 has come into place. The Forest conservation Act 1980 has come into force and most importantly a constitutional devolvement of power to the Panchayati Raj Institution has been mandated to ensure democratic Decentralization through the Constitution (73rd amendment) Act, 1992. New conceptual framework on forestry management such as Participatory Forest Management has been adopted since the early nineties as an alternative national approach to forest management and is premised on collaboration, decentralization and democratization and as a result the forest sector as a whole has become pluralistic – recognizing multiple use, multiple stakeholders and multiple values.

The Himachal pradesh Forest Sector Policy 2005 suggests some specific policy measures with strategies to support such measures. However, it is to be noted that the strategies given are illustrative and inclusive and not limited to them. The essentials of the new policy measures are enumerated below:

  • new Classification of forestswhere conservation needs, production needs urban and aesthetic value of forests and most importantly the livelihood needs of the communities have been recognized.
  • While the government of Himachal Pradesh is committed to bringing more area under forest and tree coverit pragmatically recognizes the uniqueness of Himachal Pradesh as a hill state and considering the uncultivable, barren land, snow covered peaks -which cannot sustain forests, has set a target of 35.5% of the total geographical area under forest and tree cover.
  • Systematic planning and implementation of afforestationand equally important rehabilitation programme in degraded and open forests and available non-forest lands have been envisaged.
  • The policy re-emphasizes the need for integrating the forest sector into the larger land use planning process.
  • Realizing the increasing human and cattle Population and increasing demands and commercial needs the rights and concessions in forest areas will have to be reviewed in a participatory mannerand significantly the right holders will have the responsibility to identify themselves with protection, development and management of forests to ensure the continuity and sustainability of such rights and concessions. Consequently, the timber distribution rights will be routed through the institution of Gram Sabha and the periodicity, quantity and rates for TD rights will be rationalized. Similarly, for grazing rights of both, migratory and otherwise, population, a consultative mechanism will be evolved along with the Gram Sabha.
  • As regards Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity and wildlife management the thrust of new legislations such as the Biodiversity Act, 2002 and the new amendments in the Wildlife Act will be followed where linkage of Biodiversity conservation to livelihoods, traditional knowledge systems, equitable benefit sharing and recognizing the unique role of Women will be the guiding principles.
  • Watershed Management is integral to sustainable forest management and therefore watershed approachesthrough concerned departmental and non-governmental synergies will be promoted through a nodal agency.
  • A special focus on medicinal and aromatic Plantsas a part of non-wood forest product management would be developed with an emphasis on livelihood security in both public and private lands.
  • The existing forest management systems needs to be reexamined in Light of significant shift from tree centric to multiple use base and people centric approach to forestry. Consequently, forest harvestingneeds to be based on scientific principles and approved working plans.
  • It is envisaged that the government will develop incentives to encourage Forest Based Industries and procure raw material for such industries from sources other than government forests.
  • It is proposed that nature based tourismincluding wilderness tourism will be promoted in consonance with the ecotourism policy of the state.
  • It is further recognized that the Farming Systems needs to be interfaced with forestryto ensure long term viability of rural livelihoods of rural communities and sustainable forests.
  • A special focus of the policy is the cold desert areasof the state where native Medicinal And Aromatic Plants and cooperative micro enterprises will be promoted.
  • Demarcation and settlementstill awaits urgent attention of the state which has resulted in maximum encroachment and illegal occupation on forest land. Thus the survey, settlement and demarcation of UN-demarcated and unsettled notified forests will be taken up on high priority.
  • Forest fires, invasive Weeds and stray cattle problemshave become serious threats to forest and forest based Resources and thus measures to control them will be taken up on an urgent basis.
  • The requisite institutional supportto implement the new forest sector policy has also been outlined. A key feature is the strengthening and re-constitution of an independent, autonomous and multi-sectoral Centre for Policy and Planning.
  • The role of information technology, research and development, a comprehensive HRD strategy and robust monitoring and evaluation systems are the other focus areas.

forest policy is a response to the emerging needs and aspiration of people of the state. This policy has a unique mountain area focus and centralization through Panchayati Raj Institution in forest management of forest resources from the bedrock on which the policy stands. The policy envisages a long term Investment programme for forest sector funding commensurate with the contribution of the State GDP through public sector participation and need based international funding and regular budgetary allocation.,

The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh is a policy document that outlines the government’s vision for the management of forests in the state. The policy was adopted in 2006 and has been revised several times since then. The policy’s main objectives are to:

  • Conserve and protect forests
  • Promote sustainable forest management
  • Ensure the equitable and efficient use of forest resources
  • Promote the development of forest-based industries
  • Raise awareness about the importance of forests

The policy sets out a number of strategies for achieving these objectives, including:

  • Strengthening the forest department
  • Promoting community participation in forest management
  • Developing forest-based industries
  • Raising awareness about the importance of forests

The policy has been successful in achieving some of its objectives. For example, the forest cover in Himachal Pradesh has increased from 26% in 2006 to 30% in 2020. However, the policy has also faced some challenges, such as illegal logging and forest fires.


The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh is a policy document that outlines the government’s vision for the management of forests in the state. The policy was adopted in 2006 and has been revised several times since then. The policy’s main objectives are to:

  • Conserve and protect forests
  • Promote sustainable forest management
  • Ensure the equitable and efficient use of forest resources
  • Promote the development of forest-based industries
  • Raise awareness about the importance of forests

The policy sets out a number of strategies for achieving these objectives, including:

  • Strengthening the forest department
  • Promoting community participation in forest management
  • Developing forest-based industries
  • Raising awareness about the importance of forests


The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh has the following objectives:

  • To conserve and protect forests
  • To promote sustainable forest management
  • To ensure the equitable and efficient use of forest resources
  • To promote the development of forest-based industries
  • To raise awareness about the importance of forests


The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh sets out a number of strategies for achieving its objectives, including:

  • Strengthening the forest department
  • Promoting community participation in forest management
  • Developing forest-based industries
  • Raising awareness about the importance of forests


The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh is implemented by the Forest Department of the State Government. The department is responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the policy. The department also works with other government departments, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to implement the policy.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh is monitored and evaluated by the Forest Department. The department collects data on the implementation of the policy and uses this data to assess the policy’s effectiveness. The department also conducts surveys and interviews to get feedback from stakeholders on the policy.


The Forest Policy of Himachal Pradesh is a comprehensive policy that outlines the government’s vision for the management of forests in the state. The policy has been successful in achieving some of its objectives, such as increasing forest cover. However, the policy has also faced some challenges, such as illegal logging and forest fires. The Forest Department is working to address these challenges and to ensure that the policy is implemented effectively.

What is forest policy?

Forest policy is a set of principles and guidelines that govern the management of forests. It is designed to ensure that forests are used in a sustainable way, and that the needs of both people and the Environment are met.

What are the objectives of forest policy?

The objectives of forest policy vary from country to country, but they typically include the following:

  • To conserve and protect forests
  • To manage forests sustainably
  • To provide for the needs of people who depend on forests
  • To promote the sustainable use of forest products
  • To protect the environment

What are the main challenges facing forest policy?

The main challenges facing forest policy include the following:

  • Deforestation
  • Forest degradation
  • Climate change
  • Overexploitation of forest resources
  • Conflicts between different stakeholders
  • Lack of funding
  • Lack of capacity

What are some of the key initiatives that have been taken to address the challenges facing forest policy?

Some of the key initiatives that have been taken to address the challenges facing forest policy include the following:

  • The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organization that sets standards for the sustainable management of forests.
  • The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international organization that sets standards for the sustainable management of forests.
  • The United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) is a forum for governments to discuss and develop policies on forests.
  • The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty that aims to conserve biological diversity, promote the sustainable use of its components, and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.
  • The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What are some of the key successes of forest policy?

Some of the key successes of forest policy include the following:

  • The FSC and PEFC have helped to promote the sustainable management of forests.
  • The UNFF has helped to raise awareness of the importance of forests.
  • The CBD has helped to protect forests and their biodiversity.
  • The Kyoto Protocol has helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What are some of the key challenges that remain for forest policy?

Some of the key challenges that remain for forest policy include the following:

  • Deforestation and forest degradation continue to occur at an alarming rate.
  • Climate Change is having a significant impact on forests.
  • Overexploitation of forest resources continues to be a problem.
  • Conflicts between different stakeholders continue to occur.
  • Funding for forest management remains inadequate.
  • Capacity for forest management remains inadequate.

What are some of the key opportunities for forest policy?

Some of the key opportunities for forest policy include the following:

  • The increasing demand for forest products and Services provides an opportunity to generate income from forests.
  • The increasing awareness of the importance of forests provides an opportunity to build support for forest conservation and management.
  • The development of new technologies provides an opportunity to improve the efficiency of forest management.
  • The increasing cooperation between governments and other stakeholders provides an opportunity to address the challenges facing forests.

What are some of the key risks for forest policy?

Some of the key risks for forest policy include the following:

  • The decline in the availability of forest products and services could lead to increased prices and shortages.
  • The loss of forests could lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
  • The degradation of forests could lead to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • The conflict between different stakeholders could lead to violence and instability.
  • The lack of funding could lead to the decline of forest management.
  • The lack of capacity could lead to the decline of forest management.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of forest?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  2. Which of the following is the largest type of forest in the world?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  3. Which of the following is the most biodiverse type of forest?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  4. Which of the following is the most threatened type of forest?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  5. Which of the following is the most important type of forest for humans?
    (A) Tropical rainforest
    (B) Temperate rainforest
    (C) Boreal forest
    (D) Desert forest

  6. Which of the following is the most common type of forest in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Deodar forest
    (B) Pine forest
    (C) Oak forest
    (D) Rhododendron forest

  7. Which of the following is the most important tree in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Deodar
    (B) Pine
    (C) Oak
    (D) Rhododendron

  8. Which of the following is the most important forest product in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Timber
    (B) Fuelwood
    (C) Fodder
    (D) Non-timber forest products

  9. Which of the following is the most important forest-based Industry in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Sawmilling
    (B) Paper and pulp industry
    (C) Handicraft industry
    (D) Tourism

  10. Which of the following is the most important forest-based conservation initiative in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Chipko Movement
    (B) Van Mahotsav
    (C) Ecotourism
    (D) Joint Forest Management

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