Food Security & Public Distribution System(PDS)- For RAS RTS Exam

<2/”>a >WHO Defines Food Security to exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
food securityFood security has three interlinked contents such as :-

  1. Availability of food,
  2. Access to food and
  3. absorption of food.

Food security is a multidimensional concept covering even the  micro level household food security,energy intakes and indicators of Malnutrition.


Major components of food security are:-

  1. Production and Procurement
  2. Storage
  3. Distribution

Indian agriculture is rightly called as a gamble with Monsoon, variability in food production and rising Population creates food insecurity in the nation and worst effected are the downtrodden section of the Society.

While India has seen impressive economic Growth in recent years, the country still struggles with widespread POVERTY and hunger. India’s poor population amounts to more than 300 million people, with almost 30 percent of India’s rural population living in poverty. The good news is, poverty has been on the decline in recent years. According to official government of India estimates, poverty declined from 37.2% in 2004-05 to 29.8% in 2009-10.

Need for Self-Sufficiency:

India suffered two very severe droughts in 1965 and 1966. Food Aid to India was restricted to a monthly basis by USA under the P.L. 480 programme.  The Green Revolution made a significant change in the scene. India achieved self-sufficiency in food grains by the year 1976 through the implementation of the seed- water-fertilizer policy adopted by the Government of India.

Food grain production increased four-fold during 1950-51 and 2001-2002 from 51 million tons to 212 million tones. The country is no longer exposed to real famines. But the regional variation in the success of Green Revolution which was chiefly limited to northern- Western states has lead to the divide in the nation. Evergreen revoloution and Bringing green revolution to eastern India is the need of the hour.

Green revolution was focused on wheat and rice and thus the production of pulses was stagnant.

National Food Security Mission comprising rice, wheat and pulses to increase the production of rice by 10 million tons, wheat by 8 million tons and pulses by 2 million tons by the end of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12). The Mission is being continued during 12th Five Year Plan with new targets of additional production of food grains of 25 million tons of food grains comprising of 10 million tons rice, 8 million tons of wheat, 4 million tons of pulses and 3 million tons of coarse Cereals by the end of 12th Five Year Plan.
The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) during the 12th Five Year Plan will have five components

(i) NFSM- Rice;

(ii) NFSM-Wheat;

(iii) NFSM-Pulses,

(iv) NFSM-Coarse cereals and

(v) NFSM-Commercial Crops.

Government through Public Distribution System has tried to counter the problem of food insecurity by providing the food grains through fair price shops.

The central Government through Food Corporation of India has assumed the responsibilities of  procurement,storage,transfer and bulk allocation of food grains to state governments.

pdsThe public distribution system (PDS) has played an important role in attaining higher levels of the household food security and completely eliminating the threats of famines from the face of the country, it will be in the fitness of things that its evolution, working and efficacy are examined in some details.

PDS was initiated as a deliberate social policy of the government with the objectives of:

i) Providing foodgrains and other essential items to vulnerable sections of the society at resonable (subsidised) prices;

ii) to have a moderating influence on the open market prices of cereals, the distribution of which constitutes a fairly big share of the total marketable surplus; and

iii) to attempt socialisation in the matter of distribution of essential commodities.


The focus of the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) is on “poor in all areas” and TPDS involves issue of     35 Kg of food grains per family per month for the population Below Poverty Line (BPL) at specially subsidized prices. The TPDS requires the states to Formulate and implement :-

  1. foolproof arrangements for identification of poor,
  2. Effective delivery of food grains to Fair Price Shops (FPSs)
  3. Its distribution in a transparent and accountable manner at the FPS level.


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Food Security in India

India is a country with a population of over 1.3 billion people. It is the second most populous country in the world, after China. India is also a developing country, with a large proportion of its population living in poverty.

Food security is a major concern in India. The country has experienced several food crises in recent years, including the 2007-2008 global food crisis. The Indian government has taken steps to address food security, including the introduction of the Public Distribution System (PDS).

The PDS is a food subsidy program that provides food grains at subsidized prices to low-income households. The PDS is one of the largest food subsidy programs in the world. It covers over 800 million people, or about two-thirds of the Indian population.

The PDS has been successful in reducing hunger and malnutrition in India. However, the program has also been criticized for its inefficiency and Corruption. The Indian government is currently reforming the PDS in an effort to make it more efficient and effective.

Public Distribution System (PDS)

The Public Distribution System (PDS) is a food subsidy program in India. It was introduced in 1952 to ensure that all Indians have access to basic food grains at affordable prices. The PDS is one of the largest food subsidy programs in the world, and it covers over 800 million people, or about two-thirds of the Indian population.

The PDS works through a Network of ration shops, which are government-run or government-licensed stores. Ration shops are located in all parts of the country, and they are open to all citizens. To purchase food grains from a ration shop, a person must have a ration card. Ration cards are issued by the government, and they are based on a person’s income and family size.

The PDS provides food grains at subsidized prices. The prices of food grains under the PDS are lower than the market prices. The government provides a subsidy to the ration shops, which they pass on to the consumers. The subsidy is designed to make food grains affordable for low-income households.

The PDS has been successful in reducing hunger and malnutrition in India. However, the program has also been criticized for its inefficiency and corruption. The Indian government is currently reforming the PDS in an effort to make it more efficient and effective.

Objectives of PDS

The objectives of the PDS are to:

  • Ensure that all Indians have access to basic food grains at affordable prices.
  • Reduce hunger and malnutrition in India.
  • Stabilize food prices in the market.
  • Promote agricultural production.
  • Provide EMPLOYMENT opportunities in the rural areas.

Features of PDS

The features of the PDS are as follows:

  • It is a food subsidy program.
  • It is operated through a network of ration shops.
  • Ration cards are required to purchase food grains from ration shops.
  • Food grains are provided at subsidized prices.
  • The program is funded by the government.
  • The program is targeted at low-income households.

Beneficiaries of PDS

The beneficiaries of the PDS are low-income households. The PDS is designed to provide food grains at affordable prices to these households. The PDS is also used to provide food grains to other vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, the disabled, and the pregnant Women.

Criticisms of PDS

The PDS has been criticized for its inefficiency and corruption. The ration shops are often poorly managed, and the food grains are not always available. The PDS is also seen as a drain on the government’s Resources.

Reforms in PDS

The Indian government is currently reforming the PDS in an effort to make it more efficient and effective. The reforms include:

  • Decentralizing the management of the PDS.
  • Introducing new technologies to improve the efficiency of the PDS.
  • Targeting the PDS more effectively.
  • Reducing the subsidy on food grains.

Future of PDS

The future of the PDS is uncertain. The Indian government is considering privatizing the PDS. However, there is opposition to this proposal from some quarters. The PDS is likely to continue to play an important role in India’s food security system.

Food Security

  • What is food security?

Food security is a condition in which all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

  • What are the four pillars of food security?

The four pillars of food security are availability, access, utilization and stability.

  • What are the major challenges to food security in India?

The major challenges to food security in India are poverty, Climate change, and conflict.

  • What are the government’s initiatives to ensure food security in India?

The government’s initiatives to ensure food security in India include the Public Distribution System (PDS), the National Food Security Act (NFSA), and the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY).

Public Distribution System (PDS)

  • What is the Public Distribution System (PDS)?

The Public Distribution System (PDS) is a national food security system in India that provides subsidized foodgrains to ration card holders.

  • Who are the beneficiaries of the PDS?

The beneficiaries of the PDS are households below the poverty line (BPL) and households above the poverty line (APL).

  • What are the ration items under the PDS?

The ration items under the PDS are rice, wheat, sugar, and kerosene.

  • How does the PDS work?

The PDS works through a network of ration shops, which are operated by the government or by private contractors. Ration card holders can purchase ration items at subsidized prices from these shops.

  • What are the problems with the PDS?

The problems with the PDS include leakages, corruption, and low quality of ration items.

  • What are the reforms that have been proposed for the PDS?

The reforms that have been proposed for the PDS include computerization of ration shops, direct benefit transfer (DBT), and introduction of smart cards.

Question 1

The Public Distribution System (PDS) is a national food security system in India. It was introduced in 1950 to provide foodgrains at subsidized prices to the poor. The PDS is implemented through a network of ration shops, which are operated by the government or by private contractors.

The PDS is a major source of food for the poor in India. In 2011-12, the PDS provided foodgrains to about 67% of the population. The PDS is also a major source of employment in India. In 2011-12, the PDS employed about 2.5 million people.

The PDS has been criticized for being inefficient and corrupt. It has also been criticized for not reaching the poorest of the poor. However, the PDS remains a vital part of the Indian food security system.

Which of the following is not a criticism of the PDS?

(A) The PDS is inefficient.
(B) The PDS is corrupt.
(C) The PDS does not reach the poorest of the poor.
(D) The PDS is a major source of food for the poor in India.


(D) The PDS is a major source of food for the poor in India.

Question 2

The National Food Security Act (NFSA) is a law that was passed by the Indian Parliament in 2013. The NFSA aims to provide food security to all citizens of India. The NFSA provides for a legal entitlement to foodgrains at subsidized prices to all households below the poverty line.

The NFSA has been implemented in a phased manner. The first phase of the NFSA was implemented in 2014. The second phase of the NFSA was implemented in 2015. The third phase of the NFSA is currently being implemented.

The NFSA has been successful in providing food security to millions of Indians. However, the NFSA has also faced some challenges. One of the challenges is that the NFSA has not been able to reach all the eligible households. Another challenge is that the NFSA has not been able to prevent hunger and malnutrition.

Which of the following is not a challenge faced by the NFSA?

(A) The NFSA has not been able to reach all the eligible households.
(B) The NFSA has not been able to prevent hunger and malnutrition.
(C) The NFSA has been successful in providing food security to millions of Indians.
(D) The NFSA has been implemented in a phased manner.


(C) The NFSA has been successful in providing food security to millions of Indians.

Question 3

The Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) is a Food Security Scheme that was launched by the Indian government in 2020. The PMGKAY aims to provide free foodgrains to 80 crore people in India. The PMGKAY is a temporary scheme that is being implemented for a period of six months.

The PMGKAY has been successful in providing food security to millions of Indians. However, the PMGKAY has also faced some challenges. One of the challenges is that the PMGKAY has not been able to reach all the eligible households. Another challenge is that the PMGKAY has not been able to prevent hunger and malnutrition.

Which of the following is not a challenge faced by the PMGKAY?

(A) The PMGKAY has not been able to reach all the eligible households.
(B) The PMGKAY has not been able to prevent hunger and malnutrition.
(C) The PMGKAY has been successful in providing food security to millions of Indians.
(D) The PMGKAY is a temporary scheme that is being implemented for a period of six months.


(C) The PMGKAY has been successful in providing food security to millions of Indians.

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