Food Preservatives

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Food preservatives

Food preservatives constitute a group of compounds of widely different molecular structures; they are organic and inorganic substances with different functional groups and tendencies to form ions. There are no procedures that are generally applicable to the analysis of preservatives as a class of food additive; the procedures are specific to the preservative being analyzed. The lowest concentrations of commonly used preservatives are of the order of a few milligrams per kilogram of food, and, with few exceptions, recommended or statutory methods of analysis are designed to give a good accuracy at levels of 10 to  > 1000 mg of preservative per kilogram of food. The question of the lower limit of detection is rarely an issue, unless it is desired to use small sample sizes, e.g., < 1 g, or to determine whether or not a food or its ingredients had been treated with a preservative. For solid foods, small sample sizes often lead to nonrepresentative sampling and should be avoided. Not all the procedures described constitute official methods of analysis. Frequently, for routine analysis, a food manufacturer would use a rapid or cheap analytical technique standardized against an official method. The official status of given procedures varies from country to country.

Organic and inorganic acid preservatives may be added in the form of the undissociated acid or a variety of salts. In food, the ionic composition is determined largely by concentration and pH, but it is generally impossible to predict this accurately for any given situation. In order to avoid complications with the specification of the amount of preservative in a food, this is usually referred to as the weight-for-weight concentration of the undissociated acid, e.g., benzoic acid, sorbic acid, or sulfur dioxide. Nitrite and nitrate levels are expressed in terms of the weight of the sodium salt.

Chemical reactions between food preservatives and components of microbial cells, or with food components where there are implications with regard to antimicrobial action, have been described above. However, some food preservatives, and particularly sorbic acid, sulfur dioxide, sulfites, and nitrite ions are capable of more extensive reactivity with food components. This may lead to the formation of reaction products of toxicological importance and a reduction in the concentration of available preservative.

Natural Food Preservatives

 In the category of natural food preservatives comes the salt, sugar, alcohol, vinegar etc. These are the traditional preservatives in food that are also used at home while making pickles, jams and juices etc. Also the freezing, boiling, smoking, salting are considered to be the natural ways of preserving food. Coffee powder and soup are dehydrated and freeze-dried for preservation. In this section the citrus food preservatives like citrus acid and ascorbic acid work on ENZYMES and disrupt their Metabolism leading to the preservation.  Sugar and salt are the earliest natural food preservatives that very efficiently drops the Growth of bacteria in food. To preserve meat and fish, salt is still used as a natural food preservative.

Artificial Preservatives

Artificial preservatives are the chemical substances that stops of delayed the growth of bacteria, spoilage and its discoloration. These artificial preservatives can be added to the food or sprayed on the food.

Types of Artificial Preservatives Food

  • Antimicrobial agents
  • Antioxidants
  • Chelating agent

In antimicrobial comes the Benzoates, Sodium benzoate, Sorbates and Nitrites. 
Antioxidants include the Sulfites, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) 
Chelating agent has the Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Polyphosphates and Citric acid

Harmful Food Preservatives

Although preservatives food additives are used to keep the food fresh and to stop the bacterial growth. But still there are certain preservatives in food that are harmful if taken in more than the prescribed limits.


Certain harmful food preservatives are Benzoates

This group of chemical food preservative has been banned in Russia because of its role in triggering allergies, asthma and skin rashes. It is also considered to cause the brain damage. This food preservative is used in fruit juices, tea, coffee etc.


This chemical food preservative is expected to cause high blood pressure and cholestrol level. This can affect the kidney and live function. It is found in butter, vegetable oils and margarine.

BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole)

BHA is expected to cause the live diseases and cancer. This food preservative is used to preserve the fresh pork and pork sausages, potato chips, instant teas, cake mixes and many more.


Caramel is the coloring agent that causes the vitamin B6 deficiencies, genetic effects and cancer. It is found in candies, bread, brown colored food and frozen pizza.

In addition to this there are many other harmful food preservatives. These are Bromates, Caffeine, Carrageenan, Chlorines, Coal Tar AZO Dies, Gallates, Glutamates, Mono- and Di-glycerides, Nitrates/Nitrites, Saccharin, Sodium Erythrobate, Sulphites and Tannin.




Food preservatives are substances that are added to food to prevent or delay spoilage. They can be natural or synthetic, and they work in a variety of ways.

Antioxidants are one type of food preservative. They work by preventing the oxidation of food, which is a Chemical Reaction that can cause food to spoil. Antioxidants can be found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as in some spices and herbs.

Antimicrobials are another type of food preservative. They work by killing or inhibiting the growth of Microorganisms, such as bacteria, mold, and yeast. Antimicrobials can be found in both natural and synthetic forms.

Chemical preservatives are a type of food preservative that is made from chemicals. They are often used to prevent the growth of microorganisms in food. Some common chemical preservatives include sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and sulfur dioxide.

Natural preservatives are a type of food preservative that is made from natural ingredients. They are often used to prevent the growth of microorganisms in food. Some common natural preservatives include vinegar, lemon juice, and salt.

Physical preservatives are a type of food preservative that is used to prevent the growth of microorganisms in food. They do not contain any chemicals. Some common physical preservatives include vacuum packaging, refrigeration, and freezing.

Vacuum packaging is a type of food preservation that involves removing all of the air from a package of food. This prevents the growth of microorganisms, which need Oxygen to survive.

Refrigeration is a type of food preservation that involves keeping food at a temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This slows down the growth of microorganisms, which can help to prevent food from spoiling.

Freezing is a type of food preservation that involves keeping food at a temperature below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This stops the growth of microorganisms, which can help to prevent food from spoiling.

Water activity is a measure of how much water is available for microorganisms to use. The lower the water activity, the less likely microorganisms are to grow. This is why food that is high in sugar or salt, or that has been dried, is less likely to spoil.

Food preservatives are an important part of keeping food safe to eat. They can help to prevent food from spoiling, and they can also help to extend the shelf life of food.

What is a food preservative?

A food preservative is a substance that is added to food to prevent it from spoiling.

What are the different types of food preservatives?

There are many different types of food preservatives, but some of the most common include:

How do food preservatives work?

Food preservatives work in a variety of ways, depending on the type of preservative. Antioxidants, for example, work by preventing the oxidation of fats and oils. Antimicrobials work by killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria, mold, and other microorganisms. pH adjusters work by controlling the pH of food, which can help to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Sequestrants work by binding to metal ions, which can prevent them from reacting with food and causing it to spoil.

Are food preservatives safe?

Most food preservatives are safe when used in the amounts that are typically found in food. However, some people may be sensitive to certain preservatives, and it is important to read food labels carefully to avoid foods that contain ingredients that you may be allergic to.

What are the benefits of using food preservatives?

Food preservatives can help to extend the shelf life of food, which can help to reduce food waste. They can also help to improve the safety of food by preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms.

What are the risks of using food preservatives?

Some people worry that food preservatives may be harmful to Health. However, most food preservatives are safe when used in the amounts that are typically found in food. There is some evidence that certain preservatives may be linked to health problems, such as cancer, but more research is needed to confirm these links.

What are the alternatives to using food preservatives?

There are a number of alternatives to using food preservatives, such as:

What is the best way to store food?

The best way to store food depends on the type of food. Some general tips for storing food include:

Sure. Here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Food Preservatives:

  1. Which of the following is not a food preservative?
    (A) Salt
    (B) Sugar
    (C) Vinegar
    (D) Bleach

  2. Which of the following is a natural food preservative?
    (A) Salt
    (B) Sugar
    (C) Vinegar
    (D) Vitamin C

  3. Which of the following is a synthetic food preservative?
    (A) Salt
    (B) Sugar
    (C) Vinegar
    (D) BHA

  4. Which of the following is a common food additive that is also a preservative?
    (A) Sodium benzoate
    (B) Potassium sorbate
    (C) Calcium propionate
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is a common food additive that is not a preservative?
    (A) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    (B) Artificial colors
    (C) Artificial flavors
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is a common food additive that is controversial?
    (A) Sodium benzoate
    (B) Potassium sorbate
    (C) Calcium propionate
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is a common food additive that is generally considered safe?
    (A) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    (B) Artificial colors
    (C) Artificial flavors
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a common food additive that is banned in some countries?
    (A) Sodium benzoate
    (B) Potassium sorbate
    (C) Calcium propionate
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a common food additive that is not banned in any countries?
    (A) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    (B) Artificial colors
    (C) Artificial flavors
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is a common food additive that is associated with health risks?
    (A) Sodium benzoate
    (B) Potassium sorbate
    (C) Calcium propionate
    (D) All of the above

  11. Which of the following is a common food additive that is not associated with health risks?
    (A) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    (B) Artificial colors
    (C) Artificial flavors
    (D) All of the above

  12. Which of the following is a common food additive that is a potential carcinogen?
    (A) Sodium benzoate
    (B) Potassium sorbate
    (C) Calcium propionate
    (D) All of the above

  13. Which of the following is a common food additive that is not a potential carcinogen?
    (A) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    (B) Artificial colors
    (C) Artificial flavors
    (D) All of the above

  14. Which of the following is a common food additive that is a potential allergen?
    (A) Sodium benzoate
    (B) Potassium sorbate
    (C) Calcium propionate
    (D) All of the above

  15. Which of the following is a common food additive that is not a potential allergen?
    (A) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    (B) Artificial colors
    (C) Artificial flavors
    (D) All of the above

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