Fast-Unto-Death by K.Chandra Shekar Rao and Joint Action Commitee

<<2/”>a href=””>p>The events and happenings in the state in the last one year starting from November 29, 2009 are still quite fresh in public memory. To recall, as announced earlier, TRS President, K. Chandrasekhara Rao started his fast-untodeath on November 29, 2009 demanding that the Central Government should introduce the Telangana Bill in Parliament. Prior to his undertaking the fast, TRS called upon student bodies, employees unions and various non-gazetted officials organizations to join the movement. After the Telangana issue had resurfaced around Assembly Elections of 1999, the students, non-gazetted officials and other organizations at this point of time once again got involved in the Telangana movement.

On the day of his fast, i.e. November 29, 2009, K. Chandrasekhara Rao was arrested and taken to Khammam. On November 30, 2009 he reportedly broke his fast but resumed it soon thereafter under pressure from vociferous and agitating pro-Telangana Elements. Following these developments, there was simultaneous and wide-spread agitation and violence in Telangana region for a few days, particularly on December 6-7, 2009, resulting in major damage to public and private property and loss of life including a number of suicides. Around the same time, a Joint Action Committee (JAC) was formed by the students of Osmania and Kakatiya universities. The JAC started seriously agitating for the cause of a separate Telangana, demanding an assurance for the same. The agitations led to the closure of educational institutions and business establishments throughout the Telangana region. Public transport Services were also suspended. During this period, reportedly over five thousand persons were taken into preventive custody with a view to bringing the law and order situation created by the agitations under control.

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