Factors of economic development

<2/”>a >Economic Growth

  • Economic growth means an increase in Real GDP. This increase in real GDP means there is an increase in the value of national output / national expenditure.
  • Economic growth is an important macro-economic objective because it enables increased living standards and helps create new jobs.

Measurement of Economic Growth

Economic growth is measured by changes in the gross domestic product (GDP). It measures a country’s entire economic output for the past year. That takes into account all goods and Services that are produced in this country for sale, whether they are sold domestically or sold overseas. It only measures final production, so that the parts manufactured to make a product are not counted. Exports are counted because they are produced in this country. Imports are subtracted from economic growth. Economic growth is measured quarterly measured using real GDP to compensate for the effects of Inflation. Here’s more on the GDP growth rate and how you can calculate it.

Measurements of economic growth do not include unpaid services. They include the care of one’s children, unpaid volunteer work, or illegal black-market activities.

Determinants of Economic Growth

  • Productivity.
  • Intensity (hours worked)
  • Demographic changes.
  • Political institutions, property rights, and Rule of Law.
  • Capital.
  • New products and services.
  • Growth phases and sector Shares.


The Concept Of Economic Development

  • Economic development is the process by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people.

Differences between Economic Growth and Economic Development

  • Economic growth measures an increase in Real GDP (real output). GDP is a measure of the NATIONAL INCOME / national output and national expenditure. It basically measures the total volume of goods and services produced in an economy.

Economic Development looks at a wider range of statistics than just GDP per capita. Development is concerned with how people are actually affected. It looks at their actual living standards and the freedom they have to enjoy a good standard of living.

Elements/ Factors Contributing to Economic Development


Economic development is the process of improving the economic well-being and Quality Of Life of a nation’s Population. It involves increasing the amount of goods and services produced, raising the standard of living, and improving the distribution of income.

There are many factors that contribute to economic development, including:

  • Human Capital: The skills and knowledge of a country’s workforce. A well-educated and skilled workforce is essential for economic growth.
  • Physical capital: The Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE and machinery used to produce goods and services. A country needs a strong physical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and Airports, in order to attract Investment and support economic activity.
  • Natural resources: The raw materials used to produce goods and services. Countries with abundant natural resources can use them to boost their economic growth.
  • Technology: The knowledge and tools used to produce goods and services. Technological innovation can lead to new products and processes that can boost economic growth.
  • Institutions: The rules and regulations that govern a country’s economy. A well-functioning legal system and a stable political environment are essential for economic growth.
  • Geography: The physical location of a country can affect its economic development. Countries with access to seaports and other transportation hubs are often more prosperous than those that are landlocked.
  • Entrepreneurship: The willingness and ability of individuals to start and run businesses. Entrepreneurs are essential for economic growth, as they are the ones who create new businesses and jobs.
  • Trade: The exchange of goods and services between countries. Trade can help countries to specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage, which can lead to increased economic efficiency and growth.
  • Government policy: The policies that governments implement can have a significant impact on economic growth. Governments can promote economic growth by investing in Education and infrastructure, providing tax breaks to businesses, and creating a stable macroeconomic environment.
  • Culture: The values and beliefs of a Society can influence its economic development. A culture that values hard work, innovation, and entrepreneurship is more likely to be successful in economic development.
  • Demographics: The size, Age structure, and distribution of a country’s population can affect its economic development. A large and growing population can provide a workforce and a market for goods and services, but it can also put a strain on resources.
  • Conflict: War and civil unrest can disrupt economic activity and lead to economic decline.
  • Corruption: Corruption can lead to economic inefficiency and a loss of public trust in government.
  • Climate change: Climate Change can have a negative impact on economic development by disrupting agriculture, causing natural disasters, and increasing the risk of disease.
  • Inequality: Economic inequality can lead to social unrest and political instability, which can hinder economic growth.
  • Innovation: The ability to create new products and processes can lead to economic growth.
  • Productivity: The efficiency with which a country’s resources are used can affect its economic growth.
  • Efficiency: The ability to produce goods and services at a low cost can lead to economic growth.

Economic growth is the increase in the amount of goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is usually measured as the annual Percentage change in real gross domestic product (GDP). Economic growth is important because it can lead to higher standards of living, improved infrastructure, and a more stable economy.

Economic development is the process of improving the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation’s population. It involves increasing the amount of goods and services produced, raising the standard of living, and improving the distribution of income. Economic development is important because it can lead to a more prosperous and equitable society.

There are many factors that contribute to economic growth and development, including the factors listed above. However, it is important to note that these factors are not always equally important in all countries. The specific factors that are most important for economic growth and development will vary depending on a country’s unique circumstances.

What are the factors of economic development?

Economic development is the process of improving the economic well-being and quality of life for a country’s citizens. It is a complex process that involves many factors, including:

  • Natural resources: A country’s natural resources, such as land, Minerals, and water, can be a source of economic growth.
  • Human capital: The skills and knowledge of a country’s workforce are essential for economic development.
  • Infrastructure: A country’s infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and airports, is necessary for economic activity.
  • Investment: Investment in physical capital, such as factories and equipment, and in human capital, such as education and training, can lead to economic growth.
  • Technology: Technological innovation can lead to new products and services, which can boost economic growth.
  • Institutions: A country’s institutions, such as its legal system and its financial system, can affect economic development.
  • Trade: Trade with other countries can provide access to new markets and resources, which can lead to economic growth.

What are the benefits of economic development?

Economic development can bring many benefits to a country, including:

  • Increased income: Economic development can lead to higher incomes for individuals and businesses.
  • Improved Health: Economic development can lead to better health care and Nutrition, which can improve the health of the population.
  • Reduced POVERTY: Economic development can help to reduce poverty by creating jobs and increasing incomes.
  • Improved education: Economic development can lead to better education for the population, which can improve the quality of life.
  • Increased innovation: Economic development can lead to increased innovation, as businesses and individuals are more likely to invest in new ideas and technologies.
  • Improved infrastructure: Economic development can lead to improved infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and airports, which can make it easier to do business.
  • Increased trade: Economic development can lead to increased trade with other countries, which can boost the economy.

What are the challenges of economic development?

Economic development can also bring some challenges, including:

  • Income inequality: Economic development can lead to increased income inequality, as some people benefit more than others.
  • Environmental Degradation: Economic development can lead to environmental degradation, as businesses and individuals consume more resources and produce more pollution.
  • Social unrest: Economic development can lead to social unrest, as people may feel that they are not benefiting from the economic growth.
  • Political instability: Economic development can lead to political instability, as people may demand changes to the political system.
  • Corruption: Economic development can lead to corruption, as businesses and individuals may try to take advantage of the situation to enrich themselves.
  • Instability: Economic development can lead to instability, as the economy may grow and contract at different rates.

How can economic development be achieved?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to achieve economic development will vary depending on the country’s specific circumstances. However, some general strategies that can be used to promote economic development include:

  • Investing in human capital: Investing in education and training can help to improve the skills and knowledge of the workforce, which can lead to economic growth.
  • Investing in infrastructure: Investing in roads, bridges, airports, and other infrastructure can help to improve the economy by making it easier to do business.
  • Promoting trade: Promoting trade with other countries can help to boost the economy by providing access to new markets and resources.
  • Reforming institutions: Reforming the legal system, the financial system, and other institutions can help to create a more favorable environment for economic growth.
  • Encouraging innovation: Encouraging innovation can help to boost the economy by creating new products and services.
  • Reducing poverty: Reducing poverty can help to create a more stable and prosperous economy.
  • Protecting the environment: Protecting the environment can help to ensure that economic development is sustainable in the long term.
  1. Which of the following is not a factor of economic development?
    (A) Human capital
    (B) Natural resources
    (C) Physical capital
    (D) Technology
    (E) Economic freedom

  2. Which of the following is the most important factor of economic development?
    (A) Human capital
    (B) Natural resources
    (C) Physical capital
    (D) Technology
    (E) Economic freedom

  3. Which of the following countries has the highest level of human capital?
    (A) United States
    (B) China
    (C) India
    (D) Japan
    (E) Germany

  4. Which of the following countries has the highest level of natural resources?
    (A) Saudi Arabia
    (B) Russia
    (C) Canada
    (D) Australia
    (E) Brazil

  5. Which of the following countries has the highest level of physical capital?
    (A) United States
    (B) China
    (C) Japan
    (D) Germany
    (E) France

  6. Which of the following countries has the highest level of technology?
    (A) United States
    (B) China
    (C) Japan
    (D) Germany
    (E) South Korea

  7. Which of the following countries has the highest level of economic freedom?
    (A) Hong Kong
    (B) Singapore
    (C) New Zealand
    (D) Switzerland
    (E) Australia

  8. Which of the following countries has the highest level of economic development?
    (A) United States
    (B) China
    (C) India
    (D) Japan
    (E) Germany

  9. Which of the following is the most important factor for a country to achieve economic development?
    (A) Human capital
    (B) Natural resources
    (C) Physical capital
    (D) Technology
    (E) Economic freedom

  10. Which of the following is the most important factor for a country to maintain economic development?
    (A) Human capital
    (B) Natural resources
    (C) Physical capital
    (D) Technology
    (E) Economic freedom

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