Ethics Case Study 7

<<2/”>a >p style=”text-align: justify; background: white; margin: 0in 0in 6.0pt 0in;”>Case Study 7:-

You are an Indian diplomat send to Pakistan to negotiate on Kashmir issue.The diplomat you work with Mr. Ahmad is a senior diplomat and in a decision taking position and his soft side makes him agree to some Indian demands which otherwise might not go through that easily.

The pact is to be finalized in the next week but other modalities have to be worked out. On Saturday Ahmad invites you for a dinner at a famous restaurant in Islamabad. On the way back he insists to drop you at your hotel and on the way his car hits two cyclists, injuring them fatally. You were aware that he was driving fast and thus lost control.

The police comes to investigate the matter and you are the sole witness to it apart from Ahmad and know it was a grave mistake on part of him.

Knowing the strict laws of Pakistan on road accidents, .your truthful account of incident could implicate Ahmad and that just wont be an end to his career and harsh sentence, but would also jeopardize the Kashmir pact which is of immense importance to India.

What are the dilemmas you face and will be your response to the situation?


The dilemma here is between “What is right” and “What is good”. To be right, I should tell the police authorities the truth regarding Ahmad being driving fast. To be good and in national interest, I should save Ahmad by telling a lie to the authorities.

Taking into account the consequential (teleological) theory which states that rightness or wrongness of actions are judged from the goodness or badness of consequences, I should save Ahmad considering large national interests at stake. But saving Ahmad doesnot guarantee that border pact will be finalised and national interests will be served. Moreover, I should ask myselfwhat’s the effect on the Society if everybody starts doing the same?

There will be complete mismanagement in society and higher officials will be encouraged to break laws and rules as if there are immune to punishment.Also, in the long run, there remains a possibility that border pact for which I lied, will not be finalised due to untoward situations.Now considering the deontological theory of ethical behavior which states that I should perform my duty without considering its consequences, I should speak truth and bring Justice to the cyclists. So I will be truthful to the concerned authorities aboutAhmad being driving fast.




The ethical dilemma faced by the doctor in this case is whether to tell the patient the truth about her condition or to lie to her. The doctor has a duty to his patient to do everything he can to save her life, but he also has a duty to respect her autonomy and her right to make her own decisions about her care.

The ethical principles that are relevant to this case include beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice. Beneficence is the principle of doing good. Non-maleficence is the principle of avoiding harm. Autonomy is the principle of respecting a person’s right to make their own decisions. Justice is the principle of treating people fairly.

The possible courses of action that the doctor could take include:

  • Telling the patient the truth about her condition and giving her the opportunity to make her own decision about her care.
  • Lying to the patient and telling her that she is not as sick as she really is.
  • Not telling the patient anything about her condition and simply treating her without her knowledge or Consent.

The potential consequences of each course of action include:

  • If the doctor tells the patient the truth, she may be very upset and may not want to continue with treatment.
  • If the doctor lies to the patient, she may find out the truth later and feel betrayed.
  • If the doctor does not tell the patient anything, she may not receive the best possible care.

The ethical decision that the doctor should make is a difficult one. There is no easy answer. The doctor must weigh the competing ethical principles and make a decision that he believes is in the best interests of his patient.

In this case, the doctor should tell the patient the truth. The patient has a right to know her diagnosis and to make her own decisions about her care. The doctor should also explain to the patient that he is there to support her and to help her make the best decisions for her Health.

The doctor should also be prepared for the possibility that the patient may be upset or angry when she learns the truth. The doctor should be patient and understanding, and he should allow the patient to express her feelings. The doctor should also be prepared to answer the patient’s questions about her condition and her treatment Options.

The doctor’s decision to tell the patient the truth is the best way to respect her autonomy and to ensure that she receives the best possible care. The doctor should also be prepared to support the patient through this difficult time.

Here are some frequently asked questions about ethics in the workplace, with short answers:

  • What is ethics in the workplace?
    Ethics in the workplace is a set of moral principles that guide how employees should behave in the workplace. These principles can be based on a variety of sources, such as religious beliefs, personal values, or company policies.

  • Why is ethics important in the workplace?
    Ethics is important in the workplace because it helps to create a positive and productive work Environment. When employees feel that they are working in an ethical environment, they are more likely to be happy and productive. Additionally, ethics can help to protect the company from legal problems.

  • What are some common ethical issues in the workplace?
    Some common ethical issues in the workplace include discrimination, harassment, bullying, and conflicts of interest.

  • How can I deal with ethical issues in the workplace?
    If you encounter an ethical issue in the workplace, the best thing to do is to talk to your supervisor or another trusted colleague. You can also report the issue to the company’s ethics hotline.

  • What are the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace?
    Unethical behavior in the workplace can have a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Damage to the company’s reputation

  • Loss of customers and employees
  • Legal problems
  • Financial losses

  • How can I promote ethics in the workplace?
    There are a number of things you can do to promote ethics in the workplace, including:

  • Set a good example by behaving ethically yourself

  • Talk to your employees about the importance of ethics
  • Create a Code of ethics for your company
  • Provide training on ethics
  • Encourage employees to report unethical behavior

  • What are some Resources for Learning more about ethics in the workplace?
    There are a number of resources available for learning more about ethics in the workplace, including:

  • The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

  • The Ethics Resource Center
  • The Institute for Business Ethics
  • The Ethics & Compliance Initiative

I hope this helps!

  1. Which of the following is not a principle of ethics?
    (A) Autonomy
    (B) Beneficence
    (C) Non-maleficence
    (D) Justice

  2. Which of the following is not a type of ethical dilemma?
    (A) Conflict of interest
    (B) Allocation of scarce resources
    (C) Truth-telling
    (D) Confidentiality

  3. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when making an ethical decision?
    (A) The consequences of the decision
    (B) The rights of the involved parties
    (C) The laws and regulations that apply
    (D) The personal beliefs of the decision-maker

  4. Which of the following is not a way to resolve an ethical dilemma?
    (A) Consult with an ethics expert
    (B) Use a decision-making framework
    (C) Make a decision based on personal beliefs
    (D) Take no action

  5. Which of the following is not a benefit of ethical decision-making?
    (A) It can help to protect the rights of the involved parties
    (B) It can help to promote trust and respect
    (C) It can help to avoid legal problems
    (D) It can help to improve the quality of care

  6. Which of the following is not a risk of ethical decision-making?
    (A) It can be time-consuming
    (B) It can be difficult to make a decision that everyone agrees with
    (C) It can be difficult to predict the consequences of a decision
    (D) It can be difficult to implement a decision

  7. Which of the following is not a way to promote ethical decision-making in the workplace?
    (A) Provide training on ethical principles
    (B) Create a code of ethics
    (C) Establish an ethics committee
    (D) Monitor employee behavior

  8. Which of the following is not a way to prevent ethical misconduct?
    (A) Hire qualified employees
    (B) Provide clear expectations
    (C) Monitor employee behavior
    (D) Offer rewards for ethical behavior

  9. Which of the following is not a way to respond to ethical misconduct?
    (A) Investigate the incident
    (B) Take disciplinary action
    (C) Offer counseling to the employee
    (D) Publicly apologize to the affected parties

  10. Which of the following is not a way to improve ethical decision-making in the healthcare Industry?
    (A) Increase transparency
    (B) Promote accountability
    (C) Encourage whistleblowing
    (D) Reduce conflicts of interest

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