Ethics Case Study- 11

Case Study 11: 

Aniket is working as a peon in DM’s office. Task of raising flag over the office building every morning and taking it down every evening was done by Aniket due to shortage of staff, although it is not part of his official job description.

Years ago, Aniket’s best friend was murdered during a riot allegedly orchestrated by Chet Ram (criminal turned politician). Now, Chet Ram dies due to long illness and in Condolence State secretariat passes an order to all District collectors, to keep National Flag at “half-mast” over their offices, to mourn the death of the Mr. Chet Ram.

Aniket sees this news on TV and gets angry with such mockery of our National Flag. So, He decides not to go to office next morning and keeps the door key of rooftop with himself as he is confident that no formal punishment can be given to him, because this was not part of his official duty. At most Collector sir will reprimand him informally but he doesn’t care because Chet Ram killed his best friend.

Do you think Aniket has made the right decision? Yes/No/Why?

Answer keypoints

Aniket made a wrong decision because:

  1. It prevents other staff members from carrying out the ‘official’ order from StateHQ.
  2. It puts his boss in an embarrassing position in front of the StateHQ.
  3. If Aniket’s conscience doesn’t permit him carrying out a task, he should inform his boss. But running away with keys, without informing anyone = irresponsible.
  4. Such behavior is not expected from a good team player / a public servant.


The physician in this case is faced with a difficult ethical dilemma. On the one hand, he has a duty to protect his patient’s confidentiality. On the other hand, he has a duty to report suspected child abuse. The ethical principles involved in this case include confidentiality, beneficence, non-maleficence, and Justice.

Confidentiality is the ethical principle that requires physicians to keep information about their patients private. This principle is based on the idea that patients should be able to trust their physicians to keep their secrets. However, there are some situations in which confidentiality can be breached, such as when a patient is a danger to themselves or others.

Beneficence is the ethical principle that requires physicians to act in the best interests of their patients. This principle is based on the idea that physicians have a duty to help their patients and to prevent them from harm. In this case, the physician could argue that reporting the suspected child abuse would be in the best interests of the patient, as it would protect the patient from further abuse.

Non-maleficence is the ethical principle that requires physicians to do no harm to their patients. This principle is based on the idea that physicians have a duty to avoid causing their patients harm. In this case, the physician could argue that reporting the suspected child abuse could harm the patient, as it could result in the patient being removed from their home and placed in foster care.

Justice is the ethical principle that requires physicians to treat all patients fairly. This principle is based on the idea that all patients deserve equal access to healthcare and that no patient should be treated differently because of their race, ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status. In this case, the physician could argue that reporting the suspected child abuse would be just, as it would protect all children from abuse.

The possible courses of action that the physician could take include:

  • Reporting the suspected child abuse to the authorities
  • Confronting the patient about the suspected abuse
  • Doing nothing

The potential consequences of each course of action include:

  • Reporting the suspected child abuse could result in the patient being removed from the home and placed in foster care. This could have a negative impact on the patient’s well-being.
  • Confronting the patient about the suspected abuse could result in the patient denying the abuse or becoming angry. This could damage the physician-patient relationship.
  • Doing nothing could result in the patient continuing to be abused. This could have a negative impact on the patient’s well-being.

The ethical decision that the physician should make in this case is a difficult one. There is no easy answer. The physician must weigh the ethical principles involved and the potential consequences of each course of action before making a decision.

In this case, the physician should report the suspected child abuse to the authorities. This is the only course of action that is consistent with the ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. Reporting the abuse will protect the patient from further harm and will ensure that the abuser is held accountable for their actions. While it is true that reporting the abuse could have negative consequences for the patient, such as being removed from their home, these consequences are outweighed by the need to protect the patient from harm.

The physician should also take steps to protect the patient’s confidentiality. This can be done by reporting the abuse to the authorities anonymously or by requesting that the authorities keep the patient’s identity confidential. The physician should also offer support to the patient and help them to access Resources that can help them to cope with the abuse.

The physician should also document the abuse in the patient’s medical record. This will help to ensure that the abuse is not forgotten and that the patient receives the care that they need.

Here are some frequently asked questions about ethics in the workplace:

  1. What is ethics in the workplace?
    Ethics in the workplace is a set of moral principles that guide employees in their interactions with each other, their customers, and their employers. It is important to have a strong Code of ethics in the workplace because it helps to create a positive and productive work Environment.

  2. What are some examples of ethical behavior in the workplace?
    Some examples of ethical behavior in the workplace include:

  3. Being honest and truthful in all communications
  4. Respecting the privacy of others
  5. Avoiding conflicts of interest
  6. Taking responsibility for one’s actions
  7. Being fair and impartial in all decisions

  8. What are some examples of unethical behavior in the workplace?
    Some examples of unethical behavior in the workplace include:

  9. Lying or cheating
  10. Stealing or embezzling
  11. Harassment or discrimination
  12. Sexual misconduct
  13. Workplace violence

  14. What are the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace?
    The consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace can be severe, both for the individual employee and for the company as a whole. Unethical behavior can damage the company’s reputation, lead to lost customers and employees, and even result in legal action.

  15. How can I promote ethical behavior in the workplace?
    There are a number of things you can do to promote ethical behavior in the workplace, including:

  16. Setting a good example as a leader
  17. Creating a code of ethics and communicating it to employees
  18. Providing training on ethical issues
  19. Enforcing the code of ethics consistently
  20. Creating a culture of openness and trust

  21. What should I do if I see unethical behavior in the workplace?
    If you see unethical behavior in the workplace, it is important to report it to your supervisor or another appropriate authority. You should also document the incident and keep a record of any conversations you have about it.

  22. Where can I get more information about ethics in the workplace?
    There are a number of resources available to learn more about ethics in the workplace, including:

  23. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  24. The Ethics Resource Center
  25. The Institute for Business Ethics
  26. The Ethics & Compliance Initiative

Question 1

Which of the following is not a principle of ethics?

(A) Autonomy
(B) Beneficence
(C) Non-maleficence
(D) Justice
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 2

Which of the following is an example of beneficence?

(A) A doctor providing treatment to a patient
(B) A teacher giving a student a good grade
(C) A police officer arresting a criminal
(D) A judge sentencing a criminal
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 3

Which of the following is an example of non-maleficence?

(A) A doctor providing treatment to a patient
(B) A teacher giving a student a good grade
(C) A police officer arresting a criminal
(D) A judge sentencing a criminal
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 4

Which of the following is an example of justice?

(A) A doctor providing treatment to a patient
(B) A teacher giving a student a good grade
(C) A police officer arresting a criminal
(D) A judge sentencing a criminal
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 5

Which of the following is an ethical dilemma?

(A) A doctor must decide whether to save the life of a patient who is a serial killer.
(B) A teacher must decide whether to give a student a good grade even though the student did not earn it.
(C) A police officer must decide whether to arrest a criminal who is a friend of his.
(D) A judge must decide whether to sentence a criminal to death.
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 6

Which of the following is a moral principle?

(A) Do not kill.
(B) Do not steal.
(C) Do not lie.
(D) All of the above.
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 7

Which of the following is a legal principle?

(A) Do not kill.
(B) Do not steal.
(C) Do not lie.
(D) All of the above.
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 8

Which of the following is an example of a virtue?

(A) Courage
(B) Justice
(C) Wisdom
(D) All of the above.
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 9

Which of the following is an example of a vice?

(A) Cowardice
(B) Injustice
(C) Ignorance
(D) All of the above.
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



Question 10

Which of the following is an example of a utilitarian argument?

(A) We should do what is best for the greatest number of people.
(B) We should do what is right, regardless of the consequences.
(C) We should do what is in our own self-interest.
(D) All of the above.
(E) Ethics Case Study- 11



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