Ethics and Values in Public Administration

–2/”>a >Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs Ethics refers to well-based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of duties, principles, specifc virtues, or benefts to Society. which can better be stated as:-

  1. Duties: Te behaviors expected of persons who occupy certain roles; that is, the obligations taken on when assuming a role or profession
  2. Virtues: Qualities that defne what a good person is; moral excellence
  3. Principles: Fundamental truths that form the basis for behavior; “kinds of action that are right or obligatory”
  4. Benefts to society: Actions that produce the greatest good for the greatest number

Administrative ethics implies applying general moral rules to specific sphere of human relations, that is to say administrative relations. Some of the most important areas of applied ethics today concern the ethics of administration. In spite of the fact that Public Administration is very old institution, administrative ethics is still undeveloped and it longs for specific moral rules that cover maybe the most important area of human relations – administrative relations.Public administration is a part of our daily life and to a large extent governs it. The administrative apparatus consist of people who are also members of the local community (communities). Citizens and public officials, who have access to power, have to coexist together in one area, one space. The difference between them is that public administration officials have to provide Services in aid of community. Because of this work, based on public Money and property the possibility of betraying public trust is probable. There is no simplest thing, than spending someone‟s money, even if we do not get direct profits. Ethical behavior and decisions maintaining citizens‟ trust, ensure effective and efficient use of Resources, and allow government to preserve individual rights while assisting those who will benefit the most.

Determinents of Ethics and Human Action

  1. Honesty: To act in a truthful manner and to comply with promises
  2. Integrity: To act in accordance with relevant moral values and norms
  3. Benevolence: To act in a manner that promotes good and avoids harm for citizens
  4. Lawfulness: To act in accordance with existing laws and rules
  5. Incorruptibility: To act without prejudice or bias in favor of one‟s own private interests
  6. Accountability: To act willingly in justifying and explaining one‟s actions to relevant stakeholders
  7. Dedication: To act with diligence, enthusiasm, and perseverance
  8. Reliability: To act in a manner that is consistent, predictable, and trustworthy
  9. Serviceability: To act in a manner that is helpful and provides quality service to citizens, customers, and other relevant stakeholders
  10. Effectiveness: To act in a manner that best achieves the desired results
  11. Humaneness: To act in a manner that exhibits respect, compassion, and dignity toward others
  12. Expertise: To act with competence, skill, and knowledge
  13. Impartiality: To act without prejudice or bias toward particular individuals or groups


Essense of of Ethics and Human Action :-

 Ethical standards for Public Service should be clear.

 Ethical standards should be reproduced in the legal framework.

 Ethical supervision should be available to public servants.

 Public servants should know their rights and obligations when exposing wrongdoing.

 Political commitment to ethics should reinforce the ethical conduct of public servants.

 The decision -making process should be transparent and open to scrutiny.

 There should be clear guidelines for interaction between the public and private sectors.

 Managers should demonstrate and promote ethical conduct.

 Management policies, procedures and practices should promote ethical conduct.

 Public service conditions and management of human resources should promote ethical conduct.

 Adequate accountability mechanisms should be in place within the public service.

 Appropriate procedures and sanctions should exist to deal with misconduct.

Consequences of Ethics and Human Action

 Intensity of pleasure or pain :-Consequence of an action can be good or bad. How intense it is, makes the difference in the effect. E.g., eating a chocolate and eating bitter guard shows the difference in intensity. The duration :-The duration of pleasure or pain created by an action differs for stubbing one‟s toe and breaking one‟s toe.

 The certainty or uncertainty Consequences of an action can be certain or uncertain. E.g. jumping off from a higher building can cause a lot of pain to an individual than jumping onto a giant pillow from the same place.

 The Nearness or remoteness:- During the time of pleasure or pain nearness or remoteness effect follows an action. e.g. Pleasure of eating ice-cream is immediate, whereas the pleasure produced by winning a chess game is little more remote. They take a little longer to show up results.

 The fecundity Consequence of doing the action is either pleasurable or painful, but how likely the action is to be followed by more pleasure or more pain is an important question. The purity or impurity of pleasure or pain is the opposite of fecundity. This explains how likely the action is to be followed by the opposite feeling. For example, eating all the chocolate is very pleasurable at first, but it leads to a great deal of pain in the long run which creates a high level of impurity or a low level of purity.

 The extent of an action This refers to the wide effect of an action. Some actions can have an extent numbering in the millions, such as deciding whether to torture a terrorist for life-saving information.,

Ethics and Values in Public Administration

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with morality and the principles of right and wrong. Values are beliefs that guide our actions and decisions. In public administration, ethics and values are essential for ensuring that government officials act in the best interests of the public.

There are many different ethical theories, but three of the most common are deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics. Deontology is based on the idea that certain actions are right or wrong regardless of the consequences. Consequentialism is based on the idea that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by its consequences. Virtue ethics is based on the idea that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by the character of the person who performs it.

There are also many different ethical principles, but some of the most important ones in public administration are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, Justice, fidelity, and veracity. Autonomy is the principle that people have the right to make their own decisions. Beneficence is the principle that we should act in ways that benefit others. Non-maleficence is the principle that we should avoid harming others. Justice is the principle that we should treat people fairly. Fidelity is the principle that we should keep our promises. Veracity is the principle that we should tell the truth.

Ethical dilemmas are situations in which there is no clear right or wrong answer. Some common ethical dilemmas in public administration include whistleblowing, conflicts of interest, sexual harassment, and workplace bullying. Whistleblowing is when an employee reports wrongdoing within an organization. Conflicts of interest occur when an employee has a personal interest that could interfere with their ability to make objective decisions. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Workplace bullying is repeated, unwanted, and aggressive behavior that is intended to intimidate, humiliate, or threaten another person.

Ethical codes are sets of principles that guide the behavior of public officials. Some common ethical codes include the Code of ethics for Government Service, the International Code Of Conduct for Public Officials, and the American Society for Public Administration Code of Ethics.

Ethical decision-making is the process of making decisions that are consistent with ethical principles. There are many different models of ethical decision-making, but some of the most common ones include the ethical dilemma model, the four-step model, and the seven-step model.

Ethical Leadership is the ability to create and maintain an ethical Climate in an organization. Ethical leaders set a good example for others, promote ethical behavior, and hold people accountable for their actions.

Ethical issues in public administration are problems that arise when public officials act in ways that are not consistent with ethical principles. Some common ethical issues in public administration include Corruption, waste and fraud, discrimination, privacy, and secrecy.

Ethical challenges in public administration are problems that make it difficult for public officials to act in an ethical manner. Some common ethical challenges in public administration include the changing nature of public service, the increasing complexity of public policy, the growing demands for accountability, and the decline of public trust.

There are many resources available to help public officials learn about ethics and values. Some of these resources include books, articles, websites, organizations, and conferences.

Ethics is an important part of public administration. By understanding ethical theories, principles, dilemmas, codes, decision-making, leadership, issues, and challenges, public officials can make ethical decisions that serve the public good.

Public Administration

  • What is public administration?
    Public administration is the implementation of government policy and also an academic discipline that studies this implementation and prepares civil servants for this work. As a professional discipline, public administration works to research and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of government services.

  • What are the different types of public administration?
    There are many different types of public administration, but some of the most common include:

    • National government administration: This is the administration of the national government, which is responsible for carrying out the laws and policies of the country.
    • State Government administration: This is the administration of the state government, which is responsible for carrying out the laws and policies of the state.
    • Local Government administration: This is the administration of the local government, which is responsible for carrying out the laws and policies of the local community.
    • Nonprofit administration: This is the administration of nonprofit organizations, which are organizations that are not for profit and are typically focused on social or environmental causes.
  • What are the challenges of public administration?
    Some of the challenges of public administration include:

    • Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy is a System of Government in which officials are appointed to positions based on their qualifications and experience, rather than their political connections. This can lead to a slow and inefficient system of government.
    • Corruption: Corruption is the abuse of power for personal gain. This can occur in any level of government, and it can lead to a loss of public trust in government.
    • Inefficiency: Public administration can be inefficient due to a number of factors, including bureaucracy, corruption, and a lack of resources.
  • What are the benefits of public administration?
    Some of the benefits of public administration include:

    • Efficiency: Public administration can help to improve the efficiency of government services by providing a system for coordinating and managing these services.
    • Effectiveness: Public administration can help to improve the effectiveness of government services by providing a system for monitoring and evaluating these services.
    • Accountability: Public administration can help to improve the accountability of government officials by providing a system for oversight and transparency.


  • What is ethics?
    Ethics is the study of morality and the principles of right and wrong. It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of good and evil and the moral principles that guide human behavior.

  • What are the different types of ethics?
    There are many different types of ethics, but some of the most common include:

    • Deontological ethics: This is a type of ethics that focuses on the duty to do what is right, regardless of the consequences.
    • Consequentialist ethics: This is a type of ethics that focuses on the consequences of actions, rather than the actions themselves.
    • Virtue ethics: This is a type of ethics that focuses on the development of good character.
  • What are the principles of ethics?
    Some of the most common principles of ethics include:

    • Autonomy: This is the principle of respecting the individual’s right to make their own decisions.
    • Beneficence: This is the principle of doing good and avoiding harm.
    • Non-maleficence: This is the principle of avoiding harm to others.
    • Justice: This is the principle of fairness and Equality.
  • What are the challenges of ethics?
    Some of the challenges of ethics include:

    • Conflicting values: It is often difficult to determine which values are most important in a given situation.
    • Uncertainty: It is often difficult to know what the consequences of our actions will be.
    • Ambiguity: It is often difficult to determine what is right and wrong in a given situation.
  • What are the benefits of ethics?
    Some of the benefits of ethics include:

    • A sense of purpose: Ethics can provide us with a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
    • A sense of community: Ethics can help us to connect with others and build a sense of community.
    • A sense of well-being: Ethics can help us to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
  1. Which of the following is not a value that is important in public administration?
    (A) Efficiency
    (B) Effectiveness
    (C) Honesty
    (D) Loyalty

  2. Which of the following is not an ethical principle that is important in public administration?
    (A) Public service is a public trust
    (B) Public officials should be impartial
    (C) Public officials should be honest
    (D) Public officials should be loyal to their superiors

  3. Which of the following is an example of an ethical dilemma that a public official might face?
    (A) A public official is offered a bribe by a private citizen.
    (B) A public official is asked to make a decision that will benefit a friend or family member.
    (C) A public official is asked to make a decision that will benefit a particular group of people at the expense of another group of people.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. Which of the following is the best way to resolve an ethical dilemma?
    (A) Consult with a trusted friend or colleague.
    (B) Consult with an ethics expert.
    (C) Follow your conscience.
    (D) Do what is best for your career.

  5. Which of the following is not a way to promote ethical behavior in public administration?
    (A) Establish clear ethical standards.
    (B) Provide training on ethical issues.
    (C) Create a culture of ethics.
    (D) Punish unethical behavior.

  6. Which of the following is the most important thing that a public official can do to promote ethical behavior?
    (A) Set a good example.
    (B) Be honest and transparent.
    (C) Be accountable for your actions.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is not a way to prevent corruption in public administration?
    (A) Establish clear ethical standards.
    (B) Provide training on ethical issues.
    (C) Create a culture of ethics.
    (D) Pay public officials well.

  8. Which of the following is the most important thing that a public official can do to prevent corruption?
    (A) Be honest and transparent.
    (B) Be accountable for your actions.
    (C) Avoid conflicts of interest.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is not a way to improve the efficiency of public administration?
    (A) Streamline procedures.
    (B) Use technology to improve efficiency.
    (C) Reduce the number of regulations.
    (D) Increase the number of public employees.

  10. Which of the following is the most important thing that a public official can do to improve the efficiency of public administration?
    (A) Be efficient in your own work.
    (B) Promote efficiency in your organization.
    (C) Hold your subordinates accountable for efficiency.
    (D) All of the above.

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