Ethical concept-Rit and Rin, concept of Duties

Ethical Concept-Rit and Rin, concept of Duties


Rita, (“truth” or “order”), in Indian religion and philosophy, the cosmic order mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient sacred scriptures of India. As Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism developed from the ancient Vedic religion, the concept of rita led to the doctrines of dharma (duty) and karma (accumulated effects of good and bad actions). Rita is the physical order of the universe, the order of the sacrifice, and the moral law of the world. Because of rita, the sun and moon pursue their daily journeys across the sky, and the seasons proceed in regular movement. Vedic religion features the belief that rita was guarded by Varuna, the god-sovereign, who was assisted by Mitra, the god of honour, and that the proper performance of sacrifices to the gods was necessary to guarantee its continuance. Violation (anrita) of the established order by incorrect or improper behaviour, even if unintentional, constituted sin and required careful expiation.


The purpose of purusharthas is to ensure that people would not neglect their obligatory duties by becoming obsessed with particular desires that may lead to moral and social degeneration and destruction of values. To further ensure a stable social framework, Hinduism introduces the concept of debts.

According to the Taittiriya Sanhita (, a child is born with three debts to repay in his (or her) lifetime.

Human beings get easy access to the objects created by God, hence they become indebted to the deities. This is called “Deva Rin (rin=debt)”. This debt must be repayed by performing various religious acts and worships (puja).

Human beings acquire the knowledge generated by the ancient sages and intellectuals. Thus humanity is indebted to them. This is called “Rishi Rin”. By studying and acquiring knowledge (and if possible adding matter to the existing knowledge), this debt can be repaid.

A person is indebted to his/her ancestors as they have propagated their lineage and are the cause for his/her birth. This is called “Pitri Rin”. To replay this debt, Hinduism advocated (righteous) procreation as well as performing rituals in rememberance of the ancestors.

Another ancient Hindu scripture, Shatpath Brahman (, added two more debts. According to this scripture:   “a person is indebted to humanity at large (called Nri Rin or Manushya-rin) which can be repaid by treating others with respect and helping them a person is indebted to Plants, animals and nature (called Bhuta Rin). These debts are repaid by performing the five great sacrificial fires.

concept of Duties

Hinduism has defined four goals (aims) of human life which are called the four purusharthas (“purusha” means a human being or God, and “artha” means an object or objective. This “purushartha” means the objective/goal of a human being). These four goals create a stable social framework within which one can live peacefully and gradually evolve spiritually.

The first goal is Dharma. The root of the word dharma comes from dhri, which means to uphold or maintain. Dharma is defined in Sanskrit as “dharayati iti dharmaha”, meaning dharma is that which upholds. Again, it is said “dhriyate iti dharmaha”, thus meaning not only what is supported is dharma, but that which does the supporting is also dharma. So dharma consists of both the force that sustains as well as what is sustained. It can also be said that there is the path of dharma as well as its conclusion, the object of dharma, or what we are seeking, the goal of life. So dharma is the means as well as the goal. Dharma is the first human goal and forms the foundation for the pursuit of the other three goals. Dharmic actions are those individual, social, political, and professional actions which are based upon the four virtues – truth, ahimsã, morality and ethics.

The second goal is Artha. The Sanskrit word “artha” has several meanings. In the context of the four purusharthas, the word “artha” means material wealth (although in deeper spiritual interpretation of the four purusharthas, many wise sages have interpreted the word artha as “meaning/understanding of one’s existence”). Hinduism recognizes the importance of material wealth for the overall happiness and well being of an individual. While Hindu thinking advocates simple living, it does not glorify POVERTY, and does not consider wealth as a hurdle to self realization. It is greed and attachment to wealth that is considered a hurdle, not the wealth by itself. Thus “Artha” means to earn wealth in accordance with dharma.

The third goal is Kãma. There is a general misconception which associates the word Kãma with sexual desires. Kãma actually means all the physical, emotional, and intellectual desires of a person. In Hinduism and in Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism, desire has been considered to be the root cause of all sufferings. However, Hinduism acknowledges Kãma as a goal of human life and declares “he who performs his prescribed duties out of desire in the right manner will obtain the fulfillment of all the desires and reach the deathless state.”

The fourth and final goal is Moksha or liberation. Moksha denotes spiritual perfection, which, according to Hindu thinking, is attained automatically when one leads a life that is dedicated to dharma.,

Rit and Rin

Rit and rin are two important concepts in Indian philosophy. Rit refers to rites and rituals, while rin refers to duties and obligations. Both concepts are closely related to the idea of dharma, which can be translated as “law” or “duty.”

Rites and rituals are an important part of Hindu and Buddhist tradition. They are seen as a way to connect with the divine and to maintain order in the world. Rites and rituals can be simple or complex, but they all have the same purpose: to help people live in accordance with dharma.

Duties and obligations are also an important part of Indian philosophy. They are seen as a way to fulfill one’s responsibilities to others and to Society as a whole. Duties can be divided into two categories: moral duties and social duties. Moral duties are those that are based on universal principles of right and wrong, such as the duty to not harm others. Social duties are those that are based on the customs and traditions of a particular society, such as the duty to respect one’s elders.

Rit and rin are both important concepts in Indian philosophy. They are closely related to the idea of dharma, which can be translated as “law” or “duty.” Rites and rituals are an important part of Hindu and Buddhist tradition, while duties and obligations are seen as a way to fulfill one’s responsibilities to others and to society as a whole.

Concept of Duties

Duties are obligations that a person is expected to perform. They can be moral, legal, social, professional, or religious.

Moral duties are those that are based on a person’s conscience or sense of right and wrong. For example, a person may feel morally obligated to help someone in need, even if they are not legally required to do so.

Legal duties are those that are imposed by law. For example, a person is legally obligated to pay their taxes.

Social duties are those that are expected of a person by society. For example, a person is expected to be polite and respectful to others.

Professional duties are those that are expected of a person in their profession. For example, a doctor is expected to provide competent care to their patients.

Religious duties are those that are expected of a person by their religion. For example, a Muslim is expected to pray five times a day.

Duties can be divided into two categories: positive duties and negative duties. Positive duties are those that require a person to take action, such as the duty to help someone in need. Negative duties are those that require a person to refrain from action, such as the duty not to harm others.

Duties can also be divided into two categories: perfect duties and imperfect duties. Perfect duties are those that are always binding, such as the duty not to kill. Imperfect duties are those that are only binding in certain circumstances, such as the duty to help others.

Duties are an important part of morality and ethics. They help to ensure that people behave in a way that is beneficial to society as a whole.

Rit and Rin

Rit and Rin are two important concepts in Japanese ethics. Rit is a sense of duty or obligation, while Rin is a sense of gratitude or indebtedness. Both concepts are important in maintaining social harmony and order.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Rit?
    Rit is a sense of duty or obligation. It is the feeling that one must do what is right, even if it is difficult or inconvenient. Rit is often based on religious or moral beliefs.
  • What is Rin?
    Rin is a sense of gratitude or indebtedness. It is the feeling that one must repay a favor or kindness that has been done to them. Rin is often based on social or cultural norms.
  • How are Rit and Rin related?
    Rit and Rin are often seen as two sides of the same coin. Rit is the obligation to do what is right, while Rin is the obligation to repay a favor. Both concepts are important in maintaining social harmony and order.
  • What are some examples of Rit?
    Some examples of Rit include:
    • Obeying the law
    • Respecting authority
    • Helping others in need
  • What are some examples of Rin?
    Some examples of Rin include:
    • Saying thank you
    • Returning a favor
    • Reciprocating kindness
  • Why are Rit and Rin important?
    Rit and Rin are important because they help to maintain social harmony and order. When people feel a sense of duty and obligation, they are more likely to behave in a way that is beneficial to society. When people feel a sense of gratitude and indebtedness, they are more likely to be kind and helpful to others.

Concept of Duties

A duty is an obligation that one has to do something. Duties can be moral, legal, or social. Moral duties are obligations that we have to ourselves or to others because they are the right thing to do. Legal duties are obligations that we have to obey the law. Social duties are obligations that we have to follow the customs and norms of our society.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are some examples of moral duties?
    Some examples of moral duties include:
    • Telling the truth
    • Keeping promises
    • Helping others in need
  • What are some examples of legal duties?
    Some examples of legal duties include:
    • Paying taxes
    • Obeying traffic laws
    • Not committing crimes
  • What are some examples of social duties?
    Some examples of social duties include:
    • Saying please and thank you
    • Holding the door open for others
    • Not talking on your phone in public
  • Why are duties important?
    Duties are important because they help to maintain order and stability in society. When people fulfill their duties, they are contributing to the well-being of everyone.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of duty?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  2. Which of the following is not an example of a moral duty?
    (A) Telling the truth
    (B) Helping others in need
    (C) Obeying the law
    (D) Paying taxes

  3. Which of the following is not an example of a legal duty?
    (A) Not killing another person
    (B) Not stealing
    (C) Not driving under the influence of alcohol
    (D) Not littering

  4. Which of the following is not an example of a social duty?
    (A) Being polite to others
    (B) Keeping promises
    (C) Voting in Elections
    (D) Attending religious Services

  5. Which of the following is not an example of a religious duty?
    (A) Praying
    (B) Fasting
    (C) Tithing
    (D) Obeying the laws of the land

  6. Which of the following is the most important type of duty?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  7. Which of the following is the least important type of duty?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  8. Which of the following is the most common type of duty?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  9. Which of the following is the least common type of duty?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  10. Which of the following is the most difficult type of duty to fulfill?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  11. Which of the following is the easiest type of duty to fulfill?
    (A) Moral duty
    (B) Legal duty
    (C) Social duty
    (D) Religious duty

  12. Which of the following is the most important reason to fulfill your duties?
    (A) To avoid punishment
    (B) To gain rewards
    (C) To do what is right
    (D) To be a good person

  13. Which of the following is the least important reason to fulfill your duties?
    (A) To avoid punishment
    (B) To gain rewards
    (C) To do what is right
    (D) To be a good person

  14. Which of the following is the most common reason people give for fulfilling their duties?
    (A) To avoid punishment
    (B) To gain rewards
    (C) To do what is right
    (D) To be a good person

  15. Which of the following is the least common reason people give for fulfilling their duties?
    (A) To avoid punishment
    (B) To gain rewards
    (C) To do what is right
    (D) To be a good person

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