Erosional Landforms – Chasms, Wave- Cut Platform, Sea Cliff, Sea Caves, Sea Arches, Hanging Valleys – Waves and Currents

Erosional Landforms:

  • Chasms
  • Wave-cut platform
  • Sea cliff
  • Sea cave
  • Sea arch
  • Hanging valley

Waves and Currents:

  • Waves
  • Currents
    Erosional landforms are formed by the process of erosion, which is the wearing away of the Earth’s surface by wind, water, ice, or gravity. Erosion can create a variety of landforms, including chasms, wave-cut platforms, sea cliffs, sea caves, sea arches, and hanging valleys.

Chasms are deep, narrow valleys that are formed by the collapse of the Earth’s surface. They are often found in areas with steep slopes, such as mountains. Chasms can also be formed by the erosion of bedrock by water or wind.

Wave-cut platforms are flat, horizontal surfaces that are found along the coast. They are formed by the erosion of the coastline by waves. Wave-cut platforms are often found in areas with cliffs, as the waves can easily erode the softer rock at the base of the cliff.

Sea cliffs are steep, vertical cliffs that are found along the coast. They are formed by the erosion of the coastline by waves. Sea cliffs are often found in areas with soft rock, such as sandstone or shale.

Sea caves are openings in the cliffs that are formed by the erosion of the coastline by waves. Sea caves can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they can be very deep.

Sea arches are natural bridges that are formed when a sea cave collapses. Sea arches are often found in areas with strong waves, as the waves can easily erode the softer rock at the base of the cliff.

Hanging valleys are valleys that are found above a river valley. They are formed when a river erodes a valley through a mountain range, and the valley is left hanging above the river valley. Hanging valleys are often found in areas with glaciers, as the glaciers can easily erode the softer rock at the base of the mountain range.

Waves are disturbances that travel through a fluid, such as water or air. They are caused by the transfer of energy from one part of the fluid to another. Waves can be generated by a variety of sources, including wind, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

Currents are the horizontal movement of water in a fluid. They are caused by a variety of factors, including wind, tides, and the Earth’s rotation. Currents can be very strong, and they can transport large amounts of water.

Waves and currents can have a significant impact on the Earth’s surface. They can erode the coastline, transport sediment, and create new landforms. Waves and currents can also be a hazard to people and property.

  • What is a chasm? A chasm is a deep, narrow canyon or fissure.
  • How are chasms formed? Chasms are formed by erosion, which is the process of wearing away of landforms by wind, water, or ice.
  • Where are chasms found? Chasms are found in many different parts of the world, including the Grand Canyon in the United States, the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon in Tibet, and the Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Wave-cut platform

  • What is a wave-cut platform? A wave-cut platform is a flat, horizontal surface that is cut into the land by waves.
  • How are wave-cut platforms formed? Wave-cut platforms are formed by the action of waves crashing against the shore. The waves erode the land, creating a platform that is lower than the surrounding land.
  • Where are wave-cut platforms found? Wave-cut platforms are found in many different parts of the world, including the coasts of the United States, Australia, and Europe.

Sea cliff

  • What is a sea cliff? A sea cliff is a steep, vertical wall of rock that is formed by the erosion of the land by waves.
  • How are sea cliffs formed? Sea cliffs are formed by the action of waves crashing against the shore. The waves erode the land, creating a cliff that is higher than the surrounding land.
  • Where are sea cliffs found? Sea cliffs are found in many different parts of the world, including the coasts of the United States, Australia, and Europe.

Sea cave

  • What is a sea cave? A sea cave is a cave that is formed by the erosion of the land by waves.
  • How are sea caves formed? Sea caves are formed by the action of waves crashing against the shore. The waves erode the land, creating a cave that is open to the sea.
  • Where are sea caves found? Sea caves are found in many different parts of the world, including the coasts of the United States, Australia, and Europe.

Sea arch

  • What is a sea arch? A sea arch is an arch that is formed by the erosion of the land by waves.
  • How are sea arches formed? Sea arches are formed by the action of waves crashing against the shore. The waves erode the land, creating an arch that is open to the sea.
  • Where are sea arches found? Sea arches are found in many different parts of the world, including the coasts of the United States, Australia, and Europe.

Hanging valley

  • What is a hanging valley? A hanging valley is a valley that is located above a larger valley.
  • How are hanging valleys formed? Hanging valleys are formed when a glacier erodes a valley through a mountain range. The glacier erodes the land more quickly on the side of the mountain that faces the sun, creating a valley that is wider and deeper than the valley on the other side of the mountain.
  • Where are hanging valleys found? Hanging valleys are found in many different parts of the world, including the Alps, the Himalayas, and the Rocky Mountains.


  • What are waves? Waves are disturbances that travel through a fluid, such as water or air.
  • How are waves formed? Waves are formed by the wind blowing over the surface of the water. The wind causes the water to move in a circular motion, creating a wave.
  • What are the different types of waves? There are two main types of waves: wind waves and tidal waves. Wind waves are caused by the wind blowing over the surface of the water. Tidal waves are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.


  • What are currents? Currents are the movement of water in a particular direction.
  • How are currents formed? Currents are formed by the wind, the tides, and the Earth’s rotation.
  • What are the different types of currents? There are two main types of currents: surface currents and deep-water currents. Surface currents are caused by the wind blowing over the surface of the water. Deep-water currents are caused by the Earth’s rotation and the temperature difference between the surface water and the deep water.
    Question 1

Which of the following is not an erosional landform?

(A) Chasm
(B) Wave-cut platform
(CC) Sea cliff
(D) Sea cave
(E) Sea arch


A chasm is a deep canyon or fissure, typically one that is formed by erosion. The other four OptionsOptions are all erosional landforms that are formed by the action of waves and currents.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a wave?

(A) Tsunami
(B) Swell
(C) Tidal bore
(D) Rogue wave
(E) Storm surge


A storm surge is a rise in sea level that is caused by a storm. The other four options are all types of waves.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a current?

(A) Tidal current
(B) Rip current
(C) Density current
(D) Undertow
(E) Eddy


An eddy is a small, circular current that is formed when a larger current meets an obstacle. The other four options are all types of currents.

Question 4

Which of the following is the most common type of wave?

(A) Tsunami
(B) Swell
(C) Tidal bore
(D) Rogue wave
(E) Storm surge


Swell is a type of wave that is formed by the wind. It is the most common type of wave because it is formed by the wind, which is always blowing.

Question 5

Which of the following is the most dangerous type of wave?

(A) Tsunami
(B) Swell
(C) Tidal bore
(D) Rogue wave
(E) Storm surge


A rogue wave is a large, unpredictable wave that can cause significant damage. It is the most dangerous type of wave because it is unpredictable and can cause significant damage.

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