Emotional Intelligence (2)

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Emotional Intelligence: Applications in governance and administration

Work rules are in a constant state of flux with new yardsticks by which workers are being evaluated. In today’s corporate world it is increasingly being recognised that an impressive curriculum vitae, good credentials and technical expertise does not have the desired impact in someone with low emotional intelligence (EQ). The workplace is about people and relationships, and an employee with a high EQ as opposed to only a high IQ should be seen as a valuable asset.

Mayer and Salovey (1990) assert that general intelligence accounts for approximately ten to twenty per cent of life success, defined as academic achievement and occupational status.

In a similar vein, in “Emotional Intelligence” (1995), Goleman made strong claims about the contribution of emotional intelligence to individual success, and specifically to success in the workplace. He identified intellectual intelligence as contributing 20 per cent towards life success and intimated that the remaining 80 per cent may be attributable to emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is indeed significant in the workplace and is not only limited to it being a desirable quality in employees. Its uses are varied. Other examples of using EQ include the following:

Recruitment: EQ measurement is invaluable in selecting and recruiting “desirable, high-performance workers” ƒ

Predicting performance: Some companies are blending IQ testing with scientific measurement of EQ to predict job performance and direct workers to jobs where they are most likely to succeed. ƒ

Negotiation: Whether you’re dealing with a trading partner, competitor, customer or colleague, being able to empathize and be creative in finding win-win solutions will consistently pay off .ƒ

Performance management: 360-degree feedback is a common tool for assessing EQ. Knowing how your self-perception compares with others’ views about your performance provides focus for career development and positive behavioural changes

Peer relationships: Good networking skills are a staple of job effectiveness for the Average worker. Networking has too often been associated with “using” other people, but a heightened EQ ensures a mutually beneficial approach to others.

The traditional view of the leader as unemotional, supremely rational and essentially mechanistic is based on the vertically integrated, hierarchical Industrial Age organisation. The leader does things; he or she makes plans and instructs others to carry them out.

Good Leadership will be less about what the leader does, and more about what the leader is.

According to Davidson (2002:17-18), chief executive officers have always worked to understand others, but in the future, effective leaders will devote the same kind of effort to understanding themselves – that is, to personal leadership. Personal leadership essentially means having a heightened self-awareness – a deep understanding of one’s own behaviour, motivators and competencies – and having ‘emotional intelligence’ that allows them to accept, manage and use, rather than simply control or suppress, their emotional state.

Davidson (2002:18) affirms that ultimately, self-awareness will make tomorrow’s leaders more adaptable and that it will give them the flexibility to work across cultures, and the flexibility to deal with uncertainty, ambiguity and change.

Self-awareness will be key to effective leadership because it can have a strong impact on the perceptions of others in the organization and their willingness to follow the leader.




  • Emotional self-awareness. Reading one’s own emotions and recognizing their impact; using ‘gut sense’ to guide decision
  • Accurate self-assessment; knowing one’s strengths and limits
  • Self-confidence; a Sound sense of one’s self-worth and capabilities.


• Emotional self-control: Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses under control

Transparency: Displaying honesty and Integrity; trustworthiness

Adaptability: Flexibility in adapting to changing situations or overcoming obstacles

Achievement: The drive to improve performance to meet inner standards of excellence

 • Initiative: Readiness to act and seize opportunities

Optimism: Seeing the upside in events.

Social Awareness

Empathy: Sensing other’s emotions, understanding their perspective, and taking active interest in their concerns

• Organizational awareness: Reading the currents, decision networks, and politics at the organizational level

• Service: Recognizing and meeting follower, client, or customer needs.

Relationship Management

  • Inspirational leadership: Guiding and motivating with a compelling vision.
  • Influence: Wielding a range of tactics for Persuasion
  • Developing others: Bolstering others’ abilities through feedback and guidance
  •  Change Catalyst: Initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction
  •  Conflict Management: Resolving disagreements
  •  Building Bonds: Cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships
  • Teamwork and collaboration: Cooperation and team building

Increasingly, it is noted that basic management and leadership skills are no longer enough to successfully lead organizations. Emotional intelligence is recognised as having an important role to play in management and leadership positions where differences in technical skills are of negligible importance. Consequently, emotional intelligence is becoming a soughtafter quality. Some authors on emotional intelligence are of the view that emotional competencies are twice as likely to contribute to organizational success and excellence than pure intellect and/or technical expertise alone. Accordingly, being aware of our emotions and how to manage them in ways that are appropriate and effective is an important skill for leadership, the organization, the team and the individual.



Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve Stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.

There are five components of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and motivation.

Self-awareness is the ability to understand your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values. It also includes being aware of how your emotions affect your behavior and how your behavior affects others.

Self-management is the ability to control your emotions and behavior. It includes being able to stay calm under pressure, manage your time effectively, and set and achieve goals.

Social awareness is the ability to understand and respond to the emotions of others. It includes being able to empathize with others, understand their perspectives, and build relationships.

Relationship management is the ability to build and maintain positive relationships. It includes being able to resolve conflict, communicate effectively, and cooperate with others.

Motivation is the ability to stay focused on your goals and to persevere in the face of challenges. It includes being able to set and achieve goals, and to maintain a positive Attitude.

Emotional intelligence is important because it can help you to:

There are many ways to improve your emotional intelligence. Some of the most effective ways include:

Emotional intelligence is a valuable skill that can help you to be successful in all areas of your life. By understanding and managing your emotions, you can build positive relationships, be successful in your career, and live a happy and healthy life.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of a human brain. This includes Learning from experience, solving problems, and making decisions. AI is used in a variety of applications, including self-driving cars, facial recognition Software, and medical diagnosis.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

Machine learning is a subset of AI that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed. ML algorithms are trained on data sets, and they can then be used to make predictions or decisions on new data. ML is used in a variety of applications, including spam filtering, fraud detection, and product recommendations.

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of AI that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. NLP algorithms are used to understand and process human language, both written and spoken. NLP is used in a variety of applications, including machine translation, voice recognition, and text analysis.

What is Deep Learning (DL)?

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. Neural networks are inspired by the human brain, and they can be used to solve complex problems that traditional machine learning algorithms cannot. DL is used in a variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

What are the benefits of AI?

AI has a number of benefits, including:

What are the risks of AI?

AI also has a number of risks, including:

What is the future of AI?

AI is a rapidly evolving field, and it is difficult to predict what the future holds. However, it is likely that AI will continue to grow in importance and impact our lives in a variety of ways.

  1. Which of the following is not a component of emotional intelligence?
    (A) Self-awareness
    (B) Self-regulation
    (C) Empathy
    (D) Emotional expression

  2. Which of the following is the best example of self-awareness?
    (A) Recognizing your own emotions
    (B) Managing your own emotions
    (C) Understanding the emotions of others
    (D) Responding to the emotions of others

  3. Which of the following is the best example of self-regulation?
    (A) Recognizing your own emotions
    (B) Managing your own emotions
    (C) Understanding the emotions of others
    (D) Responding to the emotions of others

  4. Which of the following is the best example of empathy?
    (A) Recognizing your own emotions
    (B) Managing your own emotions
    (C) Understanding the emotions of others
    (D) Responding to the emotions of others

  5. Which of the following is the best example of emotional expression?
    (A) Recognizing your own emotions
    (B) Managing your own emotions
    (C) Understanding the emotions of others
    (D) Responding to the emotions of others

  6. Which of the following is the best way to improve your emotional intelligence?
    (A) Practice mindfulness
    (B) Practice gratitude
    (C) Practice compassion
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is the best way to manage your emotions?
    (A) Identify your emotions
    (B) Accept your emotions
    (C) Express your emotions in a healthy way
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is the best way to understand the emotions of others?
    (A) Pay attention to their body language
    (B) Listen to their tone of voice
    (C) Ask them how they are feeling
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the best way to respond to the emotions of others?
    (A) Be supportive
    (B) Be understanding
    (C) Be patient
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is the best way to improve your relationships?
    (A) Improve your emotional intelligence
    (B) Improve your communication skills
    (C) Improve your conflict resolution skills
    (D) All of the above

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