Electricity and its effects -electric intensity, potential, potential difference

Electricity and its effects -electric intensity, potential, potential difference

Electricity is the physical flow of electrons, referred to as an electrical current. Electricity is an energy carrier that efficiently delivers the energy found in primary sources to end users, who in turn convert it into energy Services.

Electricity can be created in three ways:

  • The most common is through electro-magnetic conversion, where electricity is generated by moving an electric conductor, such as a wire, inside a Magnetic Field. The most practical example of this method is a Generator connected to a turbine. The turbine provides the motion required to move the conductor in the generator.  This energy for motion can come from various technologies, for example wind turbines, hydropower, or the steam created from heat produced in nuclear fission or coal combustion.
  • Electricity can also be created through a Chemical Reaction, for example in a battery or fuel cell.
  • Finally, electricity can be created through solid-state conversion, wherein electricity is generated using the structure and properties of a solid. The specially constructed solid consists of different Molecules packed closely together that create an electric current when stimulated. An example of a technology that utilizes solid state conversion is a solar PV cell.

It is important to note that electricity is the same, regardless of how it is produced. Thus the electricity generated from an electromagnetic generator is the same as that from a battery. Once electricity is created it is the most versatile form of energy.

The rate at which electricity is produced is referred to as a Watt.  The quantity of energy used over a certain period of time is refered to as kWh and is the measure you would see on your power bill.

Electricity is often misunderstood and unappreciated, but modern societies are vitally dependent upon it. Electricity is essential to every day lives – from lighting, heating and cooling to powering televisions, computers and cellphones.

When electricity is produced, it must be used immediately. With current technologies, It is not yet economically viable to store large quantities of electricity. For this reason, the grid must be managed, every minute of every day, to balance electricity supply with demand.

Depending on the generation source of electricity, electricity production can have significant environmental and Health impacts. Thermal generation sources produce air pollutants that can cause significant harm to human health. The production of electricity can also contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, 40% of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are from electrical generation. Renewable sources of electricity like solar and wind produce zero direct carbon emissions but only generate electricity on an intermittent or variable basis. Hydrocarbon Resources like coal and natural gas, although carbon intensive, are the most convenient sources used to generate baseload power to meet consumer demand at any given time.

Electric intensity

Electric intensity is the strength of electric field at a point.  Electric intensity at a point is defined as the force experienced  per unit positive charge at a point placed in the electric field.


The potential energy for a positive charge increases when it moves against an electric field and decreases when it moves with the electric field; the opposite is true for a negative charge. Unless the unit charge crosses a changing magnetic field, its potential at any given point does not depend on the path taken.

Although the concept of electric potential is useful in understanding electrical phenomena, only differences in potential energy are measurable. If an electric field is defined as the force per unit charge, then by analogy an electric potential can be thought of as the potential energy per unit charge. Therefore, the work done in moving a unit charge from one point to another (e.g., within an electric circuit) is equal to the difference in potential energies at each point. In the International System of Units (SI), electric potential is expressed in units of joules per coulomb (i.e., volts), and differences in potential energy are measured with a voltmeter.

potential difference

The electrical potential difference is defined as the amount of work done to carrying a unit charge from one point to another in an electric field. In other words, the potential difference is defined as the difference in the electric potential of the two charged bodies.


When a body is charged to a different electric potential as compared to the other charged body, the two bodies are said to a potential difference. Both the bodies are under Stress and strain and try to attain minimum potential. The unit of potential difference is volt.



Electricity is a form of energy that is produced by the movement of electrons. It is used to power our homes, businesses, and devices. Electricity is also used to generate Light, heat, and motion.

Electricity is created when electrons move from one atom to another. This movement of electrons is called an electric current. The amount of current that flows through a circuit is measured in amperes (A).

The voltage of an electric circuit is the difference in electrical potential between two points in the circuit. The voltage is measured in volts (V).

The resistance of an electric circuit is the opposition to the flow of current. The resistance is measured in ohms (©).

The power of an electric circuit is the rate at which energy is converted into electricity. The power is measured in watts (W).

An electric circuit is a path that allows electricity to flow. A circuit can be simple, such as a light bulb connected to a battery, or it can be complex, such as a computer.

An electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. A generator uses a rotating coil of wire to create an electric current.

An Electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. A motor uses a rotating magnetic field to create motion.

An electric transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another. A transformer uses electromagnetic induction to transfer energy from one circuit to another.

An electric capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy. A capacitor consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulator.

An electric inductor is a device that stores magnetic energy. An inductor consists of a coil of wire.

A diode is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow in one direction only. A diode is used to rectify alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC).

A transistor is a semiconductor device that can be used to amplify or switch electronic signals. A transistor is made up of three semiconductor materials: the emitter, base, and collector.

An integrated circuit (IC) is a semiconductor device that contains many electronic components, such as transistors, capacitors, and resistors, on a single chip. ICs are used in a wide variety of electronic devices, such as computers, cell phones, and automobiles.

A battery is a device that stores electrical energy. A battery consists of two or more electrochemical cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy.

Electric lighting is the use of electricity to produce light. Electric lighting is used in homes, businesses, and public spaces.

Electric heating is the use of electricity to produce heat. Electric heating is used in homes, businesses, and industrial settings.

Electric power transmission is the process of transporting electrical energy from a power plant to a distribution system. Electric power transmission is done using high-voltage transmission lines.

Electric power distribution is the process of delivering electrical energy from a transmission system to consumers. Electric power distribution is done using lower-voltage distribution lines.

Electric power generation is the process of producing electrical energy. Electric power generation is done using a variety of methods, such as coal-fired power Plants, nuclear power plants, and hydroelectric power plants.

Electric power storage is the process of storing electrical energy. Electric power storage is done using a variety of methods, such as batteries, flywheels, and pumped-storage hydroelectricity.

Electric power control is the process of controlling the flow of electrical energy in a power system. Electric power control is done using a variety of methods, such as circuit breakers, switches, and transformers.

Electric power quality is the quality of electrical energy in a power system. Electric power quality is affected by a variety of factors, such as voltage fluctuations, frequency fluctuations, and harmonics.

Electric safety is the practice of preventing injury or death from electrical hazards. Electric safety is important for both workers and consumers.

Electric pollution is the contamination of the Environment by electricity. Electric pollution can be caused by a variety of factors, such as power plant emissions, transmission line emissions, and electric vehicle emissions.

Electric waste is the waste generated by the use of electricity. Electric waste can include a variety of materials, such as batteries, light bulbs, and electronics.

Electric recycling is the process of recovering materials from electric waste. Electric recycling is important for both environmental and economic reasons.

The future of electricity is bright. Electricity is a clean, efficient, and reliable Source Of Energy. Electricity is used in a wide variety of applications, and its use is only expected to grow in the future.

Electricity and its effects

Electricity is a form of energy that is produced by the movement of electrons. It is used to power our homes, businesses, and devices. Electricity can also be used to create light, heat, and Sound.

Electricity is a very important part of our lives. It allows us to do many things that we would not be able to do without it. For example, we use electricity to light our homes, cook our food, and watch TV. We also use electricity to power our cars and computers.

Electricity is a very powerful force. It can be used to create light, heat, and sound. It can also be used to move objects. Electricity is a very important part of our lives. It allows us to do many things that we would not be able to do without it.

Electric intensity

Electric intensity is the force that is exerted on an electric charge by an electric field. It is measured in volts per meter (V/m).

Electric intensity is a vector quantity, which means that it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of electric intensity is from the positive charge to the negative charge.

The electric intensity of an electric field is proportional to the charge of the object and the electric field strength. The electric field strength is the force that is exerted on a unit charge by an electric field.


Electric potential is the energy that is stored in an electric field. It is measured in volts (V).

Electric potential is a scalar quantity, which means that it has only magnitude. The magnitude of electric potential is equal to the work that is done in moving a unit charge from infinity to a point in an electric field.

The electric potential of an electric field is equal to the product of the electric field strength and the distance from the point to the source of the electric field.

Potential difference

Potential difference is the difference in electric potential between two points. It is measured in volts (V).

Potential difference is a scalar quantity, which means that it has only magnitude. The magnitude of potential difference is equal to the work that is done in moving a unit charge from one point to another in an electric field.

The potential difference between two points is equal to the product of the electric field strength and the distance between the points.

Frequently asked questions

What is electricity?

Electricity is a form of energy that is produced by the movement of electrons. It is used to power our homes, businesses, and devices. Electricity can also be used to create light, heat, and sound.

What are the effects of electricity?

Electricity can have many different effects on the human body. It can cause burns, shocks, and even death. Electricity can also cause damage to property.

How can I be safe around electricity?

There are many things you can do to be safe around electricity. First, you should always be aware of the potential dangers of electricity. Second, you should always follow safety precautions when working with electricity. Third, you should always have a qualified electrician do any electrical work in your home or business.

What are some common electrical hazards?

Some common electrical hazards include:

  • Electrical shock: This can happen when you touch a live wire or come into contact with an electrical current.
  • Electrical burns: These can happen when you touch a hot wire or come into contact with an electrical arc.
  • Fire: This can happen when an electrical wire overheats or when an electrical appliance catches fire.
  • Explosion: This can happen when an electrical wire is overloaded or when an electrical appliance explodes.

How can I prevent electrical accidents?

There are many things you can do to prevent electrical accidents. First, you should always be aware of the potential dangers of electricity. Second, you should always follow safety precautions when working with electricity. Third, you should always have a qualified electrician do any electrical work in your home or business.

What are some safety tips for working with electricity?

Some safety tips for working with electricity include:

  • Always turn off the power before working on any electrical equipment.
  • Never use damaged electrical cords or appliances.
  • Be careful when using extension cords.
  • Never overload electrical outlets.
  • Keep children and pets away from electrical equipment.
  • If you are not sure how to do something, always ask for help from a qualified electrician.

Sure, here are some MCQs about electricity and its effects:

  1. Which of the following is not a unit of electric charge?
    (A) Coulomb
    (B) Ampere
    (C) Volt
    (D) Newton

  2. Which of the following is not a property of an electric field?
    (A) Magnitude
    (B) Direction
    (C) Intensity
    (D) Potential

  3. Which of the following is not a property of an electric potential?
    (A) Magnitude
    (B) Direction
    (C) Intensity
    (D) Energy

  4. Which of the following is not a property of an electric potential difference?
    (A) Magnitude
    (B) Direction
    (C) Intensity
    (D) Voltage

  5. Which of the following is not a way to generate electricity?
    (A) Mechanical energy
    (B) Chemical energy
    (C) Nuclear Energy
    (D) Thermal energy

  6. Which of the following is not a way to store electricity?
    (A) Battery
    (B) Capacitor
    (C) Inductor
    (D) Resistor

  7. Which of the following is not a way to transmit electricity?
    (A) Power line
    (B) Cable
    (C) Wire
    (D) Circuit

  8. Which of the following is not a way to use electricity?
    (A) Lighting
    (B) Heating
    (C) Cooling
    (D) Cooking

  9. Which of the following is not a safety hazard associated with electricity?
    (A) Shock
    (B) Fire
    (C) Explosion
    (D) Water damage

  10. Which of the following is not a way to protect yourself from electrical hazards?
    (A) Use a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
    (B) Use a surge protector.
    (C) Use insulated tools.
    (D) Wear rubber gloves.

I hope this helps!

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