Educational Policy of Rajasthan

Educational Policy of Rajasthan

  • Education is a foundation for human fulfilment, Sustainable Development of an individual to become a responsible global Citizenship-2/”>Citizenship.
  • The growing importance of the knowledge economy has profound implications for the role of education as a determinant of economic Growth.
  • Recognizing the importance and interdependence of all education levels and delivery modes, whether formal or non-formal, Government of Rajasthan promotes a holistic approach to education to foster balanced development of education systems that respond to a range of Learning needs.
  • The census study of 2011 revealed that Literacy rate of Rajasthan has witnessed a steep rise, to 67.06% against 38.55% and 60.41% during the years 1991 and 2001 respectively.
  • Rajasthan government has policy architecture for achieving the task of great literacy rate in form of skilful students who can get their goals in a very easy manner and can compete with globally to achieve their targets.
  • The policies rules and regulation which is developed by the government majorly fulfils all the needs in proper manner.
  • Rajasthan is fast evolving state in India. The Government is endeavouring to make this state stand in line with the best educational canters across India in comparison with rest of states. The issue of education has always kept the Government occupied.
  • As it considers tribal Population living in the state is a major challenge that the Government faced.
  • Quality education plays an important role for these people because it makes to be aware and literate so that they can fetch fair prices for the anti-facts they sell.
  • Therefore, it became even more necessary for the Government to increase the rate of literacy





Policy for Public Private PARTNERSHIP (PPP)  in School Education, 2015



  • The policy aims at providing various models for involving PPP in improving management and operation of existing government schools and establishing new schools.
  • It also aims to establish transparent and streamlined processes for selection of private partners for PPP in schools and create framework for smooth execution of PPP projects



Existing Government Schools

  • State Government will promote management of existing government schools by Private partner on following models on first come first serve basis :-
  1. Government will sponsor 100% students. Government sponsored students will be charged as per prevailing fee structure in other government schools.
  2. Private partner can select any government school located in the state.
  3. State government will provide free text books, mid-day meal and benefit of other government schemes to students as being provided to students of other government schools. No other expenditure is to be borne by the State Government.
  • Private partner will be selected for management of existing government schools through transparent process of competitive bidding on following model :-
  1. Government will sponsor 100% students. Students will be charged as per prevailing fee structure in other government schools.
  2. Selection of schools will be done by State Government keeping in view educational backwardness of the region.
  3. State government will reimburse per student annual fee determined through bidding process for all government sponsored students.

New PPP Schools

  • Private partner will be selected for establishing new schools in blocks other than Educationally Backward Blocks (EBB) through transparent process of competitive bidding on following model :-
    1. Government will sponsor 40% students paying fee prevailing in other government schools and remaining 60% students will be paying fee prescribed by the private partner as per law.
    2. Selection of government school will be done by State Government keeping in view educational backwardness of the region.Educational Policy of Rajasthan
    3. State government will reimburse per student annual fee determined through bidding process for all government sponsored students.
    4. Private partner will provide all facilities to government sponsored students without any additional charge which are being provided to paid students.
  • Private partner will be selected for establishing new schools in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBB) through transparent process of competitive bidding on following model :-
  1. Government will sponsor 100% students. Students will be charged as per prevailing fee structure in other government schools.
  2. State government will reimburse per student annual fee determined through bidding process for all government sponsored students.


General Conditions

  1. State government will provide free text books, mid-day meal and benefit of other government schemes to state sponsored students as being provided to students of other government schools.
  2. Government will not provide teaching/non teaching/ministerial staff for the school. Private partner will deploy teaching/non teaching staff having prescribed qualification as per norms. Government shall not have any liability towards staff deployed by private partner.
  3. Private partner will have right to decide affiliation of school and medium of instruction.
  4. Enrollment of state sponsored students will be done as per policy prescribed by Education Department from time to time.
  5. All not for profit company/trust/Society, incorporated/ registered under the provision of Companies Act, 1956/2013/ The Indian Trusts Act, 1982/ The Society Registration Act, 1986 can be selected as private partner for PPP in school education.
  6. Government sponsored students and paid students will be taught together in same classes.
  7. Director of Secondary Education will transfer all the existing staff and teachers of schools given to private partner to other Government schools.


  • Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education (RCSE) will be Nodal Agency for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in school education for following activities :-
  1. Selection of schools for PPP.
  2. Appraisal of PPP proposals for approval.
  3. Identification of land for new schools.
  4. Conduct of bidding process for selection of private partner.
  5. Signing of agreement with private partner.
  6. Execution of PPP project as per provisions of agreement.


Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

  • Under the National Education Policy, priority has been given to universalisation of elementary education. A centrally sponsored scheme namely ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ is being implemented in the
  • State to provide education to children in the age group of 6-14 years. This also includes activities to bridge social, regional and gender gaps with the help of public participation in school management.
  • Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 is being implemented in the State since 1st April, 2010.
  • Following activities have been taken for implementation of this policy:
  1. The State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) has been constituted in the State.
  2. The State Institute of Educational Research and Training, Udaipur is functioning as the State Academic Authority of the State for implementing this Act.
  3. A State Advisory Council has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Education Minister with 15 members to advise the State Government on effective implementation of Right to Education (RTE) Act.
  4. School Management Committees (SMCs) have been constituted and reconstituted in all the Government Primary and Upper Primary Schools. The SMC members have been imparted requisite training.
  5. 25 per cent seats are reserved in private schools for boys/girls of weaker sections and disadvantaged group.
  6. The State Government has developed a web portal for effective monitoring and timely reimbursement to private schools (as per State norms) for 25 per cent free admissions in private schools as per section 12 (1) (c) of the RTE Act.



Library Awareness Programme:

  • Serious efforts are being made to enhance the numbers of readers in the libraries. Various other activities are also being organized for the same purpose.
  • Library Services are being provided to all age group of male and female readers.
  • Senior citizen corner, Women corner, children section, Neo-Literate corner reading facilities for visually impaired users are also available in the selected libraries.


The Educational Policy of Rajasthan is a comprehensive document that outlines the state’s vision for education. The policy was developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, parents, students, and business leaders.

The policy’s objectives are to:

  • Ensure that all children in Rajasthan have access to quality education.
  • Promote Equity and social Justice in education.
  • Develop a skilled workforce that can meet the needs of the state’s economy.
  • Foster innovation and creativity in education.
  • Improve the quality of education in Rajasthan.

The policy framework is based on the following principles:

  • Equity: All children, regardless of their background, should have access to quality education.
  • Quality: Education should be of high quality and relevant to the needs of the state’s economy.
  • Innovation: Education should be innovative and creative, and should foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Accountability: The state government should be accountable for the quality of education in Rajasthan.

The policy outlines a number of strategies for achieving its objectives, including:

  • Expanding access to education: The state government will work to increase the number of schools and classrooms, and to provide scholarships and other financial assistance to students from low-income families.
  • Improving the quality of education: The state government will invest in teacher training, curriculum development, and school Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE.
  • Promoting equity and social justice: The state government will work to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to quality education.
  • Developing a skilled workforce: The state government will work to align education with the needs of the state’s economy, and to provide training and support for students and workers.
  • Fostering innovation and creativity: The state government will support innovation and creativity in education, and will encourage students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The policy also outlines a number of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating its implementation, including:

  • Annual reports: The state government will publish an annual report on the implementation of the policy.
  • Surveys: The state government will conduct surveys of students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders to assess the impact of the policy.
  • Research: The state government will support research on the effectiveness of the policy.

The Educational Policy of Rajasthan is a bold and ambitious document that has the potential to transform education in the state. The policy’s objectives are ambitious, but they are achievable if the state government is committed to its implementation. The policy framework is Sound, and the strategies for achieving the objectives are well-aligned with the principles of equity, quality, innovation, and accountability. The policy also includes a number of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating its implementation.

The Educational Policy of Rajasthan is a positive step forward for education in the state. If implemented effectively, the policy has the potential to improve the quality of education for all children in Rajasthan.

Here are some additional details on the policy’s implementation plan:

The implementation plan will be developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, parents, students, and business leaders. The plan will outline the specific steps that will be taken to implement the policy, and will identify the Resources that will be needed. The plan will also include a timeline for implementation.

The implementation plan will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the state’s education system.

What is the purpose of education?

The purpose of education is to help people develop their minds, learn new skills, and grow as individuals. Education can also help people prepare for a career and become productive members of society.

What are the different types of education?

There are many different types of education, including formal education, informal education, and non-formal education. Formal education is the type of education that takes place in schools and universities. Informal education is the type of education that takes place outside of school, such as through family, friends, or the media. Non-formal education is a type of education that is not part of the formal or informal education system.

What are the benefits of education?

There are many benefits to education, including improved job prospects, higher earnings, better Health, and a stronger sense of civic engagement. Education can also help people develop their critical thinking skills, learn how to solve problems, and become more tolerant of others.

What are the challenges of education?

There are many challenges to education, including POVERTY, lack of access to quality education, and discrimination. Education can also be expensive, and not everyone has the opportunity to pursue higher education.

What is the future of education?

The future of education is uncertain, but it is likely that technology will play an increasingly important role in education. Technology can help students learn more effectively and efficiently, and it can also help teachers reach a wider audience.

What are the different educational philosophies?

There are many different educational philosophies, including perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and social reconstructionism. Perennialism emphasizes the importance of teaching students the great works of literature, philosophy, and history. Essentialism emphasizes the importance of teaching students the basic skills and knowledge that they will need to be successful in life. Progressivism emphasizes the importance of teaching students to think critically and solve problems. Social reconstructionism emphasizes the importance of teaching students to be active participants in society and to work to improve the world.

What are the different educational methods?

There are many different educational methods, including lecture, discussion, cooperative learning, and project-based learning. Lecture is a method of instruction in which the teacher presents information to the students. Discussion is a method of instruction in which the teacher and students engage in a dialogue about a topic. Cooperative learning is a method of instruction in which students work together in small groups to learn a topic. Project-based learning is a method of instruction in which students work on a project to learn a topic.

What are the different educational assessments?

There are many different educational assessments, including standardized tests, teacher-made tests, and performance assessments. Standardized tests are tests that are administered to all students in a particular grade level or group. Teacher-made tests are tests that are created by teachers to assess student learning. Performance assessments are assessments that require students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through a performance, such as a presentation or a project.

What are the different educational roles?

There are many different educational roles, including teacher, administrator, counselor, and parent. Teachers are responsible for teaching students. Administrators are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a school. Counselors are responsible for providing support and guidance to students. Parents are responsible for supporting their children’s education.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of education, without mentioning the topic of Educational Policy of Rajasthan:

  1. Which of the following is not a goal of education?
    (A) To develop the mind and intellect
    (B) To prepare students for the workforce
    (C) To instill patriotism and national pride
    (D) To create obedient citizens

  2. Which of the following is not a type of education?
    (A) Formal education
    (B) Informal education
    (C) Non-formal education
    (D) Religious education

  3. Which of the following is not a right of all children?
    (A) The right to free and compulsory education
    (B) The right to education in their mother tongue
    (C) The right to education in a safe and healthy Environment
    (D) The right to education that prepares them for the workforce

  4. Which of the following is not a responsibility of all parents?
    (A) To provide their children with a quality education
    (B) To ensure that their children attend school regularly
    (C) To help their children with their homework
    (D) To provide their children with a safe and healthy environment to study in

  5. Which of the following is not a role of the government in education?
    (A) To provide free and compulsory education to all children
    (B) To ensure that all schools are safe and healthy
    (C) To provide funding for education
    (D) To regulate the education system

  6. Which of the following is not a challenge facing education today?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Inequality
    (C) Lack of access to education
    (D) Too much access to education

  7. Which of the following is not a solution to the challenges facing education today?
    (A) Investing in education
    (B) Providing quality education to all children
    (C) Making education more affordable
    (D) Making education more accessible

  8. Which of the following is not a benefit of education?
    (A) Increased earning potential
    (B) Improved health
    (C) Reduced crime
    (D) Increased happiness

  9. Which of the following is not a cost of education?
    (A) Tuition fees
    (B) Textbooks
    (C) Transportation
    (D) Time

  10. Which of the following is not a factor that influences the quality of education?
    (A) The quality of teachers
    (B) The quality of facilities
    (C) The quality of curriculum
    (D) The quality of students

I hope these MCQs were helpful!

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