Education For Women

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  • According to the statistics released by the latest census of 2011, India’s female Literacy rate is 65.46 percent, significantly lower than the world Average of 79.7 percent. China, India’s neighbor and the other global human resource powerhouse, precedes with 82.7 percent female literacy rate.
  • The Right to Education (RtE) Act, introduced in 2009 making elementary education free and compulsory in the country, has been a shot in the arm for many. Nevertheless, statistics reveal the dismal gap between states – while states like Kerala paint a rosy picture of women’s education in India with 92.07 percent female literacy, relatively backward states such as Bihar with 51.5 percent female literacy rate highlight the importance of sustained campaign in favour of women’s education in India.
  • Education is the crux
  • The impact of education on girls is extraordinary. Education sustains Human Values. It forms the foundation for Learning and critical thinking. Education also provides skills for girls to become more self-reliant and provides them with more opportunities. Thinking into the future, education also provides them with the knowledge to manage Health problems. A girl understanding her own body can make the difference between an unwanted pregnancy and an illegal abortion. Having the knowledge beforehand is crucial to saving and protecting lives.
  • Education does impact Human Development, as mentioned, along with economic development but the greatest impact is on DemocracyEducation is the only way a girl can be an informed citizen, leading the way for her to having her voice heard in Society.  Education also provides a better overall Quality Of Life. Research has shown the life expectancy rises by as two years for every one percent increase literacy (U.S. Census Bureau 1998). When women have a voice there can be changes made to existing laws changing the future for young girls.
  • Various Government Schemes for Girl Child
  • It is an integral part of general awareness to know about the central and state-specific schemes and also the joint collaboration schemes between the centre and state. The Ministries of Government of India have introduced various schemes from time to time offering financial incentives to girl children to enable parents to provide proper education have enough Savings for marriage, get subsidies, loans and quotas. Some of the schemes announced by the government are explained below for the advantage of the parents.
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana : (SSY)
  • Sukanya Samriddhi account is a famous and popular scheme backed by the Government of India. As part of ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ campaign started by the Government, this is a saving scheme for the benefit of the girl child. The scheme helps to save the future of a girl child, encourage parents to build a fund to meet the expenditure for education and marriage of their girl child. It has a number of benefits which are mentioned below.


  • The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account pays an interest of 9.1% for each financial year. The interest rate offered in this is the highest when compared to other small saving schemes. This scheme is also one of the most tax-saving ones. One of the best features of this scheme is the provision of a lock-in period. You can certainly build an adequate amount to provide a bright future for your girl child. The account can be transferred too to another place if required.


  • The account can be opened by legal guardians or parents of a girl child only. The age of the girl child should not be more than 10 years. A certificate for proof of age has to be submitted along with the form. Only two accounts can be opened by parents or legal guardians of the child. An amount of Rs250/- is required to open the account. After completion of 21 years, the account can be closed.






  • To address the challenge of low enrolment of girlsin technical education institutes.
  • To minimize the gap between school education & engineering entrance examination.
  • To enrich and enhance teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics at senior secondary level
  • Intended Beneficiaries
  • Girls studying in classes XI only from KVs/ NVs/ Government Schools of any recognised Board/CBSE affiliated private schools in India.
  • Salient Features
  • Launched by  CBSE under guidance of Ministry of HRD.
  • It trains girl students in entrance examinations to top institutions and provides them incentives and support through tutorials, video classes, etc.
  • Supports 1,000 selected disadvantaged girls per year




  • 4 reasons why girls are pulled out of school
  • The first reason why girls are pulled out of school is because of family responsibilities. Girls provide free labor at home for the family. Home is also where they learn to be a better housewife. Many girls are kept at home because it is a better payoff than going to school. Having the girl attend school is not valuable to the whole family. This problem is lucidly evident in India, even in urban areas, but more prevalent with poorer families. Girls can be found doing everything from farm work to household chores.
  • The family plays a central role in a girl’s life and shaping her future. Respect is given to elders in all situations and no decision can be made without consulting an elder. This often leads to the practice of arranged marriages. The decision is entirely up to the family and the girl often does not even see her future husband until the day of the wedding. Compared to American norms, individuals growing up in India are much more dependent on their families, especially parents.
  • The second reason why girls are kept from receiving a primary education is because they are pulled out early to protect family honor. This also can affect the dowry when the girl is married. The boy’s side of the family can raise the dowry if they suspect she has been in school with boys during puberty. The practice of dowry is illegal, but laws are not always implemented. If the dowry cannot be paid, the bride runs the risk of being ruined, or worse, being killed. Honor killings are prevalent among the poor.
  • The third reason for inequality during primary education is because girls can’t attend school due to inadequate facilities. Schools are unable to provide safe and sanitary facilities for young girls to attend, and with the Population increasing at a rapid speed the priority for new facilities is given to boys. In many cases, though, this is exacerbated by basic infrastructural problems: roads, running water, and electricity are often scarce.
  • The fourth reason girls are kept from school is because of the shortage of female teachers. The problem can be solved, but it starts with first educating girls so they can aspire to be teachers. The government, however, does not see this as a problem and continues to deny that there is gender inequality within the Education sector. There have been efforts, as listed earlier, by the government to enroll more girls but this has not been for the nation of India, but rather for international recognition and numbers.


  • The Solution
  • All of these contribute to the issue of unequal access to education for girls along with many more issues. These four issues have many underlying issues that contribute to the overall problem. And to solve this issue we can look to three conclusions: NGOs and nonprofits, and the government’s response.
  • First, NGOs and nonprofits can offer the most helpful solution to this problem because of grassroots movements across rural India. Many of the past efforts have come from reviewing previous reports. NGOs and nonprofits work at a local scale where a difference can made, whereas the government has worked on a larger scale with less success.
  • Second, the government’s response can help the whole process of providing primary schools for girls. The Indian government has recognized the problem has been slow to act on the issue. As mentioned earlier, education is not a priority for the government right now; rather the government is focused on the economy. Without girls being involved in the future economy, the government is taking a risk and putting the issue off for another generation.



Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other Human Rights. It promotes individual freedom and Empowerment and yields important development benefits. Yet, millions of girls and women around the world are denied access to education.

According to UNESCO, 130 million girls and women of primary and secondary school age are out of school. This is a major obstacle to achieving Equality/”>Gender Equality and Sustainable Development.

There are many reasons why girls and women are denied access to education. POVERTY, gender discrimination, conflict, and natural disasters are some of the key factors. In many countries, girls are expected to help with household chores or work in the fields instead of going to school. They may also be married off at a young age, which prevents them from continuing their education.

The lack of education has a devastating impact on girls and women. It limits their opportunities for EMPLOYMENT and income, and it increases their risk of poverty and violence. It also prevents them from participating fully in society and making decisions about their own lives.

There are many things that can be done to increase access to education for girls and women. Governments need to invest in education, especially for girls and women in rural areas and in conflict-affected countries. They also need to address the root causes of gender discrimination, such as poverty and lack of access to Resources.

Civil society organizations can also play a role in increasing access to education for girls and women. They can advocate for policies that support education, and they can provide education and training programs to girls and women.

The benefits of education for girls and women are clear. Education can help girls and women to escape poverty, improve their health, and have more control over their lives. It can also lead to economic Growth and development.

Investing in education for girls and women is one of the most important things that we can do to create a more just and equitable world.

Gender equality in education

Gender equality in education is the goal of ensuring that all girls and boys have equal access to quality education, regardless of their gender. This includes ensuring that girls and boys have equal access to primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as to vocational and technical education. It also includes ensuring that girls and boys are treated equally in the classroom and that they have equal opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities.

Gender equality in education is important for a number of reasons. First, it is a fundamental human right. Everyone, regardless of their gender, has the right to education. Second, gender equality in education is essential for Economic Development. Countries with higher levels of gender equality in education tend to have higher levels of economic growth. Third, gender equality in education is important for social development. Countries with higher levels of gender equality in education tend to have lower levels of poverty and violence.

There are a number of things that can be done to promote gender equality in education. One important step is to ensure that girls and boys have equal access to primary and secondary education. This means providing girls with access to schools that are safe and supportive, and it means providing them with the resources they need to succeed in school. Another important step is to address the gender gap in tertiary education. This means providing girls with access to scholarships and other financial assistance, and it means providing them with the support they need to succeed in college or university.

Female education and economic development

Female education is one of the most important factors in economic development. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between female education and economic growth. Countries with higher levels of female education tend to have higher levels of economic growth.

There are a number of reasons why female education is important for economic development. First, female education leads to higher levels of female labor force participation. When women are educated, they are more likely to work outside the home. This increases the size of the labor force and boosts economic growth.

Second, female education leads to higher levels of productivity. When women are educated, they are more productive workers. This is because they are better able to use new technologies and to adapt to new challenges.

Third, female education leads to higher levels of savings and Investment. When women are educated, they are more likely to save and invest their Money. This helps to finance economic growth.

Fourth, female education leads to lower levels of fertility. When women are educated, they are more likely to have smaller families. This helps to reduce Population Growth and to free up resources for economic development.

Fifth, female education leads to better health outcomes. When women are educated, they are more likely to have access to health care and to practice healthy behaviors. This leads to better health outcomes for women and their children.

In conclusion, female education is essential for economic development. It leads to higher levels of female labor force participation, productivity, savings and investment, and lower levels of fertility. It also leads to better health outcomes. All of these factors contribute to economic growth.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about education:

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