E Technology In The Aid Of Farmers And Technology Missions In Agriculture

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agriculture-2/”>E-Technology in the aid of farmers and Technology Missions in Agriculture

It is apparent that the tasks of meeting the consumption needs of the projected Population are going to be more difficult given the higher productivity base than in 1960s. There is also a growing realization that previous strategies of generating and promoting technologies have contributed to serious and widespread problems of environmental and natural resource degradation. This implies that in future the technologies that are developed and promoted must result not only in increased productivity level but also ensure that the quality of natural resource base is preserved and enhanced. In short, they lead to sustainable improvements in agricultural production.

New technologies are needed to push the yield frontiers further, utilize inputs more efficiently and diversify to more sustainable and higher value Cropping patterns. These are all knowledge intensive technologies that require both a strong research and extension system and skilled farmers but also a reinvigorated interface where the emphasis is on mutual exchange of information bringing advantages to all. At the same time potential of less favoured areas must be better exploited to meet the targets of Growth and POVERTY alleviation.

Digital technologies in agriculture

Digital technology has been applied in different agricultural processes including farm machinery, Livestock handing facilities, agronomy, Communication others. Below you will find few ways in which technology has evolved within agricultural industries.

Farm management

Some digital tools allow farmers monitoring livestock movements, trading, reporting, forward planning and feeding programs. New technologies have become essential for producers to track their livestock. Using mobile technology, the lifetime tractability of livestock is now more effective than ever and it has become critical for disease response, market access and reputation,

Real time fleet tracking and monitoring

Digital and GPS technology has been used in machinery to track vehicle movements and fuel consumption, operation tracking to monitor yield and crop quality, track maintenance as well as direct communication with supervisors and workers.

Digital Marketing monitoring

Online programs and applications have streamlined many time-consuming processes associated to MARKETING MANAGEMENT. This new Software allows users to track their online activity, to manage website and Social Media campaign activity.

Remote monitoring & drones

Some properties cover many acres, situation that makes checking water points, stock monitoring time consuming more challenging. Farm management software allows businesses to access information and alerts from their computers or mobile devices.

Drones have a unique advantage in being able to provide live information that can be advantageous in many ways. The have being used to check and monitor crop Health, stock feed and water points.

Use of ICT in agriculture extension

Information technology revolution is upcoming rapidly and more noticeable now. With the introduction of information and communication technologies, the traditional agriculture has been reformed, eventually contributing to the significant improvements in agricultural productivity and sustainability. Empowering farmers with the right information at the right time and place is essential for improving the efficiency and viability of small and marginal holdings.

Decision Support System  

ICT has a great role as decision support system to the farmers. Through ICT, farmers can be updated with the recent information about agriculture, weather, new varieties of crops and new ways to increase production and quality control. The dissemination of adequate, efficient and tailored technologies related to agro-climatic zone, size of farm and Soil type etc. to the farmers is deficient in Indian Agriculture and it is the real challenge in front of policy makers in India.  

Information and communication technologies can broadcast the precise and authentic information at right time to the farmers so that they can utilize it and get benefits. The decision support system through ITC facilitates farmers for planning type of crops, practising good agricultural practices for cultivating, harvesting, post harvesting and marketing their produce to get better results.

Varied information is required in agriculture based on the different agro climatic regions, size of land holdings, types of crops cultivated, technology followed, market orientation, weather condition, etc. As reported by many researchers, ‘question and answer service’ was perceived as the best facility by majority of the farmers to get personalized solutions to their specific agricultural problems.

Widen Market Access  

One of the major drawbacks in Indian agriculture is complex distribution channels for marketing of agricultural produce. Farmers do not get acquainted with the updated prices of commodities, proper place for selling their inputs and consumer trends also. ICT has the great potential to widen marketing horizon of farmers directly to the customers or other appropriate users for maximum benefit. Farmers may connect directly with many users and may get information about current prices for their commodities. They can get access to the market sitting at home. Further, it will curtail the middle profit also which will be beneficial for the farmers. This can improve a farmer’s source of revenue; empower farmers for making good decisions about appropriate future crops and commodities and marketing channels to sell their produce as well as to get inputs.

Strengthen and empower farming community  

ICT technologies can help for strengthening farming communities through wide networking and collaborations with various institutes, NGO’s and private sectors. Further, farmers may enhance their own capacities through updated information and wide exposure to scientific, farming and trade community.

ICT Initiatives For Agriculture In India


It is a comprehensive web portal to broadcast relevant information to farmers, which was initiated and funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. The AGRISNET serves farming community by disseminating information and providing Services through use of   Information & Communication Technology (ICT).  It has the goals of Providing information to the farmers on quality of the inputs and its availability, disseminating information of various government schemes and recommending Fertilizers after soil testing, Providing information on latest technologies for increasing productivity in agriculture.

Digital green  

Digital Green is an international organization, which works with the participatory approach by engaging rural community to improve their livelihood using digital platform. Interactive and self explanatory Videos are prepared for farmers by progressive farmers with the assistance of experts. These videos are shown to the farmers at individual level or in groups. The videos are prepared concentrating the requirements and welfare of the rural masses.


The eSagu system was developed in 2004. eSagu provides customized solution to the farmers’ problems and advice them from sowing to harvesting. Farmers send their farm condition in the form of digital photographs and videos, which were analyzed by the agricultural scientists and experts. After that, they suggest the right things to do to the farmers even small and marginal farmers are also getting advantage by this. The expert advice is conveyed to the concerned farmer within short time. The queries of illiterate farmers are dealt with the help of educated coordinators at village level. The farm situation or problem is communicated to the agricultural experts and they transmit accurate information to the farmers.


The Warana “Wired Village” project was instigated in 1998 by the Prime Minister’s Office Information Technology (IT) Task Force with the objective of providing agricultural information and services to farmers for increasing productivity. The information is transmitted to the farmers in local language about prices of agricultural outputs, EMPLOYMENT schemes from the government of Maharashtra and educational opportunities. The information is disseminated through information kiosks with the help of operators, who are the main linkage between the farmers and the agricultural connoisseurs.


IFFCO KISAN SANCHAR LTD (IFFCO Kisan) was started in 2012. It delivers relevant information and custom-made solutions to the concerned farmers through voice messages on mobile phones. The farmers can also communicate directly to the agricultural experts on explicit themes via ‘phone-in’ programmes.




Agricultural Marketing Information Network (AGMARKNET) was commenced in March, 2000 by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India with the aim of empowering decision-making ability of the farmers regarding selling of their produce. This portal was developed to pace up the agricultural marketing system through broadcasting information about influx of agricultural commodities in the market and their prices to producers, consumers, traders, and policy makers transparently and quickly.

Digital Mandi  

Digital Mandi is an electronic trading platform for facilitating farmers and traders to sell and procure agricultural produce beyond the geographical and temporal limitations effortlessly. Various financial institutions also participate in online trading of agricultural output to remove cash crisis.


National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is the lead agency for implementing eNAM under the aegis of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India.

The vision of E-NAM is to promote uniformity in agriculture marketing by streamlining of procedures across the integrated markets, removing information asymmetry between buyers and sellers and promoting real time price discovery based on actual demand and supply. E-NAM will lead to the  Integration of APMCs across the country through a common online market platform to facilitate pan-India trade in agriculture commodities, providing better price discovery through transparent auction process based on quality of produce along with timely online payment.




Technology in the Aid of Farmers

Technology has been changing the way we live and work for centuries, and the agricultural Industry is no exception. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in using technology to improve efficiency and productivity on farms.

One of the most promising areas of agricultural technology is the use of drones. Drones can be used for a variety of tasks, such as crop monitoring, pest control, and Irrigation management. They can also be used to collect data that can be used to improve decision-making.

Another area of interest is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can be used to automate tasks, such as weed identification and disease detection. It can also be used to develop new products and services for farmers.

Blockchain is another technology that has the potential to revolutionize agriculture. Blockchain can be used to track the movement of food from farm to fork, ensuring that it is safe and traceable. It can also be used to manage supply chains and payments.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is another technology that is being used in agriculture. IoT devices can be used to monitor soil conditions, weather patterns, and livestock health. This data can be used to make better decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control.

Machine Learning (ML) is a type of AI that can be used to analyze data and make predictions. ML can be used to predict crop yields, identify pests and diseases, and optimize irrigation schedules.

Precision agriculture is a farming method that uses technology to manage inputs such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides. This allows farmers to apply these inputs more precisely, which can save Money and reduce environmental impact.

Remote sensing is the use of satellites and other sensors to collect data about the Earth’s surface. This data can be used to monitor crop growth, soil conditions, and water usage.

Robotics is the use of machines to automate tasks. Robots are being used in agriculture for a variety of tasks, such as harvesting, weeding, and milking.

Soil sensors are devices that are used to measure soil conditions, such as moisture, pH, and temperature. This data can be used to optimize irrigation and fertilization practices.

Weather forecasting is the prediction of future weather conditions. This information can be used to make decisions about planting, harvesting, and irrigation.

These are just a few of the ways that technology is being used to improve agriculture. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and efficient ways to produce food.

Here are some specific examples of how technology is being used in agriculture:

The use of technology in agriculture is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the industry. By making farming more efficient and productive, technology can help to ensure that we have enough food to feed the world’s growing population.

Topic A: What are the benefits of using technology in agriculture?

There are many benefits to using technology in agriculture. Some of the most common benefits include:

Topic B: What are some of the challenges of using technology in agriculture?

There are a number of challenges associated with using technology in agriculture. Some of the most common challenges include:

Topic C: What are some of the latest technologies being used in agriculture?

Some of the latest technologies being used in agriculture include:

Topic D: What are the future trends in the use of technology in agriculture?

The use of technology in agriculture is constantly evolving. Some of the future trends in the use of technology in agriculture include:

Topic A: Soil

  1. Which of the following is not a type of soil?
    (A) Sandy soil
    (B) Clay soil
    (C) Loam soil
    (D) Silt soil

  2. The main component of soil is:
    (A) Water
    (B) Air
    (C) Organic matter
    (D) Minerals

  3. Soil is important for Plants because it provides:
    (A) A place to grow
    (B) Water and nutrients
    (C) Support and anchorage
    (D) All of the above

Topic B: Water

  1. Which of the following is not a source of water for plants?
    (A) Rain
    (B) Snow
    (C) Dew
    (D) Tap water

  2. Plants need water for:
    (A) Photosynthesis
    (B) Transpiration
    (C) Growth
    (D) All of the above

  3. The amount of water that a plant needs depends on:
    (A) The type of plant
    (B) The Climate
    (C) The soil type
    (D) All of the above

Topic C: Sunlight

  1. Which of the following is not a type of Light that plants need?
    (A) Ultraviolet light
    (B) Visible light
    (C) Infrared light
    (D) X-rays

  2. Plants need sunlight for:
    (A) Photosynthesis
    (B) Growth
    (C) Development
    (D) All of the above

  3. The amount of sunlight that a plant needs depends on:
    (A) The type of plant
    (B) The climate
    (C) The time of year
    (D) All of the above

Topic D: Temperature

  1. Which of the following is not a factor that affects the temperature of a plant’s Environment?
    (A) The sun
    (B) The wind
    (C) The soil
    (D) The air

  2. Plants need a certain range of temperatures to survive. If the temperature is too high, the plant will:
    (A) Wilt
    (B) Die
    (C) Grow slowly
    (D) All of the above

  3. Plants need a certain range of temperatures to grow well. If the temperature is too low, the plant will:
    (A) Wilt
    (B) Die
    (C) Grow slowly
    (D) All of the above

Topic E: Air

  1. Which of the following is not a component of air?
    (A) Nitrogen
    (B) Oxygen
    (C) Carbon dioxide
    (D) Water vapor

  2. Plants need air for:
    (A) Photosynthesis
    (B) Transpiration
    (C) Growth
    (D) All of the above

  3. The amount of air that a plant needs depends on:
    (A) The type of plant
    (B) The climate
    (C) The soil type
    (D) All of the above

Topic F: Nutrients

  1. Which of the following is not a nutrient that plants need?
    (A) Water
    (B) Carbon dioxide
    (C) Nitrogen
    (D) Phosphorus

  2. Plants need nutrients for:
    (A) Photosynthesis
    (B) Growth
    (C) Development
    (D) All of the above

  3. The amount of nutrients that a plant needs depends on:
    (A) The type of plant
    (B) The climate
    (C) The soil type
    (D) All of the above

Topic G: Pests and Diseases

  1. Which of the following is not a type of pest that can damage plants?
    (A) Insects
    (B) Fungi
    (C) Bacteria
    (D) Viruses

  2. Plants can be protected from pests and diseases by:
    (A) Using pesticides
    (B) Using fungicides
    (C) Using antibiotics
    (D) All of the above

Topic H: Weeds

  1. Which of the following is not a type of weed?
    (A) Grasses
    (B) Sedges
    (C) Rushes
    (D) Ferns

  2. Weeds can be controlled by:
    (A) Hand pulling
    (B) Hoeing
    (C) Mulching
    (D) All of the above

Topic I: Harvesting

  1. The best time to harvest a plant depends on:
    (A) The type of plant
    (B) The climate
    (C) The stage of growth
    (D) All of the above
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