Disaster Management Models

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. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders

Disaster Management (DM) is a challenging domain to model because of the variety of dynamic characteristics attached to the domain. Metamodeling is a model-driven approach that describes how semantic domain models can be built into an artifact called a Metamodel. By collecting all the domain concepts and partitioning the domain problems into sub-domain-problems, a metamodel can produce a domain-specific language. This paper presents a Disaster Management Metamodel that can serve as a representational layer of DM expertise. This metamodel leads to better knowledge sharing and facilitates combining and matching different DM activities to best manage the disaster on hand.

Integrated disaster management model

An integrated disaster management model is a means of organizing related activities to ensure their effective implementation. Four main components can be identified:

Hazard assessment

Risk management



The first task in an integrated disaster management model is hazard assessment which provides the information necessary for the next phase, risk management. This results in decisions about the balance of mitigation and preparedness actions needed to address the risks. This model has altogether six independent Elements such as a strategic plan, hazard assessment, risk management, mitigation, preparedness and monitoring and evaluation. Each element observes its own boundaries and involves its own set of activities and processes. These elements are dependent on each other in terms of providing support and can be further broken down into layers of sub-components. The advantage of this model is that it provides a balance between preparedness and flexibility in order to respond fluidly to the specific needs of disasters. Since this model provides the link between actions and events in disasters such links can be tight or loose. For example, it strongly links hazard and risk management activities but fails to provide a tight linkage between the four stages of disaster management which are important elements in a disaster management process.

Cyberinfrastructure as a Possible Solution model

Disaster management is a challenging and complex area with dynamic needs and an adaptive nature Cyberinfrastructure can potentially contribute towards meeting those needs and challenges because of characteristics attributed to the disaster management area such as a global perspective, dynamic decision support needs, the complex nature and huge volume of data scattered at multiple locations. This Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE helps to overcome the existing problems. With the implementation of this infrastructure we can solve the following problems: dynamic and the global monitoring of disasters, collection and integration of scattered data, Communication and collaboration, global view of environmental changes and sharing decision-making for disaster management.

Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders

Role of the Union Government

 Although the State Government concerned has the primary responsibility for crisis management, the Union Government plays a key supportive role in terms of physical and financial Resources and providing complementary measures, such as early warning and co-ordination of efforts of all union ministries, departments and organisations. At the apex level, a Cabinet Committee on Natural Calamities reviews the crisis situation.

A high level committee of ministers under the chairmanship of Minister of agriculture deals with the issue of financial support to be provided to the State Governments from the National Disaster Response Fund, if the funds available with the State Governments under State Disaster Response Fund are not adequate. Matters relating to nuclear, biological and chemical emergencies are looked after by the Cabinet Committee on Security.

Role of State Government

In India, the basic responsibility to undertake rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures in the event of natural disasters rests with the state government. Since the very beginning, the entire structure of crisis administration in the state governments had been oriented towards post disaster relief and rehabilitation.  Most of the states have Relief Commissioners who are in charge of the relief and rehabilitation measures. Most of the states have switched over to a Disaster Management Department with the required linkages with the various development and regulatory departments concerned with prevention, mitigation and preparedness.

Every state has a Crisis Management Committee under the chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary, consisting of secretaries in charge of concerned departments, which reviews crisis situations on a day-to-day basis at the time of crisis, coordinates the activities of all departments and provides decision support system to the District Administration. At the ministers’ level, a Cabinet Committee on Natural Calamities under the chairpersonship of the Chief Minister takes stock of situations and is responsible for all important policy decisions.

Role of District Administration

The District Magistrate/Collector has the responsibility for overall management of disasters in the district. He has the authority to mobilise the response machinery and has been given financial powers to draw Money under the provisions of the General Financial Rules/Treasury Codes.

All departments of the State Government, including the police, fire Services, public works, Irrigation etc., work in a coordinated manner under the Leadership of the Collector during a disaster, except in metropolitan areas where the municipal body plays a major role. The District Collector also enjoys the authority to request for assistance from the Armed Forces if circumstances so demand. NGOs have also been effective in providing relief, rescue and rehabilitation in recent times.



Role of Local Self-Governments

 Local self-governments, both rural and urban, have emerged as important tiers of governance, after the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution. For the people, they are also the nearest units of administration and are among the first responders to any crisis besides being closely knit with the communities. These units can thus play an important role in crisis management under the overall leadership of the District Administration.

Role of Public/NGO/Civil Society/Media: The local community is usually the first responder in case of a disaster. Local community also carries traditional knowledge and relevant counter measures regarding disaster management. So the role of local community must be utilised with the help of NGOs and media.  They should be encouraged to play an active role in all three phases of disaster management. District administration should also focus on capacity building, participation and Empowerment of these stakeholders in disaster management.

Mobilisation of community action supported by local NGOs, along with government machinery is a must for quick, efficient and effective response. For this, healthy coordination must exist between local administration and local community/NGOs. Local NGOs and civil society must work on developing a deep culture of safety and prevention in society.

The Role of Community in Disaster Response

Community based disaster management (CBDM)is anchored in the disaster risk reduction framework. CBDM covers a broad range of interventions, measures, activities, projects and programs to reduce disaster risks, which are primarily designed by people in at-risk localities and are based on their urgent needs and capacities. Simply put, the aim of CBDM is to 1) reduce vulnerabilities and increase capacities of vulnerable groups and communities to cope with, prevent or minimize loss and damage to life, property, and the Environment, 2) minimize human suffering, and 3) hasten recovery.

Through CBDM vulnerable groups and communities can be transformed to disaster resilient communities, which can withstand and recover from stresses and shocks from the natural/physical and socio-economic political environment.

While resilience is a relatively new concept in CBDM, it is easily grasped and appreciated by communities when illustrated by the example of the bamboo, which sways with the battering of strong winds but stays rooted and weathers the typhoon. Key indicators are safety, livelihood security and sustainable economic, social and physical development (general well- being, Health, Education, amenities, natural and physical environment, etc.)

With the shifting of paradigms from reactive emergency management to disaster risk reduction, there is more Stress on proactive pre-disaster interventions, which are usually categorized as prevention, mitigation, and preparedness. While natural hazards may not be prevented, human-induced hazards such as those associated with industries, technological failures, pollution, and civil strife can be prevented. Prevention covers measures to provide permanent protection from disasters or reduce the intensity/frequency of a hazardous event so that it does not become a disaster. These include safety standards in industries, POVERTY alleviation and assets redistribution schemes, and provision of basic needs and services such as preventive health care and education.


Disaster management is the organization and coordination of resources to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of a disaster. Disaster management models are frameworks that can be used to guide the planning and implementation of disaster management activities.

There are many different types of disaster management models, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some common types of disaster management models include:

  • The Incident Command System (ICS): ICS is a standardized approach to incident management that can be used for a wide range of emergencies, including natural disasters. ICS is a hierarchical system that is designed to provide a clear chain of command and to ensure that resources are used in the most effective way possible.
  • The National Incident Management System (NIMS): NIMS is a comprehensive framework for incident management that is used by the United States government and its partners. NIMS builds on ICS and provides additional guidance on planning, coordination, and communication.
  • The Public-Private PARTNERSHIP (PPP): PPP is a collaboration between the public and private sectors to manage disasters. PPPs can be used to share resources, expertise, and funding.
  • The Community-Based Disaster Management (CBDM): CBDM is a bottom-up approach to disaster management that involves local communities in the planning and implementation of disaster management activities. CBDM can help to build resilience and reduce vulnerability to disasters.

Disaster management models can be used to improve the effectiveness of disaster management efforts by providing a framework for planning and coordination. Disaster management models can also be used to improve the efficiency of disaster management efforts by reducing duplication of effort and ensuring that resources are used in the most effective way possible. Disaster management models can also be used to improve the sustainability of disaster management efforts by ensuring that disaster management activities are integrated into the overall development planning process.

The choice of disaster management model will depend on a number of factors, including the type of disaster, the size of the affected area, the resources available, and the political and social context. It is important to select a model that is appropriate for the specific situation.

Disaster management is a complex and challenging task. However, by using appropriate models and frameworks, it is possible to improve the effectiveness of disaster management efforts and to reduce the impact of disasters on people and communities.

The following are some of the key challenges in disaster management:

  • Lack of preparedness: Many countries and communities are not adequately prepared for disasters. This can lead to loss of life, damage to property, and disruption to livelihoods.
  • Inadequate resources: Disasters can overwhelm the resources of even the most well-prepared countries and communities. This can lead to delays in response, inadequate relief, and a prolonged recovery process.
  • Political instability: Political instability can make it difficult to coordinate disaster management efforts. This can lead to delays in response, inadequate relief, and a prolonged recovery process.
  • Social and economic inequality: Social and economic inequality can make some people and communities more vulnerable to disasters. This can lead to a disproportionate impact on the poor and marginalized.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of things that can be done to improve disaster management. Some of the key strategies include:

  • Investing in preparedness: Investing in preparedness is essential to reducing the impact of disasters. This includes developing early warning systems, building resilient infrastructure, and training disaster management personnel.
  • Strengthening coordination: Strengthening coordination between different levels of government and between different sectors is essential to effective disaster management. This includes developing clear roles and responsibilities, establishing communication channels, and coordinating relief efforts.
  • Empowering communities: Empowering communities to participate in disaster management is essential to building resilience. This includes providing information and training, supporting community-based organizations, and involving communities in decision-making.
  • Reducing inequality: Reducing inequality is essential to reducing the vulnerability of people and communities to disasters. This includes investing in social protection, promoting Economic Development, and addressing discrimination.

Disaster management is a complex and challenging task. However, by taking a proactive approach and investing in preparedness, it is possible to reduce the impact of disasters on people and communities.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about disaster management:

  • What is disaster management?
    Disaster management is the planning and coordination of efforts to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of a disaster.

  • What are the different types of disasters?
    There are many different types of disasters, including natural disasters, man-made disasters, and technological disasters.

  • What are the phases of disaster management?
    The phases of disaster management are preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.

  • What are some common disaster management strategies?
    Some common disaster management strategies include evacuation, sheltering, search and rescue, and damage assessment.

  • What are some of the challenges of disaster management?
    Some of the challenges of disaster management include lack of resources, lack of coordination, and lack of public awareness.

  • What are some of the successes of disaster management?
    Some of the successes of disaster management include the reduction in the number of deaths and injuries from disasters, the improvement in the speed of response to disasters, and the increase in public awareness of disaster preparedness.

  • What are some of the future trends in disaster management?
    Some of the future trends in disaster management include the use of technology, the development of new strategies, and the improvement of coordination.

  • What can I do to prepare for a disaster?
    There are many things you can do to prepare for a disaster, including creating a disaster plan, having a survival kit, and being aware of the risks in your area.

  • What should I do if I am in a disaster?
    If you are in a disaster, it is important to stay calm and follow the instructions of emergency personnel. You should also try to stay safe and protect your property.

  • Where can I get more information about disaster management?
    There are many resources available for information about disaster management, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of disaster?
    (A) Natural disaster
    (B) Man-made disaster
    (C) Technological disaster
    (D) Economic disaster

  2. Which of the following is not a phase of disaster management?
    (A) Mitigation
    (B) Preparedness
    (C) Response
    (D) Recovery

  3. Which of the following is not a goal of disaster management?
    (A) To save lives
    (B) To protect property
    (C) To restore normalcy
    (D) To make money

  4. Which of the following is not a factor that can contribute to a disaster?
    (B) Human error
    (C) Technological failure
    (D) Economic downturn

  5. Which of the following is not a type of disaster response?
    (A) Search and rescue
    (B) Evacuation
    (C) Sheltering
    (D) Economic assistance

  6. Which of the following is not a type of disaster recovery?
    (A) Restoration of infrastructure
    (B) Rebuilding of homes and businesses
    (C) Restoring economic activity
    (D) Providing psychological support

  7. Which of the following is not a way to mitigate a disaster?
    (A) Building codes
    (B) Early warning systems
    (C) Disaster drills
    (D) Insurance

  8. Which of the following is not a way to prepare for a disaster?
    (A) Having a disaster plan
    (B) Stocking up on supplies
    (C) Knowing your evacuation route
    (D) Investing in a disaster-proof home

  9. Which of the following is not a way to respond to a disaster?
    (A) Calling 911
    (B) Following the instructions of emergency personnel
    (C) Helping others in need
    (D) Looting

  10. Which of the following is not a way to recover from a disaster?
    (A) Getting help from the government
    (B) Getting help from insurance companies
    (C) Getting help from Charities
    (D) Starting over

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