Dimension of ethics: Role of administrators in society and educational institution in the inculcating

<<2/”>a >p style=”text-align: center;”>Dimension of ethics: Role of administrators in Society and educational institution in the inculcating Ethics in private and public relationshipsBehaviour, Moral and Political attitudes of administrators.

Public Administration depends on government. Government has the function for public administration. Its responsibility is to build a road by creating the Environment which is beneficial to national Economic Development and increasing people‟s income, ensuring that everybody has opportunity. The government should offer people opportunities fairly. As for everybody in the society, only when opportunities are offered equally can we have Equality. A harmonious society should provide opportunities for everyone in the society and let them participate and share them. Of course, because of people‟s different history, family culture and individual background, their ability and degree are quite different. But in the government‟s view, fair, equal opportunities should be given to everybody so that they can participate in the economic development. Besides, everyone in the society should have the opportunity to enjoy and share the fruit of social and economic development. So a basic condition for a harmonious society is to create various opportunities for everyone to develop and share the fruit of its achievement. Only through public administration can everyone have such fair opportunity and realize its benefits. Historically, colleges and universities saw their purpose as educating individuals to be productive, civic-minded individuals. General Education was the curricular structure used to provide students with the skills and knowledge that promoted moral and ethical behavior. As societal forces changed the complexion of higher education, the singular purpose of a college education also changed.

Aim of education throughout history has been to form character and produce good citizensIf students are to be ethical and moral citizens, they must have the tools with which to engage fully in their roles beyond the university setting.An essential mission of undergraduate education, then, is the fostering in students of ability and a willingness to engage in „reflective morality.‟

Different Attitudes are:-

Discipline: Those officers who wish to lead other people should be disciplined people. They should always remember that effective Leadership involves exemplary character, hard work and transparent Integrity. Good conduct is one of the criteria for promotion. Officers should be familiar with government regulations and rules regarding good conduct. Loyalty: Officers who want to lead must ensure they possess and display unquestionable loyalty to their superiors as well as the government of the day. They must put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to the country above loyalty to persons, party or government department. Honesty: Civil servants should be honest in carrying out their duties and in their dealings with the public. They should realise that they are paid salaries for the duties which they perform; and demand or receive nothing in Money or kind from anyone in the performance of their duties except their normal entitlements. Courage: Civil servants must be courageous in carrying out their duties. They must never discriminate by the dispensing of special favours or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or herself or for family members, favours or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of duties. Courtesy: Civil servants must be polite at all times in executing their daily duties. It costs nothing to be polite to your colleagues and the general public served by you. Remember that polite instructions are usually more easily obeyed. Also, members of the public always cherish courtesy and consideration for civil servants. Courtesy in the office and to the general public makes it easier to get on with other people. In fact, a loaded schedule of duties or any other circumstance cannot justify bad temper by civil servants. Co-Operation: As no one is an island, no one is totally independent. We all need each other for survival. Nobody knows it all. It is imperative for all staff in the department of a ministry to cooperate as a team in order to realise the overall objective of the department. The officers and staff of a ministry should work together as a team to attain the goals of the ministry. Tact: “Tact” means skilfulness in handling a difficult situation without giving offence to the people involved. This is very necessary in the Public Service. Skill in dealing with people by creating an impression of willingness to be of assistance enhances the efficiency of the office and gives the public satisfaction. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.


The role of administrators in society is to provide leadership and support to the organizations they serve. They are responsible for setting the tone and culture of the organization, and for ensuring that its operations are conducted in a ethical and responsible manner.

Administrators in educational institutions play a vital role in shaping the future of society. They are responsible for providing students with a quality education that will prepare them for success in life. They also play a role in instilling in students a sense of ethics and responsibility.

Ethics is important in society and educational institutions because it provides a framework for making decisions that are fair and just. It also helps to promote trust and cooperation among individuals and groups.

There are many ways in which administrators can inculcate ethics in society and educational institutions. One way is to set a good example by behaving ethically themselves. Another way is to create a culture of ethics within the organization by establishing clear policies and procedures, and by providing training on ethical issues. Administrators can also promote ethical behavior by rewarding employees who behave ethically and by taking disciplinary action against those who do not.

There are a number of challenges faced by administrators in inculcating ethics in society and educational institutions. One challenge is that ethics is often seen as a subjective issue, with different people having different views on what is right and wrong. Another challenge is that ethical dilemmas can be complex, and there may not always be a clear-cut right or wrong answer. Finally, administrators may face resistance from employees who are not used to thinking about ethical issues.

Despite the challenges, it is important for administrators to continue to work to inculcate ethics in society and educational institutions. Ethics is essential for building a just and fair society, and for ensuring that educational institutions are places where students can learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment.

The future of ethics in society and educational institutions is uncertain. However, it is clear that ethics will continue to be an important issue in the years to come. As the world becomes increasingly complex, the need for ethical decision-making will only grow. Administrators will need to be prepared to address ethical challenges in a variety of settings, and they will need to be able to help others to do the same.

What is the role of administrators in society?

Administrators play a vital role in society by providing essential Services and ensuring the smooth running of organizations. They are responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the work of others, and for making sure that Resources are used effectively. Administrators also play a key role in setting and enforcing standards, and in promoting ethical behavior.

What is the role of administrators in educational institutions?

Administrators in educational institutions play a vital role in ensuring that students receive a quality education. They are responsible for setting the vision and mission of the school, and for developing and implementing policies and procedures. Administrators also play a key role in hiring and supervising teachers, and in managing the school’s budget and resources.

What is the role of administrators in inculcating ethical values in students?

Administrators play a key role in inculcating ethical values in students by setting a good example, modeling ethical behavior, and providing opportunities for students to learn about and discuss ethical issues. Administrators can also promote ethical behavior by creating a positive school Climate, and by providing clear and consistent expectations for student behavior.

What are some of the challenges that administrators face in inculcating ethical values in students?

One of the biggest challenges that administrators face in inculcating ethical values in students is the ever-changing social landscape. With new technologies and Social Media platforms emerging all the time, it can be difficult for administrators to keep up with the latest trends and to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to ethical issues.

Another challenge that administrators face is the fact that students are often exposed to unethical behavior from adults in their lives. This can include parents, teachers, coaches, and other authority figures. When students see adults behaving unethically, it can send the message that it is okay to break the rules or to behave in a dishonest or harmful way.

Finally, administrators also face the challenge of dealing with students who have already developed unethical behaviors. These students may have learned to lie, cheat, or steal from a young age, and they may be resistant to change. Administrators need to be patient and understanding when dealing with these students, and they need to provide them with the support they need to change their behavior.

What are some of the strategies that administrators can use to promote ethical behavior in students?

There are a number of strategies that administrators can use to promote ethical behavior in students. One strategy is to set a good example. Administrators need to model the ethical behavior that they want to see in their students. This means being honest, fair, and respectful in all of their interactions.

Another strategy is to provide opportunities for students to learn about and discuss ethical issues. This can be done through classroom discussions, guest speakers, and other activities. By giving students the opportunity to think about ethical issues, administrators can help them to develop their own ethical compass.

Finally, administrators can also promote ethical behavior by creating a positive school climate. This means creating a school environment where students feel safe and respected, and where they feel like they can come to administrators with any concerns they have. When students feel like they are part of a positive school community, they are more likely to behave in an ethical way.

  1. Which of the following is not a role of administrators in society?
    (A) To provide leadership and direction
    (B) To ensure the efficient and effective operation of organizations
    (C) To promote ethical behavior among employees
    (D) To make sure that organizations are in compliance with laws and regulations

  2. Which of the following is not a role of administrators in educational institutions?
    (A) To provide leadership and direction
    (B) To ensure the efficient and effective operation of schools
    (C) To promote ethical behavior among students and staff
    (D) To make sure that schools are in compliance with laws and regulations

  3. Which of the following is not an example of ethical behavior?
    (A) Telling the truth
    (B) Keeping promises
    (C) Being fair and just
    (D) Taking advantage of others

  4. Which of the following is not an example of unethical behavior?
    (A) Lying
    (B) Cheating
    (C) Stealing
    (D) Helping others

  5. Which of the following is the most important thing that administrators can do to promote ethical behavior in their organizations?
    (A) Set a good example
    (B) Provide clear and concise policies and procedures
    (C) Create a culture of accountability
    (D) Provide training on ethical issues

  6. Which of the following is the most important thing that administrators can do to promote ethical behavior in their schools?
    (A) Set a good example
    (B) Provide clear and concise policies and procedures
    (C) Create a culture of accountability
    (D) Provide training on ethical issues

  7. Which of the following is the most important thing that administrators can do to ensure that their organizations are in compliance with laws and regulations?
    (A) Know the laws and regulations that apply to their organization
    (B) Have a system in place to monitor compliance
    (C) Take steps to correct any violations that are found
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is the most important thing that administrators can do to ensure that their schools are in compliance with laws and regulations?
    (A) Know the laws and regulations that apply to their school
    (B) Have a system in place to monitor compliance
    (C) Take steps to correct any violations that are found
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the most important thing that administrators can do to promote ethical behavior in their organizations and schools?
    (A) Set a good example
    (B) Provide clear and concise policies and procedures
    (C) Create a culture of accountability
    (D) Provide training on ethical issues
    (E) All of the above

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