Difference between Throw and throws

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>nuances of throw and throws in Java exception handling.

Introduction to Exception Handling

In Java, exceptions are events that disrupt the normal flow of a program’s execution. The throw and throws keywords are integral to the exception handling mechanism, allowing developers to anticipate, signal, and manage these unexpected events.

Key Differences: throw vs. throws

Feature throw throws
Purpose To explicitly throw an exception object within a method or block of code. To declare the types of exceptions a method might throw, signaling to the calling code to handle them.
Placement Inside a method body, usually within an if or conditional block. In the method signature, after the parameter list and before the opening curly brace.
Usage throw new ExceptionType("Error message"); returnType methodName(parameters) throws ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2 { ... }
Exception Handling Requires a try-catch block to surround the code that could potentially throw the exception. Requires the calling method to either handle the declared exceptions using a try-catch block or further declare them using throws in its own signature.
Number of Exceptions Throws a single exception at a time. Can declare multiple exception types, separated by commas.
Types of Exceptions Can throw both checked and unchecked exceptions. Can declare both checked and unchecked exceptions.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Keyword Advantages Disadvantages
throw Provides fine-grained control over when and where exceptions are thrown. Allows you to create custom exceptions for specific error scenarios. Requires a try-catch block to handle the thrown exception, which can add complexity to the code.
throws Forces the calling code to acknowledge and handle the potential exceptions, promoting better error management. Improves code readability by clearly indicating the exceptions a method might throw. Can make method signatures lengthy if there are many potential exceptions. May lead to excessive throws declarations if not used judiciously.


  • Both keywords are essential for effective exception handling in Java.
  • They both work with checked and unchecked exceptions.
  • Their ultimate goal is to help developers write robust and error-resistant code.

FAQs on throw and throws

Q: When should I use throw?

A: Use throw when you want to signal a specific error condition from within your code. This could be when a validation check fails, an invalid argument is passed, or a resource is unavailable.

Q: When should I use throws?

A: Use throws in the method signature when you know a method might throw a checked exception that it cannot handle itself. This informs the calling code that it needs to handle these exceptions.

Q: Can I use throw without throws?

A: Yes, you can use throw to throw unchecked exceptions (like RuntimeException and its subclasses) without declaring them using throws. However, for checked exceptions, you must either handle them with a try-catch block or declare them using throws.

Q: Can I throw multiple exceptions using throw?

A: No, you can only throw one exception at a time using throw. However, you can chain exceptions by adding a cause to an exception (e.g., new Exception("Error message", cause)).

Q: Can I use throws to declare unchecked exceptions?

A: While you can technically do this, it’s generally not recommended. Unchecked exceptions are usually meant to be handled by higher-level error handling mechanisms rather than explicitly declared.

Let me know if you’d like more examples or specific scenarios!

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