Difference between System testing and integration testing

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In the realm of Software development, ensuring a product’s quality, functionality, and reliability is paramount. System testing and integration testing are two crucial phases within the software testing lifecycle that play distinct roles in achieving this goal. While both aim to identify defects and improve software performance, they operate at different levels and focus on different aspects of the system.

System Testing: This testing phase assesses the complete, integrated software product as a whole. It evaluates whether the system meets specified requirements, functions correctly in a real-world Environment, and delivers the intended user experience. System testing treats the software as a black box, focusing on its external behavior without delving into its internal workings.

Integration Testing: This phase focuses on testing the interaction and interfaces between individual software modules or components as they are combined. It aims to ensure that these components work seamlessly together and that data flows correctly between them. Integration testing can involve testing both the integration of individual modules and the integration of the entire system with external systems.

Key Differences in Table Format

Feature System Testing Integration Testing
Objective To evaluate the complete software system against specified requirements. To test the interfaces and interactions between individual software modules.
Scope Entire integrated software system. Individual modules or components and their integration.
Focus External behavior, functionality, performance, security, usability, etc. Internal interfaces, data flow, Communication between components.
Techniques Black-box testing techniques (e.g., functional, non-functional, regression, performance). White-box and black-box testing techniques (e.g., top-down, bottom-up, big bang).
When Performed After integration testing. After unit testing and before system testing.
Who Performs Test engineers, quality assurance (QA) teams. Test engineers, QA teams, and sometimes developers.
Environment Similar to the production environment. May be a simulated or test environment.
Defect Types Identified Functional defects, performance issues, security vulnerabilities, usability issues, etc. Interface errors, data inconsistencies, communication failures between components.

Advantages and Disadvantages

System Testing


  • End-to-End Validation: Ensures that the complete system works as intended in a real-world environment.
  • User Perspective: Tests the software from the user’s point of view, ensuring a good user experience.
  • Identifies Critical Defects: Uncovers defects that might not be apparent during earlier testing phases.
  • Increases Confidence: Provides confidence in the system’s readiness for deployment.


  • Time-Consuming: Can be time-consuming, especially for large and complex systems.
  • Requires Integrated System: Cannot be performed until all components are integrated.
  • Limited Defect Isolation: May not pinpoint the exact location of defects.

Integration Testing


  • Early Defect Detection: Identifies defects early in the development lifecycle, reducing rework costs.
  • Focused Testing: Allows for focused testing of specific interactions between components.
  • Easier Defect Isolation: Helps pinpoint the exact location of defects.
  • Supports Incremental Development: Allows for testing as modules are developed and integrated.


  • Complexity: Can be complex for systems with many interconnected components.
  • Test Case Design: Requires careful test case design to cover all possible interactions.
  • Limited Scope: Does not guarantee the system’s overall functionality.


  • Both are essential phases in the software testing lifecycle.
  • Both aim to identify defects and improve software quality.
  • Both can be performed using a combination of manual and automated testing techniques.


1. Can system testing be automated?

Yes, system testing can be automated to a significant extent. Automation can improve efficiency, consistency, and coverage, especially for repetitive tests like regression testing.

2. What are the different types of integration testing?

Common types of integration testing include:

  • Big Bang: All modules are integrated at once and tested.
  • Top-Down: Testing starts with the top-level module and progressively integrates lower-level modules.
  • Bottom-Up: Testing starts with the lowest-level modules and progressively integrates higher-level modules.

3. When should system testing start?

System testing should start after integration testing is complete and all major defects have been resolved.

4. Can integration testing replace system testing?

No, integration testing and system testing are complementary. Integration testing focuses on component interactions, while system testing validates the complete system’s behavior.

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