Difference between Struct and typedef struct in cplusplus program

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>nuances of struct and typedef struct in C++ programming.


In C++, both struct and typedef struct are mechanisms used to define custom data types. These custom types, known as structures, are essential for organizing related data Elements into a single unit. This enhances code readability, maintainability, and modularity.

Key Differences: struct vs. typedef struct

Feature struct typedef struct
Purpose Defines a structure type. Creates an alias (new name) for a structure type.
Syntax struct struct_name { ... }; typedef struct struct_name { ... } new_name; or typedef struct { ... } new_name;
Declaration Requires the struct keyword every time a variable of that structure type is declared. The alias can be used directly to declare variables without the struct keyword.
Scoping Introduced into the current scope. Introduced into the current scope.
Forward Declaration Possible Not directly possible with the combined typedef struct form.
Typical Usage When the structure’s internal details are relevant. When the focus is on the structure’s usage, and a shorter, more convenient name is desired.


// struct
struct Employee {
    std::string name;
    int age;
    double salary;

Employee emp1;  // Declaration using 'struct'

// typedef struct
typedef struct {
    std::string name;
    int age;
    double salary;
} Employee;

Employee emp2; // Declaration using the alias 'Employee'

Advantages and Disadvantages

Feature struct typedef struct
Advantages Explicitly shows the type is a structure. Simpler, more concise syntax for declaring variables.
Can improve code readability if the alias is well-chosen.
Disadvantages Can lead to verbosity in variable declarations. Can obscure the fact that the type is a structure.
In the combined form, it can complicate forward declarations.


  • Both define custom data types (structures) to organize related data.
  • Both provide a means to create variables that hold multiple data elements.
  • Both are widely used in C++ programming for various applications.


  1. When should I use struct over typedef struct?
    Use struct when the structure’s internal details are important or when you need to explicitly show it’s a structure. Use typedef struct for creating a shorter, more convenient name for the structure type, especially when the focus is on its usage rather than its definition.

  2. Can I use both struct and typedef struct together?
    Yes, you can use both. You might initially define the structure using struct, and then create a typedef for it to provide a shorter alias.

  3. What are the best practices for naming structures and aliases?
    Follow a consistent naming convention (e.g., PascalCase for structure names, camelCase for aliases). Choose descriptive names that reflect the purpose and contents of the structure.

  4. Are there any performance differences between the two?
    No, there are no performance differences. Both are purely compile-time constructs and do not affect the generated code’s efficiency.

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