Difference between Strncmp and strcmp in c cplusplus

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>Here’s a comprehensive guide about strncmp and strcmp in C/C++, designed to answer your questions:


In the realm of C and C++, strings are fundamental building blocks. They are used to store and manipulate textual data. Often, it becomes crucial to compare strings to determine Equality, alphabetical order, or to locate specific substrings. This is where the standard C library functions strcmp and strncmp play a pivotal role.

Key Differences: strncmp vs. strcmp

Feature strcmp strncmp
Purpose Compares two strings character by character until a null terminator (‘\0’) is encountered or a mismatch is found. Compares up to a specified number of characters in two strings.
Parameters const char *str1, const char *str2 const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t n (maximum number of characters to compare)
Return Value 0 if strings are equal, negative if str1 is lexicographically less than str2, positive if str1 is greater. 0 if strings are equal up to n characters, behaves like strcmp if n exceeds the length of the shortest string.
Null Terminator Safety Requires null-terminated strings; otherwise, it can lead to undefined behavior. Safer than strcmp if n is appropriately chosen, as it can avoid running off the end of non-null terminated strings.
Substring Comparison Not directly designed for substring comparison. Useful for substring comparison by setting n to the desired substring length.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Function Advantages Disadvantages
strcmp Simple and efficient for comparing complete strings. Not safe if strings are not null-terminated; can lead to buffer overflow vulnerabilities.
strncmp Safer than strcmp for potentially non-null terminated strings. Can be used for flexible substring comparison. Slightly less efficient than strcmp due to the additional check for the maximum character count.


  • Both functions are declared in the <string.h> header file.
  • Both compare strings based on the lexicographical order of characters (ASCII values).
  • Both return an integer value indicating the comparison result.
  • Both are widely used and well-supported in C/C++ environments.


  1. Is strncmp always safer than strcmp?
    Not necessarily. If you set the n parameter in strncmp to be larger than the actual length of one of the strings and that string isn’t null-terminated, you can still run into issues.

  2. Which function is faster, strcmp or strncmp?
    In general, strcmp might be slightly faster because it doesn’t have the overhead of the extra n check that strncmp performs. However, the difference is usually negligible.

  3. Can I use strncmp for string prefix matching?
    Yes, that’s a common use case. Set n to the length of the prefix you want to match.

  4. Are there other string comparison functions in C/C++?
    You can explore functions like memcmp (for raw byte comparison), strcoll (for locale-specific comparison), and wcsncmp (for wide character strings).

Let me know if you have any other questions or would like more details on a specific aspect!

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