Difference between Range and xrange functions in python

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>range and xrange in Python, including their differences, pros, cons, similarities, and common questions:


In Python, both range and xrange are built-in functions used to generate sequences of numbers, typically used in loops (like for). However, there’s a fundamental difference in how they operate and how they are used in different Python versions.

Key Difference (Table Format)

Feature range() (Python 2 & 3) xrange() (Python 2 only)
Return Type List of integers “xrange” object (iterable)
Memory Usage Stores the entire sequence Generates numbers on demand
Speed Can be slower for large ranges Generally faster for large ranges
Python 3 Available Not available


  • Return Type: range produces a list of numbers, while xrange produces an object (an iterator) that generates numbers one at a time as needed.
  • Memory Usage: range loads the entire sequence into memory, which can be inefficient for very large ranges. xrange is memory-efficient because it only calculates the next number when requested.
  • Speed: For large ranges, xrange tends to be faster due to its lazy evaluation (on-demand generation).
  • Python 3: In Python 3, xrange was removed, and range was modified to behave like the old xrange.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Advantages:
    • Easier to work with: You can use standard list operations (indexing, slicing, etc.).
    • Suitable for smaller ranges.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Less memory-efficient for very large ranges.
    • Potentially slower for extensive iterations.


  • Advantages:
    • Memory efficient: Ideal for iterating over massive ranges without consuming much memory.
    • Often faster for large ranges.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Not a list: Cannot directly apply list operations.
    • Not available in Python 3.


  • Purpose: Both generate sequences of numbers for use in loops.
  • Syntax: The arguments for both functions are the same: start (optional), stop, and step (optional).
  • Iteration: Both can be used in for loops to iterate over a sequence.


1. Why was xrange removed from Python 3?

Python 3 merged the functionality of range and xrange into a single, more efficient range function. This simplifies the language and eliminates the need for two separate functions.

2. Can I still use xrange in Python 3?

No, xrange is not available in Python 3. However, the range function in Python 3 provides the same memory-efficient behavior as xrange did in Python 2.

3. When should I use range vs. xrange (in Python 2)?

  • Use range when:
    • The range is relatively small.
    • You need to perform list operations on the sequence.
  • Use xrange when:
    • The range is large.
    • You only need to iterate over the sequence (no list operations).

4. How do I convert an xrange object to a list?

In Python 2, you can convert an xrange object to a list using the list() function:

numbers = list(xrange(10))  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Important: If the xrange is extremely large, converting it to a list could consume a lot of memory.

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