Difference between Probability and likelihood

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>Here’s a breakdown of Probability and likelihood, comparing them in depth:


Probability and likelihood are both fundamental concepts in statistics and data analysis, often used to quantify uncertainty and make predictions. While they might seem similar, they have distinct meanings and applications.

Probability vs. Likelihood: The Key Difference

Feature Probability Likelihood
Focus The chance of an event occurring given a fixed model or set of parameters. How well a particular set of parameters explains observed data.
Question What is the probability of getting heads if I flip this coin? Given I observed 5 heads in a row, how likely is it that this coin is fair?
Notation P(Data | Model) – The probability of observing the data given a specific model. L(Model | Data) – The likelihood of the model given the observed data.
Values Range from 0 (impossible) to 1 (certain). Can be any non-negative number; they are not probabilities and don’t need to sum to 1.
Interpretation Used for making predictions and inferences about future events. Used for estimating parameters and comparing different models.

Illustrative Example

Imagine a bag containing an unknown number of red and blue marbles.

  • Probability: If we assume the bag has 50% red and 50% blue marbles, what’s the probability of drawing two red marbles in a row?
  • Likelihood: We draw two red marbles. How likely is our assumption (50% red, 50% blue) compared to other possible distributions of marbles in the bag?

Advantages and Disadvantages

Concept Advantages Disadvantages
Probability Intuitive, widely used, basis for many statistical tests and decision-making processes. Requires prior knowledge or assumptions about the underlying model or parameters.
Likelihood Flexible, allows comparison of different models, useful for parameter estimation. Less intuitive, interpretation can be more complex, values not directly comparable across different data sets.


  • Both are used to quantify uncertainty and measure the plausibility of different events or models.
  • Both are based on mathematical principles and can be calculated using various formulas and techniques.
  • Both play a crucial role in statistical inference, hypothesis testing, and model selection.

FAQs on Probability and Likelihood

  1. Are probability and likelihood interchangeable? No, they are distinct concepts with different interpretations and uses.

  2. Can likelihood be converted into probability? Yes, through a process called normalization, likelihoods can be transformed into probabilities, but this isn’t always necessary or desirable.

  3. Which concept is more important? Both are important and serve different purposes in statistical analysis. The choice depends on the specific question being asked and the available information.

  4. Can I use likelihood for prediction? While likelihood is primarily used for parameter estimation and model comparison, it can indirectly inform predictions by helping to select the best model.

  5. Where can I learn more about probability and likelihood? Numerous Resources are available, including textbooks, online courses, and tutorials on statistics and data analysis.

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