Difference between Pointer and reference

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>pointers and references in C++, along with their pros, cons, similarities, and some frequently asked questions.


Pointers and references are mechanisms in C++ that allow you to work with memory addresses indirectly. While they share some similarities, their behaviors and use cases have distinct differences.

Key Differences in Table Format

Feature Pointer Reference
Declaration Declared using the * (asterisk) operator. Example: int *ptr; Declared using the & (ampersand) operator. Example: int &ref = num; (must be initialized upon declaration)
Initialization Can be initialized to nullptr, the address of an existing variable, or a dynamically allocated memory block. Must be initialized to refer to an existing variable during declaration.
Reassignment Can be reassigned to point to different memory locations throughout their lifetime. Cannot be reassigned to refer to a different variable once initialized. They remain bound to the initial variable for their entire lifetime.
Null Values Can be assigned nullptr to indicate they don’t point to any valid memory location. Cannot be null. They must always refer to a valid object or variable.
Dereferencing Require explicit dereferencing using the * operator to access the value stored at the memory address they point to. Example: cout << *ptr; Can be used directly as if they were the original variable. No explicit dereferencing is needed. Example: cout << ref;
Address-of Operator (&) Can use the address-of operator (&) to obtain the memory address of a variable and assign it to a pointer. Cannot be used with the address-of operator. The reference itself acts as an alias for the variable it refers to.
Syntax for Function Arguments Passed as arguments to functions by value (copy of the pointer). Changes made to the pointer inside the function won’t affect the original pointer in the calling code. Passed as arguments to functions by reference (alias). Changes made to the reference inside the function will affect the original variable in the calling code.
Memory Overhead Have a small memory overhead (usually the size of a memory address) since they store the address of another variable. Have no additional memory overhead as they are essentially aliases for existing variables.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Feature Pointers References
Advantages – More flexible (can be reassigned, used with dynamic memory allocation) – Safer (cannot be null, no need for explicit dereferencing)
– Can create complex data structures like linked lists and trees – More intuitive syntax for passing arguments to functions
Disadvantages – Risk of dangling pointers (pointing to freed memory) or wild pointers (uninitialized) if not handled carefully – Cannot be used to directly create arrays
– Require explicit memory management (allocation and deallocation) in some cases – Limited flexibility (cannot be reassigned)


  • Both allow indirect access to variables.
  • Both can be used to pass arguments to functions, modifying the original data.


  • When should I use a pointer vs. a reference?
    • Use pointers when you need flexibility (reassignment, dynamic memory) or when nullptr has meaning in your context.
    • Use references for most other cases, as they are generally safer and have cleaner syntax.
  • Can I have a pointer to a reference?
    • No, this is not directly possible in C++. You can have pointers to objects that contain references, but not pointers to references themselves.
  • Are pointers faster than references?
    • In terms of raw access speed, there is typically no noticeable difference. Any performance difference would be negligible in most applications. The choice should be based on design and safety considerations rather than speed.

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