Difference between Pdf and cdf

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>key differences between PDF and CDF, along with their advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and some frequently asked questions.


In Probability and statistics, the Probability Density Function (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) are two fundamental concepts used to describe the distribution of a random variable. They provide different perspectives on how the values of a random variable are spread out.

Key Differences: PDF vs. CDF (Table Format)

Feature Probability Density Function (PDF) Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
Meaning Describes the relative likelihood of a continuous random variable taking on a specific value. Represents the probability that a continuous random variable takes on a value less than or equal to a given value.
Notation Often denoted by lowercase letters like f(x). Often denoted by uppercase letters like F(x).
Mathematical Definition The derivative of the CDF. The integral of the PDF from negative infinity to a given value.
Graphical Representation A curve where the area under the curve between two points represents the probability of the random variable falling within that interval. A curve that starts at 0 and increases monotonically to 1, where the value at any point represents the cumulative probability up to that point.
Relationship The PDF can be obtained by differentiating the CDF. The CDF can be obtained by integrating the PDF.
Calculation Involves evaluating the PDF function at a specific value. Involves integrating the PDF function from negative infinity to a given value.
Application Used to calculate probabilities of specific events and to determine the most likely values of a random variable. Used to find probabilities of events falling within a certain range and to determine percentiles.
Example For a normal distribution, the PDF is a bell-shaped curve centered at the mean, and the CDF is an S-shaped curve that starts at 0 and approaches 1 as x approaches infinity. For a uniform distribution over the interval [0, 1], the PDF is a constant function equal to 1, and the CDF is a straight line that starts at 0 and increases linearly to 1.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Function Advantages Disadvantages
PDF Provides a clear visual representation of how likely different values of a random variable are. It helps to identify the most likely values (mode) and the spread of the distribution. It does not directly give the probability of a random variable falling within a specific range. This requires integrating the PDF over the desired interval, which can be complex for some distributions.
CDF Directly gives the probability of a random variable being less than or equal to a specific value. This makes it easier to calculate probabilities of events and to determine percentiles. The CDF may not provide a clear visual representation of the shape of the distribution. The PDF is often more intuitive for understanding the relative likelihood of different values.


  • Both PDF and CDF are essential tools for describing the distribution of a random variable.
  • They can be used to calculate probabilities of events and to understand the behavior of a random variable.
  • The PDF and CDF are mathematically related: the PDF is the derivative of the CDF, and the CDF is the integral of the PDF.

FAQs on PDF and CDF

  1. Can the PDF be greater than 1? Yes, the PDF can be greater than 1, but the area under the entire PDF curve must equal 1.
  2. Can the CDF be greater than 1? No, the CDF is a probability, and probabilities cannot be greater than 1.
  3. Which is more important, PDF or CDF? Both are important and provide different perspectives on the distribution of a random variable. The choice of which to use depends on the specific question or problem.
  4. How can I use the PDF and CDF in real-world applications? They are used in various fields, including finance (risk modeling), engineering (reliability analysis), and medicine (survival analysis).

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