Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship

Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship

Nationality and citizenship are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. Nationality refers to a person’s legal status as a member of a particular country. Citizenship, on the other hand, refers to a person’s rights and responsibilities as a member of a particular country.


Nationality is a legal status that is determined by a person’s place of birth or descent. A person who is born in a particular country is usually considered to be a national of that country. Similarly, a person who is descended from nationals of a particular country is usually considered to be a national of that country.

Nationality can also be acquired through naturalization. Naturalization is the process by which a person who is not a national of a particular country can become a national of that country. To be eligible for naturalization, a person must usually meet certain requirements, such as having lived in the country for a certain number of years and being able to speak the language of the country.


Citizenship is a legal status that is determined by a person’s membership in a particular country. A person who is a citizen of a particular country has certain rights and responsibilities as a member of that country.

One of the most important rights of citizenship is the right to vote. Citizens of a country have the right to vote in elections for government officials. They also have the right to hold government office.

Citizens of a country also have the right to live and work in that country. They also have the right to travel to and from that country.

Citizens of a country also have the right to protection from their government. This includes the right to be protected from harm and the right to be treated fairly by the government.

Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship

The main difference between nationality and citizenship is that nationality is a legal status that is determined by a person’s place of birth or descent, while citizenship is a legal status that is determined by a person’s membership in a particular country.

Nationality does not necessarily confer citizenship. For example, a person who is born in a country that does not allow dual nationality may be a national of that country but not a citizen of that country.

Citizenship, on the other hand, always confers nationality. A person who is a citizen of a country is always a national of that country.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between nationality and citizenship?

Nationality is a legal status that is determined by a person’s place of birth or descent, while citizenship is a legal status that is determined by a person’s membership in a particular country.

2. Can a person have multiple nationalities?

Yes, a person can have multiple nationalities if the countries of which they are nationals allow dual nationality.

3. Can a person have no nationality?

Yes, a person can have no nationality if they are stateless. Statelessness is a condition in which a person is not a national of any country.

4. What are the benefits of having citizenship?

The benefits of having citizenship include the right to vote, the right to hold government office, the right to live and work in the country, the right to travel to and from the country, and the right to protection from the government.

5. What are the responsibilities of citizenship?

The responsibilities of citizenship include the obligation to obey the laws of the country, the obligation to pay taxes, and the obligation to defend the country in times of war.


  1. Which of the following is not a benefit of having citizenship?
    (A) The right to vote
    (B) The right to hold government office
    (C) The right to live and work in the country
    (D) The right to travel to and from the country
    (E) The right to protection from the government

  2. Which of the following is not a responsibility of citizenship?
    (A) The obligation to obey the laws of the country
    (B) The obligation to pay taxes
    (C) The obligation to defend the country in times of war
    (D) The obligation to vote
    (E) The obligation to hold government office

  3. A person who is born in a country that does not allow dual nationality may be a national of that country but not a citizen of that country. True or False?

  4. A person who is a citizen of a country is always a national of that country. True or False?

  5. Statelessness is a condition in which a person is not a national of any country. True or False?

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