Difference between Match like and contains operator in powershell

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>PowerShell’s -match, -like, and -contains operators, formatted to be informative and easy to digest:


PowerShell, being a powerful scripting language, offers various operators for string and collection manipulation. Three key operators often used for comparisons are -match, -like, and -contains. While they might seem similar, understanding their differences is crucial for writing efficient and accurate PowerShell scripts.

Key Differences: -match, -like, and -contains (Table Format)

Feature -match -like -contains
Pattern Matching Regular expressions Wildcard patterns Exact value
Case Sensitivity By default, yes By default, no By default, no
Return Type Boolean or match object (if assigned) Boolean Boolean
Primary Use Complex pattern matching, string extraction Simple pattern matching (e.g., filenames) Checking if a collection includes a value
Wildcard Support No Yes No
Regular Expression Support Yes No No

Advantages and Disadvantages

Operator Advantages Disadvantages
-match Powerful, flexible pattern matching. Can extract matched text. Requires knowledge of regular expressions. Can be slower for simple matches.
-like Simple, intuitive pattern matching. Easier to read. Limited to wildcard patterns.
-contains Fast for checking collection membership. Not suitable for pattern matching.


  • All three operators are used for comparisons.
  • They return Boolean values (true or false) to indicate whether the comparison was successful.
  • They can be used in conditional statements (if, else, etc.).

FAQs on -match, -like, and -contains

1. Can I make -match case-insensitive?

Yes, use the -imatch operator.

2. Can I make -like or -contains case-sensitive?

Use the -clike or -ccontains operators, respectively.

3. How do I extract the matched text from a -match operation?

Assign the result to a variable. The variable will contain a match object with properties like Value and Groups.

4. What are some common wildcard patterns used with -like?

  • * (asterisk): Matches any sequence of characters
  • ? (question mark): Matches any single character
  • [] (brackets): Matches a range of characters (e.g., [a-z])

5. When should I use -contains over -in?

-contains is typically faster when checking if a collection contains a specific value. -in is the reverse of -contains and can be more readable in certain situations.

6. What if I need to combine multiple conditions with these operators?

You can use logical operators (-and, -or, -not) to create complex conditional statements.

Code Examples

# -match
if ("Hello World" -match "World") {
    Write-Host "Match found!"
# extracting the match
$matchInfo = "Hello World" -match "(\w+) (\w+)" 
$matchInfo.Groups[1].Value # Output: Hello
$matchInfo.Groups[2].Value # Output: World

# -like
if ("file.txt" -like "*.txt") {
    Write-Host "It's a text file!"

# -contains
$fruits = "apple", "banana", "orange"
if ($fruits -contains "banana") {
    Write-Host "Banana is in the list!"

Let me know if you’d like any clarification or more examples on specific scenarios.

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