Difference between left-wing and right-wing


The terms “left-wing” and “right-wing” are used to describe the two main political groupings in most Western democracies. The left-wing is generally associated with social progress, egalitarianism, and internationalism, while the right-wing is generally associated with social conservatism, nationalism, and economic liberalism.

The terms “left-wing” and “right-wing” originated in the French Revolution, when the members of the National Assembly who supported the king sat on the right side of the chamber, while the members who supported the revolution sat on the left.

The left-wing

The left-wing is generally associated with the following beliefs:

  • Social progress: The left-wing believes that society should be constantly evolving and improving. They support policies that promote social justice, such as civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBTQ rights.
  • Egalitarianism: The left-wing believes that all people are equal and should have equal opportunities. They support policies that redistribute wealth and power, such as progressive taxation and social welfare programs.
  • Internationalism: The left-wing believes that countries should cooperate with each other and work towards global peace and prosperity. They support policies such as multilateralism and foreign aid.

The right-wing

The right-wing is generally associated with the following beliefs:

  • Social conservatism: The right-wing believes in traditional values and institutions, such as the family, religion, and the nation-state. They support policies that promote these values, such as restrictions on abortion and same-sex marriage.
  • Nationalism: The right-wing believes that the nation is the most important unit of political organization. They support policies that promote national sovereignty and economic self-sufficiency.
  • Economic liberalism: The right-wing believes in the free market and limited government intervention in the economy. They support policies such as lower taxes, deregulation, and privatization.

The difference between left-wing and right-wing

The left-wing and right-wing have different views on a wide range of issues, including social policy, economic policy, and foreign policy.

On social policy, the left-wing is generally more progressive than the right-wing. The left-wing supports policies that promote social justice, such as civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBTQ rights. The right-wing is generally more conservative on social issues. They support policies that promote traditional values, such as the family, religion, and the nation-state.

On economic policy, the left-wing is generally more interventionist than the right-wing. The left-wing supports policies that redistribute wealth and power, such as progressive taxation and social welfare programs. The right-wing is generally more supportive of the free market. They support policies such as lower taxes, deregulation, and privatization.

On foreign policy, the left-wing is generally more internationalist than the right-wing. The left-wing supports policies such as multilateralism and foreign aid. The right-wing is generally more nationalist. They support policies that promote national sovereignty and economic self-sufficiency.


The left-wing and right-wing are two main political groupings in most Western democracies. They have different views on a wide range of issues, including social policy, economic policy, and foreign policy.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is the difference between left-wing and right-wing politics?

The left-wing is generally associated with social progress, egalitarianism, and internationalism, while the right-wing is generally associated with social conservatism, nationalism, and economic liberalism.

  1. What are some examples of left-wing policies?

Some examples of left-wing policies include civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, progressive taxation, and social welfare programs.

  1. What are some examples of right-wing policies?

Some examples of right-wing policies include restrictions on abortion and same-sex marriage, nationalism, economic liberalism, and lower taxes.

  1. What are some of the key differences between left-wing and right-wing political parties?

Left-wing political parties are generally more progressive on social issues, while right-wing political parties are generally more conservative. Left-wing political parties are also generally more interventionist on economic issues, while right-wing political parties are generally more supportive of the free market.

  1. What are some of the key similarities between left-wing and right-wing political parties?

Both left-wing and right-wing political parties generally want to improve the lives of their constituents. They also both generally want to promote the interests of their country.


  1. Which of the following is an example of a left-wing policy?

(a) Restricting abortion
(b) Same-sex marriage
(c) Progressive taxation
(d) Lower taxes

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