Difference between Join and union in sql

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>SQL’s JOIN and UNION operations, along with comparisons, advantages, disadvantages, and frequently asked questions.


SQL (Structured Query Language) is the cornerstone of relational databases. Two fundamental operations, JOIN and UNION, empower you to manipulate and retrieve data from multiple tables.

  • JOIN: Combines rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them.
  • UNION: Combines the result sets of two or more SELECT queries into a single result set.

Key Differences: JOIN vs. UNION

Purpose Combine rows from tables based on a relationship. Combine result sets of queries.
Result Set Structure Number of columns may vary based on the tables being joined. Number of columns must be the same in all queries.
Column Data Types Data types can differ between the joined columns. Data types must match for corresponding columns in all queries.
Duplicate Rows May return duplicate rows depending on the type of join. Returns only distinct rows unless UNION ALL is used.
Conditions Uses join conditions (e.g., ON, USING) to specify how tables are related. Uses SELECT statements for each query, with optional filtering conditions in the WHERE clause.
Applications Retrieving related data from multiple tables (e.g., customer information and their orders). Combining data from similar structures (e.g., sales data from different regions), or removing duplicates from a result set.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Operation Advantages Disadvantages
JOIN – Allows for flexible data retrieval across multiple tables. – Complex joins can lead to performance issues.
– Supports various types of joins for different scenarios (INNER, OUTER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL). – Requires careful consideration of relationships between tables.
UNION – Simplifies combining data from multiple sources with similar structures. – Must have the same number of columns with matching data types in all SELECT statements.
– Eliminates duplicate rows (unless UNION ALL is used). – Less flexible than joins in terms of combining data with different structures.


  • Both JOIN and UNION operate on sets of data.
  • Both are used to combine data from multiple sources.
  • Both can be used in Conjunction with other SQL clauses (WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I use JOIN and UNION together in a query?
    Yes, you can use them in combination to achieve complex data retrieval and manipulation tasks. For instance, you might use a JOIN to combine data from related tables and then a UNION to combine the result with data from another source.

  2. Which is faster, JOIN or UNION?
    The performance depends on various factors like the size of your tables, the types of joins and unions you use, and the indexes on your tables. Generally, properly indexed joins can be more efficient than unions for combining data with related structures.

  3. How do I choose between JOIN and UNION?
    Consider the structure of your data and the relationship between your tables. Use JOIN when you need to combine rows based on a relationship. Use UNION when you need to combine result sets with similar structures.

  4. Is there a limit on the number of tables I can join or queries I can union?
    While SQL doesn’t impose a strict limit, using too many joins or unions in a single query can lead to complexity and performance issues. It’s generally good practice to keep your queries concise and focused.

Let me know if you’d like more details on any of these aspects or have any specific scenarios you’d like to explore!

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