Difference between Ideal gas and real gas

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>world of ideal and real gases.


In the realm of physics and chemistry, gases are fascinating substances that play crucial roles in various natural phenomena and industrial processes. To simplify their study, scientists have developed models to describe their behavior. Two fundamental concepts that help us understand gases are the “ideal gas” and the “real gas.”

The ideal gas is a theoretical model that assumes gas particles have no volume, do not interact with each other, and obey certain gas laws perfectly under all conditions of temperature and pressure. While this model is a SIMPLIFICATION, it provides valuable insights and works reasonably well under many circumstances.

On the other hand, real gases are the gases we encounter in the real world. They have finite volumes, experience intermolecular forces (attractions and repulsions), and deviate from ideal gas behavior, especially at high pressures and low temperatures.

Let’s delve into a detailed comparison of these two gas models:

Key Differences Between Ideal Gas and Real Gas (Table Format)

Feature Ideal Gas Real Gas
Particle Volume Assumed to be negligible (point masses) Occupy a finite volume
Intermolecular Forces No forces of attraction or repulsion between particles Experience intermolecular forces (van der Waals forces, etc.)
Behavior Follows ideal gas laws (Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, etc.) perfectly under all conditions Deviates from ideal gas laws, especially at high pressures and low temperatures
Compressibility Infinitely compressible Compressibility decreases at high pressures due to finite volume of particles
Liquefaction Cannot be liquefied Can be liquefied under specific conditions of temperature and pressure
Applicability Works well at low pressures and high temperatures where intermolecular forces are less significant More accurate at high pressures and low temperatures where real gas behavior is dominant
Mathematical Equation PV = nRT (ideal gas equation) Modified equations (van der Waals equation, etc.) account for deviations from ideal behavior

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ideal Gas


  • Simplicity: The ideal gas model is simple and easy to understand, making calculations and predictions straightforward.
  • Wide Applicability: It works well under many common conditions, especially for gases at low pressures and high temperatures.
  • Foundation for Gas Laws: It forms the basis for various gas laws, providing a valuable framework for understanding gas behavior.


  • Limited Accuracy: It does not account for real gas behavior, leading to inaccuracies at high pressures and low temperatures.
  • Not Applicable to All Gases: Some gases, like those with strong intermolecular forces, deviate significantly from ideal behavior.
  • Oversimplification: It ignores the finite volume of gas particles and intermolecular interactions, limiting its applicability in certain situations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Real Gas


  • Greater Accuracy: Accounts for real gas behavior, providing more accurate predictions, especially at high pressures and low temperatures.
  • Applicability to All Gases: Can be used to describe the behavior of all gases, including those with strong intermolecular forces.
  • Realistic Model: More closely reflects the actual behavior of gases in the real world.


  • Complexity: More complex equations and calculations are required to model real gas behavior.
  • Limited Generalizability: Specific equations and parameters may be needed for different gases.

Similarities Between Ideal Gas and Real Gas

  • Basic Composition: Both models describe gases as collections of particles in constant random motion.
  • Gas Laws (at low P, high T): At low pressures and high temperatures, real gases behave more like ideal gases, and the ideal gas laws provide reasonable approximations.
  • Kinetic Theory: Both models can be explained using the kinetic theory of gases, which describes the relationship between the microscopic behavior of gas particles and the macroscopic properties of gases.

FAQs on Ideal Gas and Real Gas

Q1: When can we use the ideal gas model?

A1: The ideal gas model is suitable for low pressures and high temperatures where intermolecular forces are less significant.

Q2: What are examples of real gases?

A2: All gases we encounter in the real world are real gases. Examples include Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, etc.

Q3: Why do real gases deviate from ideal behavior?

A3: Real gases deviate from ideal behavior due to the finite volume of gas particles and the presence of intermolecular forces.

Q4: What is the van der Waals equation?

A4: The van der Waals equation is a modification of the ideal gas equation that accounts for the finite volume of gas particles and intermolecular forces.

Q5: Is there a perfect ideal gas?

A5: No, there is no perfect ideal gas. The ideal gas model is a theoretical construct that provides a useful approximation under certain conditions.

I hope this comprehensive guide has shed Light on the key differences, advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and frequently asked questions about ideal and real gases. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

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