Difference between Equals function and equal operator in java

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>nuances of equals() and == in Java, along with a comprehensive comparison.


In Java, determining whether two entities are “the same” isn’t always straightforward. The language offers two primary mechanisms for comparison:

  • == (Equal to Operator): This fundamental operator checks if two values are identical in terms of their memory location (for objects) or their primitive value (for data types like int, double, etc.).

  • equals() (Method): This method is defined in the Object class (the root of all Java classes). By default, it behaves like the == operator. However, the power of equals() lies in its ability to be overridden, allowing you to define custom logic for comparing objects based on their content or state.

Key Differences in Table Format

Feature == (Equal to Operator) equals() (Method)
Purpose Primarily checks for reference Equality (whether two references point to the same object in memory). Primarily checks for value equality (whether the contents of two objects are equivalent).
Applicability Applicable to both primitive data types and objects. Applicable to objects only (not directly applicable to primitive data types).
Behavior with Objects Compares the memory addresses of the objects. Compares the actual content of the objects based on the implementation of the equals() method (can be customized for different object types).
Overriding Cannot be overridden; its behavior is fixed. Can be overridden to provide custom equality logic for specific object types.
Null References Can handle null references without throwing a NullPointerException. May throw a NullPointerException if not handled carefully when comparing objects.
Performance Generally faster as it only involves comparing memory addresses. Can be slower depending on the complexity of the overridden equals() method.

Advantages and Disadvantages

== (Equal to Operator)

  • Advantages:

    • Speed: Extremely fast for simple comparisons.
    • Simplicity: Straightforward to use.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Limited to Reference Equality: Not suitable for comparing the content of objects.
    • Not Customizable: Cannot change its behavior.

equals() (Method)

  • Advantages:

    • Customizable: Can be tailored to define equality based on the specific characteristics of objects.
    • Value Equality: Allows for comparing the actual content or state of objects.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Potential for Errors: Incorrect implementation of the equals() method can lead to unexpected behavior.
    • Potentially Slower: Complex equals() methods might be slower than the == operator.


  • Both == and equals() are used for comparing entities in Java.
  • The default implementation of equals() in the Object class behaves the same as the == operator.
  • Both can return a boolean result (true if equal, false otherwise).


  1. When should I use == versus equals()?

    • Use == when you want to check if two references point to the same object in memory.
    • Use equals() when you want to check if the contents of two objects are equivalent (e.g., two strings having the same sequence of characters).
  2. Can I use equals() on primitive types?

    • No, not directly. The equals() method is designed for objects. For primitive types, use the == operator.
  3. What are the best practices for overriding equals()?

    • Follow the contract defined in the Object class documentation (reflexive, symmetric, transitive, consistent, and null-safe).
    • Be clear about what “equality” means for your specific object type.
    • Consider overriding hashCode() along with equals() for consistent behavior in hash-based collections.
    • Always document your overridden equals() method for clarity.

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