Dharma Pala – A Patron of Buddhist Teachings

Dharma Pala – A Patron of Buddhist Teachings

Dharma Pala was a Buddhist king who ruled over the Pala Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries CE. He was a great patron of Buddhist teachings and institutions, and he is credited with helping to spread Buddhism throughout India and Southeast Asia.

  • Revival of Buddhism
  • Educational Institutions
  • Architectural Patronage
  • Spread of Buddhist Teachings
  • Legacy

Revival of Buddhism: Dharma Pala ascended the throne witnessing a decline of Buddhism in his kingdom due to foreign influence. He actively championed the revival of Buddhist teachings and practices.

Educational Institutions: Recognizing the importance of scholarship, Dharma Pala established renowned institutions like Vikramashila, a center of Buddhist learning that rivaled Nalanda. He also revitalized Nalanda by granting land and resources.

Architectural Patronage: Dharma Pala’s devotion extended to the construction of impressive Buddhist structures. The Somapura Mahavihara, the largest Buddhist monastery in the Indian subcontinent, stands as a testament to his patronage.

Spread of Buddhist Teachings: Dharma Pala wasn’t content with reviving Buddhism within his borders. He actively promoted its teachings beyond, sending scholars and missionaries to Southeast Asia and Tibet, contributing to the spread of Theravada Buddhism.

Legacy: Dharma Pala’s reign is considered a golden age for Buddhism. His efforts in reviving scholarship, constructing grand monasteries, and fostering the spread of Buddhist teachings left a lasting impact. He is remembered as a dedicated patron who ensured the survival and flourishing of Buddhist traditions.

Dharma Pala was born in the city of Pataliputra, which was then the capital of the Pala Empire. His father, Devapala, was also a Buddhist king, and Dharma Pala was raised in a devout Buddhist household. He received a thorough education in Buddhist scriptures and philosophy, and he became a skilled debater and scholar.

When Dharma Pala came to power, he continued his father’s policy of supporting Buddhism. He built many Buddhist temples and monasteries, and he sponsored the translation of Buddhist texts into Sanskrit and other languages. He also invited Buddhist scholars from all over India to come to his court, and he held many religious debates.

Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism helped to spread the religion throughout India and Southeast Asia. His reign was a golden age for Buddhism in India, and he is remembered as one of the most important patrons of the religion.


What is Dharma Pala?

Dharma Pala was a Buddhist king who ruled over the Pala Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries CE. He was a great patron of Buddhist teachings and institutions, and he is credited with helping to spread Buddhism throughout India and Southeast Asia.

What did Dharma Pala do for Buddhism?

Dharma Pala built many Buddhist temples and monasteries, and he sponsored the translation of Buddhist texts into Sanskrit and other languages. He also invited Buddhist scholars from all over India to come to his court, and he held many religious debates.

Why was Dharma Pala important?

Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism helped to spread the religion throughout India and Southeast Asia. His reign was a golden age for Buddhism in India, and he is remembered as one of the most important patrons of the religion.

What are some examples of Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism?

Dharma Pala built many Buddhist temples and monasteries, including the famous Nalanda University. He also sponsored the translation of Buddhist texts into Sanskrit and other languages, and he invited Buddhist scholars from all over India to come to his court.

What was the impact of Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism?

Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism helped to spread the religion throughout India and Southeast Asia. His reign was a golden age for Buddhism in India, and he is remembered as one of the most important patrons of the religion.

Who was the notable ruler known for his support and patronage of Buddhist teachings during his reign?

Dharma Pala

Which king of a medieval Indian dynasty is celebrated for his contributions to the promotion of Buddhism?

Dharma Pala

Which historical figure is renowned for his efforts in fostering the growth of Buddhist monasteries and institutions?

Dharma Pala

Who played a significant role in the preservation and propagation of Buddhist scriptures and teachings?

Dharma Pala

Which ruler’s reign is associated with a flourishing period for Buddhist scholarship and dissemination of Buddhist philosophy?

Dharma Pala

Who supported the translation of Buddhist texts into various languages during his rule?

Dharma Pala

Which monarch of ancient India is remembered for his benevolent patronage towards Buddhist monks and scholars?

Dharma Pala

Whose reign is often cited as a golden era for Buddhist revival and intellectual activity?

Dharma Pala

Who facilitated the construction of numerous viharas and stupas across his kingdom?

Dharma Pala

Which ruler’s policies contributed significantly to the revitalization of Buddhism in the region?

Dharma Pala


Who was Dharma Pala?

  • (a) A Buddhist king who ruled over the Pala Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries CE
  • (b) A Buddhist scholar who translated many Buddhist texts into Sanskrit
  • (c) A Buddhist monk who founded the Nalanda University
  • (d) A Buddhist saint who is revered by all Buddhists

What did Dharma Pala do for Buddhism?

  • (a) He built many Buddhist temples and monasteries
  • (b) He sponsored the translation of Buddhist texts into Sanskrit and other languages
  • (c) He invited Buddhist scholars from all over India to come to his court
  • (d) All of the above

Why was Dharma Pala important?

  • (a) He was a great patron of Buddhist teachings and institutions
  • (b) He helped to spread Buddhism throughout India and Southeast Asia
  • (c) His reign was a golden age for Buddhism in India
  • (d) All of the above

What are some examples of Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism?

  • (a) He built the famous Nalanda University
  • (b) He sponsored the translation of Buddhist texts into Sanskrit and other languages
  • (c) He invited Buddhist scholars from all over India to come to his court
  • (d) All of the above

What was the impact of Dharma Pala’s patronage of Buddhism?

  • (a) It helped to spread Buddhism throughout India and Southeast Asia
  • (b) It led to a golden age for Buddhism in India
  • (c) It made Dharma Pala one of the most important patrons of Buddhism
  • (d) All of the above

Who was the ruler known for his significant support and patronage of Buddhist teachings during his reign?

  • a) Ashoka the Great
  • b) Chandragupta Maurya
  • c) Kanishka the Great
  • d) Harsha Vardhana

Which historical figure played a crucial role in the promotion and spread of Buddhism in ancient India?

  • a) Samudragupta
  • b) Ashoka the Great
  • c) Bimbisara
  • d) Akbar the Great

Which ruler’s reign is associated with a period of flourishing Buddhist scholarship and intellectual activity?

  • a) Chandragupta II
  • b) Raja Raja Chola I
  • c) Krishnadevaraya
  • d) Babur

Who supported the construction of Buddhist monasteries and the translation of Buddhist texts into various languages?

  • a) Kanishka the Great
  • b) Akbar the Great
  • c) Prithviraj Chauhan
  • d) Mahmud of Ghazni

Whose reign saw a revival of Buddhist art and architecture, including the construction of Buddhist stupas and viharas?

  • a) Aurangzeb
  • b) Ashoka the Great
  • c) Shah Jahan
  • d) Akbar the Great

Which ruler’s patronage led to the spread of Buddhist teachings beyond India’s borders?

  • a) Harsha Vardhana
  • b) Samudragupta
  • c) Kanishka the Great
  • d) Chandragupta Maurya

Who actively encouraged Buddhist missionaries to travel to distant lands to propagate Buddhist doctrines?

  • a) Chandragupta II
  • b) Raja Raja Chola I
  • c) Ashoka the Great
  • d) Babur

Which king’s reign marked the beginning of the formalization and organization of Buddhist councils?

  • a) Kanishka the Great
  • b) Harsha Vardhana
  • c) Ashoka the Great
  • d) Chandragupta II

Whose rule is often remembered as a period of religious tolerance and promotion of various faiths, including Buddhism?

  • a) Akbar the Great
  • b) Shivaji Maharaj
  • c) Tipu Sultan
  • d) Sher Shah Suri

Who is credited with fostering the growth of Buddhist institutions and monastic orders through royal endowments and patronage?

  • a) Ashoka the Great
  • b) Chandragupta Maurya
  • c) Samudragupta
  • d) Akbar the Great
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