Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha: A Vital Role in India’s Upper House

The Rajya Sabha, India’s upper house of Parliament, is a crucial institution in the country’s democratic framework. It plays a vital role in scrutinizing legislation, representing the interests of states, and providing a platform for debate and deliberation. Within this esteemed chamber, the Deputy Chairman holds a significant position, wielding considerable influence and responsibility. This article delves into the multifaceted role of the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, exploring its historical evolution, constitutional mandate, powers, and significance in the Indian political landscape.

Historical Evolution of the Deputy Chairman’s Role

The office of the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha was established with the enactment of the Constitution of India in 1950. Article 89 of the Constitution outlines the powers and functions of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. Initially, the role of the Deputy Chairman was primarily seen as a supporting one, assisting the Chairman in conducting the proceedings of the House. However, over time, the Deputy Chairman’s responsibilities have expanded significantly, reflecting the evolving dynamics of the Rajya Sabha.

Table 1: Evolution of the Deputy Chairman’s Role

Period Key Developments
1950-1970s Primarily a supporting role to the Chairman, assisting in conducting proceedings.
1980s-1990s Increased involvement in presiding over the House in the Chairman’s absence, handling procedural matters, and chairing committees.
2000s-Present Active participation in legislative debates, mediating disputes, and upholding the dignity and decorum of the House.

Constitutional Mandate and Powers

The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha is elected by the members of the House from among themselves. The Constitution grants the Deputy Chairman specific powers and responsibilities, including:

  • Presiding over the House in the absence of the Chairman: The Deputy Chairman assumes the Chair’s responsibilities when the Chairman is unavailable or absent. This includes conducting the proceedings of the House, maintaining order, and ensuring the smooth functioning of legislative business.
  • Casting a deciding vote in case of a tie: In the event of a tie during a vote, the Deputy Chairman has the power to cast a deciding vote, effectively breaking the deadlock.
  • Chairing committees: The Deputy Chairman may be appointed as the chairperson of various parliamentary committees, playing a crucial role in scrutinizing legislation and overseeing government policies.
  • Maintaining order and decorum: The Deputy Chairman is responsible for upholding the dignity and decorum of the House, ensuring that members conduct themselves appropriately and adhere to parliamentary rules and procedures.
  • Referring matters to the Chairman: The Deputy Chairman can refer any matter of significant importance or complexity to the Chairman for their decision.

Significance of the Deputy Chairman’s Role

The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha plays a pivotal role in the smooth functioning of the House and the effective conduct of legislative business. Their responsibilities extend beyond mere procedural matters, encompassing the following key aspects:

  • Ensuring fair and impartial proceedings: The Deputy Chairman acts as an impartial arbiter, ensuring that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in debates and express their views. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and credibility of the House.
  • Facilitating consensus and compromise: The Deputy Chairman often plays a mediating role in resolving disputes and facilitating consensus among members with differing viewpoints. This is particularly important in a multi-party system like India, where diverse perspectives need to be reconciled.
  • Upholding parliamentary norms and traditions: The Deputy Chairman is responsible for upholding the established norms and traditions of the Rajya Sabha, ensuring that the House functions in a dignified and respectful manner. This helps maintain the institution’s reputation and authority.
  • Representing the House in international forums: The Deputy Chairman may represent the Rajya Sabha in international parliamentary forums, promoting India’s interests and engaging with other legislatures.

Recent Developments and Challenges

In recent years, the role of the Deputy Chairman has become increasingly complex and challenging. The rise of political polarization and the increasing use of disruptive tactics in the House have put pressure on the Deputy Chairman to maintain order and ensure the smooth functioning of proceedings. Additionally, the growing influence of social media and the 24/7 news cycle have added a new dimension to the Deputy Chairman’s responsibilities, requiring them to navigate the complexities of public opinion and media scrutiny.

Table 2: Recent Developments and Challenges

Development Impact on Deputy Chairman’s Role
Increased political polarization Difficulty in mediating disputes and facilitating consensus.
Disruptive tactics in the House Need to maintain order and ensure smooth functioning of proceedings.
Influence of social media and 24/7 news cycle Increased pressure to manage public perception and media scrutiny.


The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha holds a significant and multifaceted role in India’s upper house of Parliament. Their responsibilities extend beyond procedural matters, encompassing the crucial tasks of ensuring fair and impartial proceedings, facilitating consensus, upholding parliamentary norms, and representing the House in international forums. In the face of evolving political dynamics and challenges, the Deputy Chairman’s role continues to evolve, requiring them to navigate complex situations and uphold the integrity and effectiveness of the Rajya Sabha. As the upper house of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha plays a vital role in India’s democratic system, and the Deputy Chairman’s contribution to its smooth functioning is indispensable.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

1. Who is the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha and how is he/she elected?

The Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha is elected by the members of the House from among themselves. The current Deputy Chairman is Harivansh Narayan Singh, who was elected in 2018.

2. What are the key responsibilities of the Deputy Chairman?

The Deputy Chairman has several crucial responsibilities, including:

  • Presiding over the House in the absence of the Chairman: They conduct the proceedings, maintain order, and ensure the smooth functioning of legislative business.
  • Casting a deciding vote in case of a tie: They break deadlocks during votes.
  • Chairing committees: They may be appointed as chairpersons of parliamentary committees.
  • Maintaining order and decorum: They uphold the dignity and decorum of the House.
  • Referring matters to the Chairman: They can refer complex issues to the Chairman for their decision.

3. What is the difference between the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman?

The Chairman is the presiding officer of the Rajya Sabha, elected by the members of the House. The Deputy Chairman assists the Chairman and assumes their responsibilities in their absence. The Chairman holds a more senior position and has greater authority, while the Deputy Chairman acts as a key support and plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the House.

4. How long does the Deputy Chairman serve?

The Deputy Chairman serves for the duration of the Rajya Sabha term, which is six years. However, they can be re-elected for subsequent terms.

5. What are some of the challenges faced by the Deputy Chairman in recent times?

The Deputy Chairman faces several challenges, including:

  • Increased political polarization: This makes it difficult to mediate disputes and facilitate consensus.
  • Disruptive tactics in the House: Maintaining order and ensuring smooth proceedings becomes more difficult.
  • Influence of social media and 24/7 news cycle: Managing public perception and media scrutiny adds pressure.

6. What is the significance of the Deputy Chairman’s role in the Indian political system?

The Deputy Chairman plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the Rajya Sabha and the effective conduct of legislative business. They contribute to maintaining the integrity and credibility of the House, facilitating consensus, upholding parliamentary norms, and representing the House in international forums.

7. Are there any specific qualifications required to become the Deputy Chairman?

While there are no specific qualifications mentioned in the Constitution, the Deputy Chairman is typically a member of the ruling party or a prominent figure in the House with significant experience and knowledge of parliamentary procedures.

8. What are some examples of notable Deputy Chairmen of Rajya Sabha?

Some notable Deputy Chairmen include:

  • S.V. Krishnamoorthy: Known for his strong leadership and commitment to upholding parliamentary norms.
  • M. Hamid Ansari: Served as Deputy Chairman for two terms and later became the Vice President of India.
  • Harivansh Narayan Singh: The current Deputy Chairman, known for his expertise in parliamentary procedures and his ability to maintain order in the House.

9. How can I learn more about the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

You can find information about the Deputy Chairman on the Rajya Sabha website, which provides details about their responsibilities, current Deputy Chairman, and past Deputy Chairmen. You can also consult news articles and parliamentary reports for insights into their role and activities.

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, with four options each:

1. Who is the current Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

a) M. Venkaiah Naidu
b) Harivansh Narayan Singh
c) S.V. Krishnamoorthy
d) M. Hamid Ansari

2. How is the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha elected?

a) By the President of India
b) By the Prime Minister of India
c) By the members of the Rajya Sabha
d) By the members of the Lok Sabha

3. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

a) Presiding over the House in the absence of the Chairman
b) Casting a deciding vote in case of a tie
c) Appointing members to parliamentary committees
d) Maintaining order and decorum in the House

4. What is the term of office for the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

a) Two years
b) Five years
c) Six years
d) Ten years

5. Which of the following is a recent challenge faced by the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

a) Lack of qualified candidates for the position
b) Increasing political polarization in the House
c) Limited power and authority compared to the Chairman
d) Lack of public awareness about the role of the Deputy Chairman


  1. b) Harivansh Narayan Singh
  2. c) By the members of the Rajya Sabha
  3. c) Appointing members to parliamentary committees (This is the responsibility of the Chairman)
  4. c) Six years
  5. b) Increasing political polarization in the House
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