Delegation, Centralization and decentrailzation of authority


The active process of entrustment of a part of work or responsibility and authority to another and the creation of accountability for performance is known as delegation. Thus, there are three Elements of delegation as follows-

  • Assignment of Responsibility: This is also known as entrustment of duties. Duties can be divided into two parts: one part, that the individual can perform himself and the other part, that he can assign to his subordinates to perform.
  • Granting Authority: Authority refers to the official powers and position required to carry on any task. When duties are assigned to subordinates then the required authority must also be conferred to himDecentralization.jpg” alt=”Centralization-Vs-Decentralization” width=”540″ height=”225″ />
  • Creating Accountability: The delegatee is fully answerable to his superior for performance of the task assigned to him. Thus, the superior ensures performance through accountability by his subordinate.


Decentralisation refers to a systematic effort to delegate authority at all levels of management and in all departments. This shifts the power of DECISION MAKING to lower level under a well considered plan.

Decentralisation has number of benefits. Firstly, it reduces the workload of the top level management. Secondly, it motivates the employees and gives them more autonomy. It promotes initiative and creativity. It also helps employees to take quick and appropriate decisions. In this process, the top management is freed from the routine jobs and it enables them to concentrate on crucial areas and plan for Growth.

Distinction between Delegations and Decentralisation

Decentralisation is not same as delegation. The points of differences are –

  • While delegation is the process of assigning responsibility and authority and thereby creating accountability; decentralisation is the ultimate outcome of planned delegation.
  • Delegation of authority takes place between the manager and his subordinates while decentralisation involves the entire organisation, and is between top management and divisions/departments.
  • Delegation is done to speed up the work and is essential in trace; while decentralisation is optional and is usually done in large scale organisations.
  • In case of delegation the responsibility and authority delegated may be withdrawn by the delegator; which is not so easy in case of decentralisation.


Centralized authority refers to an organizational management structure where most of the major decision-making power and authority rests in the hands of a concentrated group of leaders. Often, this team of executives works in a company headquarters or main office.

A unitary system of governance has the highest degree of centralization. In a unitary state, the central government holds all the power. Lower-level governments, if they exist at all, do nothing but implement the policies of the national government. In a purely unitary state, the same set of laws applies throughout the nation, without variation. Unitary states create national policy, which is then applied uniformly. This uniformity sometimes serves as an advantage because people and businesses know exactly what to expect from the laws, regardless of geographical location. At the same time, to maintain its uniformity, a unitary government must overlook local differences that might call for different rules or policies.

Example: Most absolute monarchies and tyrannies operate under unitary systems. But democratic unitary states exist as well. In France, for example, the central government makes virtually all of the decisions.,

Delegation is the process of entrusting another person with the authority and responsibility to carry out a task or set of tasks. It is a key management skill that can help to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and morale.

When delegating, it is important to be clear about the scope of the task, the desired outcome, and the deadline. It is also important to provide the delegatee with the necessary Resources and support.

Delegation can be a powerful tool for managers, but it is important to use it wisely. When delegated tasks are not completed successfully, it can reflect poorly on the manager. It is important to choose the right people to delegate to and to provide them with the necessary support.

Authority is the power to make decisions and take action. It is granted to individuals by virtue of their position in an organization. Responsibility is the obligation to carry out tasks and to be accountable for the results. Accountability is the obligation to answer for one’s actions.

Delegation of authority is the process of giving someone else the power to make decisions and take action on your behalf. Delegation of responsibility is the process of giving someone else the obligation to carry out tasks and to be accountable for the results. Delegation of accountability is the process of giving someone else the obligation to answer for their actions.

Centralization is the concentration of authority and decision-making power in a single person or group. Decentralization is the dispersal of authority and decision-making power to lower levels in an organization.

Centralization of authority can lead to efficiency and consistency, but it can also lead to slow decision-making and a lack of flexibility. Decentralization of authority can lead to speed and flexibility, but it can also lead to inconsistency and a lack of coordination.

The appropriate level of centralization or decentralization will vary depending on the organization and the task at hand. In some cases, it may be necessary to centralize authority in order to ensure efficiency and consistency. In other cases, it may be necessary to decentralize authority in order to speed up decision-making and increase flexibility.

The key is to find the right balance between centralization and decentralization that will best meet the needs of the organization.

There are many benefits to delegation, including:

  • Increased efficiency: Delegation can help to free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks.
  • Improved effectiveness: Delegation can help to ensure that tasks are completed correctly and on time.
  • Increased morale: Delegation can help to empower employees and give them a sense of ownership over their work.
  • Reduced Stress: Delegation can help to reduce your stress levels by taking some of the workload off of your shoulders.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to delegation, including:

  • Loss of control: When you delegate a task, you are giving up some control over how it is done.
  • Risk of failure: There is always the risk that the person you delegate to will not complete the task successfully.
  • Communication problems: Delegation can lead to communication problems if you are not clear about your expectations or if the delegatee does not understand what is required.
  • Lack of trust: Delegation can only be successful if you trust the person you are delegating to.

Overall, delegation is a powerful tool that can be used to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and morale. However, it is important to use it wisely and to be aware of the potential drawbacks.


Delegation is the process of assigning tasks and responsibilities to others. It can be a powerful tool for managers, as it allows them to focus on their most important priorities and delegate the rest to their team members.

There are many benefits to delegation, including:

  • Increased efficiency: Delegation can help managers to get more done in less time.
  • Improved quality: When tasks are delegated to competent team members, the quality of the work is often higher.
  • Increased employee satisfaction: Employees who are given responsibility and autonomy are often more satisfied with their jobs.
  • Reduced stress: Delegation can help managers to reduce their workload and stress levels.

However, there are also some potential risks associated with delegation, such as:

  • Loss of control: When managers delegate tasks, they lose some control over how those tasks are completed.
  • Mistakes: When tasks are delegated to inexperienced or incompetent team members, there is a greater risk of mistakes being made.
  • Communication problems: If managers do not communicate effectively with their team members, delegation can lead to misunderstandings and conflict.

Overall, delegation is a valuable tool that can help managers to be more effective. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to mitigate them.

Centralization and Decentralization of Authority

Centralization and decentralization are two different approaches to organizing an organization. Centralization is characterized by a high degree of authority and decision-making power concentrated at the top of the organization. Decentralization, on the other hand, is characterized by a lower degree of authority and decision-making power concentrated at the top of the organization.

There are a number of factors that can influence the decision of whether to centralize or decentralize authority, such as the size of the organization, the Industry in which it operates, and the culture of the organization.

Centralization can offer a number of advantages, such as:

  • Increased efficiency: When authority is centralized, it can be easier to coordinate activities and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Improved control: Centralization can give managers more control over the organization’s activities.
  • Reduced costs: Centralization can often lead to reduced costs, as it can be more efficient to manage a large organization from a single location.

However, centralization also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • Reduced flexibility: Centralized organizations can be less flexible in responding to changes in the Environment.
  • Increased Bureaucracy: Centralized organizations can often be more bureaucratic, as there are more layers of management and decision-making.
  • Reduced employee satisfaction: Employees in centralized organizations may feel less empowered and have less job satisfaction.

Decentralization can offer a number of advantages, such as:

  • Increased flexibility: Decentralized organizations can be more flexible in responding to changes in the environment.
  • Reduced bureaucracy: Decentralized organizations can often be less bureaucratic, as there are fewer layers of management and decision-making.
  • Increased employee satisfaction: Employees in decentralized organizations may feel more empowered and have more job satisfaction.

However, decentralization also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • Reduced efficiency: Decentralized organizations can be less efficient, as it can be more difficult to coordinate activities and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Increased costs: Decentralization can often lead to increased costs, as it can be more expensive to manage multiple locations.
  • Reduced control: Decentralized organizations can give managers less control over the organization’s activities.

The decision of whether to centralize or decentralize authority is a complex one that should be made on a case-by-case basis. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the best approach will vary depending on the specific circumstances of the organization.

  1. Which of the following is not a benefit of delegation?
    (A) It allows managers to focus on more important tasks.
    (B) It can improve employee morale and job satisfaction.
    (C) It can help to improve communication and coordination within an organization.
    (D) It can help to reduce the risk of errors and mistakes.

  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of centralization?
    (A) Decision-making is concentrated at the top of the organization.
    (B) There is a clear chain of command.
    (C) There is a high degree of control over employees.
    (D) There is a low degree of employee autonomy.

  3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of decentralization?
    (A) Decision-making is delegated to lower levels of the organization.
    (B) There is a less clear chain of command.
    (C) There is a lower degree of control over employees.
    (D) There is a higher degree of employee autonomy.

  4. Which of the following is an advantage of centralization?
    (A) It can lead to faster decision-making.
    (B) It can help to ensure consistency in decision-making.
    (C) It can help to reduce costs.
    (D) It can help to improve communication and coordination within an organization.

  5. Which of the following is an advantage of decentralization?
    (A) It can lead to faster decision-making.
    (B) It can help to improve employee morale and job satisfaction.
    (C) It can help to improve communication and coordination within an organization.
    (D) It can help to reduce costs.

  6. Which of the following is a disadvantage of centralization?
    (A) It can lead to slower decision-making.
    (B) It can make it difficult to adapt to change.
    (C) It can lead to a lack of employee autonomy.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is a disadvantage of decentralization?
    (A) It can lead to slower decision-making.
    (B) It can make it difficult to ensure consistency in decision-making.
    (C) It can lead to a lack of control over employees.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of organizational structure for a large, complex organization?
    (A) Centralization.
    (B) Decentralization.
    (C) A hybrid of centralization and decentralization.
    (D) It depends on the specific circumstances of the organization.

  9. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of organizational structure for a small, simple organization?
    (A) Centralization.
    (B) Decentralization.
    (C) A hybrid of centralization and decentralization.
    (D) It depends on the specific circumstances of the organization.

  10. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of organizational structure for an organization that needs to be able to adapt to change quickly?
    (A) Centralization.
    (B) Decentralization.
    (C) A hybrid of centralization and decentralization.
    (D) It depends on the specific circumstances of the organization.

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