World Bamboo Day – 18th September

World Bamboo Day is found each and every year on 18 September to raise attention to the benefits of bamboo & to promote its use in daily products.


Bamboos are used for a number of functions more often than not in East & Southeast Asia.

Bamboo is a very tall, tree-like grass of the Poaceae family. It includes greater than a hundred and fifteen genera and 1,400 species.

The theme of 2021 is #PlantBamboo: It Is Time To Plant Bamboo

WBD was formally declared by the World Bamboo Organization (WBO) on September 18 at the eighth World Bamboo Congress held in Bangkok in 2009.

The intention of the WBO is to bring the achievable use of bamboo to greater expanded exposure, to develop new cultivation of bamboo for new industries in regions across the globe, and to promote ordinary uses domestically for neighborhood financial development, etc.