Work done by Gujarats noted astrophysicist and cosmologist Dr Pankaj Joshi is gettingglobal recognition.

The Scientific American, one of the topmost journal in the world, has published a cover story on Naked Singularities in which Joshis paper is the very first reference.

Earlier, it was in 2009 that the 150-years-old US magazine had invited Joshi to write a full-length article on his path-breaking research. The article Naked Singularities was published as international cover story, translated in more than 20 international languages then.

It was for the first time in seven decades of independent India that an Indian scientific research was published as a cover story in the topmost journal. Joshis work is one step ahead of Roger Penrose, who was conferred the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, for his discovery in 1965.