Women gain financial independence with self-employment in Chhattisgarh

Gauthans have opened new pathways for the development of Women, giving them access to income-generating activities.

Numerous women Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in the Tilai Gauthan located in Jangir-Champa district are involved in various livelihood activities, an official communiqu said on Tuesday.

The families of these women are experiencing improved financial stability. These women have become a source of inspiration.

According to them, the Chhattisgarh government’s Suraji Gaon Yojana has proven to be highly beneficial. With livelihood activities in the Gauthan, women can access self-EMPLOYMENT opportunities within their villages.

The Aarti Women SHG is involved in vermicompost production and duck farming. They have prepared around 3,494 bags of organic manure and made them available to the societies.

The Jai Ma Lakshmi Group focuses on and fish farming. They have earned Rs 20,000 with an Investment of Rs 17,000 in poultry. The Jai Anndhari Group is engaged in commercial vegetable production. They have sold vegetables worth over Rs 54,000.