With 7,000 cybercrimes in 2021, Telangana sits atop national list

leads the country with 7,003 registered cases of cybercrime fraud (credit/debit card fraud, ATM fraud, online Banking fraud, OTP-related frauds, and other frauds) in 2021.

Figures reveal that Telangana is followed by Maharashtra (1,678 cases) and Bihar (1,373 cases). Telangana’s cases increased from 282 in 2019 to 3,316 in 2020 and 7,003 in 2021. According to expert Kotireddy Madhava Reddy, the high number of crimes does not imply higher number of cybercriminals.”It means that there are more victims.

Telangana had the most cases of cybercrime convictions in 2020 at 202.It is the only state along with UP which had so many convicted cases.